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Mobilize Why Mobilize? Reason #1 Why Mobilize? EY expects Mobile traffic to be 50%+ by 2015 1.2 Billion Mobile Web Users Worldwide Over 85% of Mobile.

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2 Mobilize

3 Why Mobilize? Reason #1

4 Why Mobilize? EY expects Mobile traffic to be 50%+ by 2015 1.2 Billion Mobile Web Users Worldwide Over 85% of Mobile Devices can Access Web Mobile Devices - 8.5% of Web Traffic today 71% Search via Mobile in response to TV, Radio or Print Ad Mobile Searches Quadrupled 2010-2011 Some Industries are Far Ahead of the Trend

5 Top Mobile Access Stats Percentage of searches that are via a mobile device Category Proportion of searches that are mobile Restaurants29.6% Automotive16.8% Consumer electronics15.5% Finance and insurance15.4%; Beauty and personal14.9% Source: Internal Google Data (February 2011)Internal Google Data (February 2011) via: mobiThinkingmobiThinking

6 More Important Facts


8 What are people doing on their smart phones?

9 Wasted Time Means Opportunity





14 QR



17 How Do You Mobilize? Mobile Website Built and Managed for Mobile Devices PROs Relatively inexpensive Selective Content if Desired CONs Increases Site Management workload Restrictive Formatting

18 How Do You Mobilize? Mobile Website Examples Single Page. Simple Purpose Full Mobile Site with Selective Content

19 How Do You Mobilize? Responsive Website Built and Managed for Mobile Devices PROs Same Content as Desktop website Displays properly on All Devices VERY Cool! CONs Expensive Restricts Formatting on Desktop Site

20 How Do You Mobilize? Responsive Website Examples And Our Favorite

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