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Workbook pp.14-18. Pg. 14 Assyrians: -built strong, fierce army -established powerful, well-organized government -built road system -produced and collected.

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Presentation on theme: "Workbook pp.14-18. Pg. 14 Assyrians: -built strong, fierce army -established powerful, well-organized government -built road system -produced and collected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workbook pp.14-18

2 Pg. 14 Assyrians: -built strong, fierce army -established powerful, well-organized government -built road system -produced and collected literature

3 Workbook pg.14 Chaldeans: -built richest and largest city -built Hanging Gardens -rich from trade

4 Workbook pg.14 BOTH (Assyrians & Chaldeans had these characteristics): -powerful empires in Mesopotamia -built large temples and palaces -made contributions to science

5 Sum It Up Pg. 16 Why were the Assyrian soldiers considered brutal and cruel? -They fought fiercely, set fire to captured cities, and carried away the citys people and goods.

6 Determining the Main Ideas pg. 16 The main ideas discussed in the passage are: -Babylons beauty -Life in Babylon -The Fall of Babylon

7 Sum It Up pg.17 What were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? -one of the Seven Wonders of the World -terraced gardens having large trees, flowering vines, and plants

8 Section Wrap-Up pg.18 How did Assyria build its vast empire? -created a large and powerful army -established a well-organized government

9 Section Wrap-Up pg.18 What major contributions did the Chaldean Empire make? -beautiful city with the Hanging Gardens -a center of science -made one of the first sundials -were the first to have a 7-day week

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