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earth • water • fire • air • ether
THE FIVE ELEMENTS AND THE FIVE SENSES “When you investigate the truth about the five basic elements, you will find that they are all within you also. You should strive to make proper use of these elements and sanctify your life. Think of God incessantly. Sing His glory.” earth • water • fire • air • ether EARTH: attributes - smell, taste, form, touch, sound made up of all five elements WATER: attributes - taste, form, touch, sound lighter than earth, hence has the capacity to flow and move FIRE: attributes - form, touch, sound lighter than water, hence has the capacity to rise and spread in all directions AIR: attributes - touch, sound wafts about everywhere and is more pervasive than fire ETHER: attributes - sound unrestrained in its capacity to pervade among the elements. Where does ether exist? It exists everywhere because sound pervades the entire creation Sathya Sai Baba, May 15, 2000
AIM: Constant Integrated Awareness in Speech, Action and Feelings ANNAMAYA KOSA - Smell - Taste - Form - Touch - Sound MANOMAYA KOSA - Taste - Form - Touch - Sound VIJNANAMAYA KOSA - Form - Touch - Sound PRANAMAYA KOSA - Touch - Sound ANANDAMAYA KOSA - Sound
SOUND TRUTH: “In the beginning was the word.” OM, the Pranava is
the basis for creation. RIGHT ACTION: Listen to the Om within. Sound carries powerful vibrations to the body. Listen to sacred sounds. Speak softly and sweetly. Hear only good. PEACE: Practice silence. Talk less, why disturb the atmosphere. Practice silent prayer and peace will follow. LOVE: Singing creates love for God. Harmony occurs and all are united. Practical application for plants, water crystals. NONVIOLENCE: Sacred sounds discourage violent thoughts and actions.
TOUCH TRUTH: Touch is created to enjoy the 5 elements.
“You are swimming in God.” RIGHT ACTION: Use touch to help others. Use discrimination to avoid temptations. Do good. Be good. PEACE: Actions should benefit society and bring about harmony. LOVE: Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray. Loving thoughts from the head go to the hands. 3HV. NONVIOLENCE: Control anger with higher conscience. Never use violence in touch.
SIGHT TRUTH: Sight has fire within. Vision is meant for appreciating the beauty in nature and all life. RIGHT ACTION: See only good. PEACE: Practice seeing the good in everything, even bad sights. This will create peace in one own mind and the minds of others. LOVE: See Sai’s sweet Form. See His Form in others. Smile with love at friends, parents, and those in distress so they may see your loving face. NONVIOLENCE: Don’t frown or have a long face which makes everyone feel bad to see you.
TASTE TRUTH: Taste is created to enjoy Satwic foods that are nourishing for the body. RIGHT ACTION: Control the sense of taste. Eat vegetarian foods that not only save animals but preserve resources on the earth. Drink pure water. PEACE: Satwic, vegetarian food creates harmonious thoughts. Animal food creates animal thoughts. Food should be prepared in a clean environment. LOVE: Serve good Satwic food with love to helpless and hungry. Teach others about the power of Satwic food. NONVIOLENCE: Don’t waste food. Don’t waste water. Practice environmental awareness.
SMELL TRUTH: The sense of smell is related to the earth and is created to enjoy fragrances. RIGHT ACTION: Practice inhaling clean air which carries Prana, the vital energy from the sun. PEACE: Certain fragrances such as Vibhuti and incense are conducive for prayer and meditation. LOVE: There are fragrances from the earth, flowers, and herbs that have the power to heal. Example: essential oils.
MISUSE OF THE SENSES SIGHT: Contains the element of fire. Eyes are endowed with immense power and contain 4,000,000 light rays. Due to unsacred vision, light rays within eyes are being destroyed. Vision defects develop. Mind becomes polluted. TONGUE: Contains 30,000 taste buds. Due to lack of control, the individual is a slave to taste, consuming various foods. Utters unsacred words. Hurts others by harsh words. Life span is reduced. HEARING: Due to indiscriminate hearing: violent thoughts occur, leading to violent actions. Fear and anxiety are increased. Inner peace is lost.
Sight has fire within. Vision is meant for appreciating the beauty in nature and all life. See only good. Practice seeing the good in everything. This will create peace in one’s own mind and the minds of others. See Sai’s sweet Form. See His Form in others. Smile with love at friends, parents and those in distress so they may see your loving face. Don’t frown or have a long face which makes everyone feel bad to see you. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Taste is created to enjoy satwic foods that are nourishing for the body. Control the sense of taste. Eat vegetarian foods that not only save animals but preserve resources on the earth. Drink pure water. Vegetarian food creates harmonious thoughts. Animal food creates animal thoughts. Food should be prepared in a clean environment. Serve good nourishing food with love to helpless and hungry. Teach others about the power of satwic food. Don’t waste food. Don’t waste water. Practice environmental awareness. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
“In the beginning was the word.” AUM, the Pranava is the basis for creation. Listen to the Aum within. Sound carries powerful vibrations to the body. Listen to sacred sounds. Speak softly and sweetly. Hear only good. Practice silence. Talk less, why disturb the atmosphere. Practice silent prayer and peace will follow. Singing creates love for God. Harmony occurs and all are united. Sacred sounds discourage violent thoughts and actions. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Touch is created to enjoy the 5 elements. “You are swimming in God.” Use touch to help others. Use discrimination to avoid temptations. Do good. Be good. Actions should benefit society and bring about harmony. Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray. Loving thoughts from the head go to the hands. 3HV. Control anger with higher conscience. Never use violence in touch. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
The sense of smell is related to the earth and is created to enjoy fragrances. Practice inhaling clean air which carries Prana, the vital energy from the sun. Certain fragrances such as Vibhuti and incense are conducive for prayer and meditation. There are fragrances from the earth, flowers and herbs that have the power to heal. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
The Mind and the Senses “The mind is the basis for the actions of the eye, the ear and the tongue. In the waking state, the eye sees, the ear hears and the tongue speaks. In the dream state, the eyes, the ears and the tongue are inoperative. The mind alone sees, hears and does the talking. The mind does all of the functions of the senses. It is the inner operator of all the sense organs. Without the control of the mind, man cannot have peace even for a moment. One who wishes to lead a happy and peaceful life, must exercise control over his senses. Man today has lost peace of mind because he has no control over his senses.” -- Sathya Sai Baba
“The control of the senses is itself a form of sacrifice which
leads to immortality. Sacrifice of wealth or possessions is no sacrifice at all. It is the sacrifice of the senses which is the highest sacrifice…It is the senses that has to be sacrificed, not the body, which is made up of the five elements and contains all kinds of refuse. It is the attachment to the body that has to be given up… What is the value of all the pleasures you profess to enjoy? If you cannot sacrifice these trivial and transient pleasures, how can you experience the Bliss of the Eternal.” -- Sathya Sai Baba Sanathana Sarathi, April 1994
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