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B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 1HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Boštjan Golob University of Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute & Belle Collaboration.

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1 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 1HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Boštjan Golob University of Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute & Belle Collaboration Beauty and charm results from B factories University of Ljubljana Jožef Stefan Institute Helmholz International Summer School Heavy Quark Physics Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Russia, August 11-21, 2008 JINR

2 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 2HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Outline Part of B-factories lectures with A.J. Bevan; division by topics, not by experiments

3 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 3HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Introduction Dual role of charm physics - experimental tests of theor. predictions (most notably of (L)QCD); improve precision of CKM measurements (B physics); example: leptonic decays of D mesons decay constants, tests of LQCD; Dr. Jeckyll - standalone field of SM tests and search for new phenomena (SM and/or NP); example: mixing and CPV in D 0 system Mr. Hyde

4 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 4HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Introduction B-factory=charm factory * c c jets of hadrons (c c) 1.3 nb (~10 9 X c Y c pairs) + light qq production; perfect experimental environment for charm physics; increased interest in charm physics in recent years; # papers in Spires with title charm* year (17± 3)% increase Charm is... a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question. A. Camus (1913 - 1960)

5 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 5HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing D 0 case only M 0 system with down-quarks in loop History observation of K 0 : 1950 (Caletch) mixing in K 0 : 1956 (Columbia) observation of B d 0 : 1983 (CESR) mixing in B d 0 : 1987 (Desy) observation of B s 0 : 1992 (LEP) mixing in B s 0 : 2006 (Fermilab) observation of D 0 : 1976 (SLAC) mixing in D 0 : 2007 (KEK, SLAC) (evidence of) 6 years 4 years 14 years 31 years c quark mass t quark mass ???? c u u c d, s, b W+W+ W-W- D0D0 D0D0 c u u c W+W+ W-W- D0D0 D0D0 V ci V cj V uj * V ui * (adopting eq. from lecture 1, B oscillations)

6 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 6HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing Phenomenology |V cb V ub *|<< |V cs V us *|, |V cd V ud *| assuming unitarity in 2 generations more precisely: G. Burdman, I. Shipsey, Ann.Rev.Nucl.Sci. 53, 431 (2003) DCS SU(3) breaking mixing parameters:

7 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 7HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing Phenomenology 2nd order in pert. th.:: short distance: contributes to x; |x| ~ O (10 -5 ) c u u c D0D0 D0D0 NP common statement: mixing with large x sign of NP; long distance: contributes to y and x; y is affected by sum over real intermediate states; x also affected by sum over off-shell states; |x|, |y| O (10 -2 ) I.I. Bigi, N. Uraltsev, Nucl. Phys. B592, 92 (2001); A.F. Falk et al., PRD69, 114021 (2004) D0D0 D0D0 K+K+ K-K- The duration of passion is proportionate with the original resistance of the woman. H. de Balzac (1799 -1850) D 0 mixing is a rare process

8 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 8HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing Time evolution simplified due to |x|, |y| << 1; various decay modes with specific decay t dependence; Common features D* + D 0 s + charge of s flavor of D 0 ; M=M(D 0 s )-M(D 0 ) (or q= M-m ) background reduction p*(D*) > 2.5 GeV/c eliminates D 0 from b c

9 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 9HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 K+K-K+K- K - + + - N sig 111x10 3 1.22x10 6 49x10 3 P98%99%92% D 0 mixing Decays to CP eigenstates CP even final state; if no CPV: CP|D 1 > = |D 1 > =1/ 1 ; K - + : mixture of CP states =f(1/ 1,1/ 2 ) D 0 K + K - / + - A M, : CPV in mixing and interference (addressed later) S. Bergman et al., PLB486, 418 (2000) more Reconstruction Belle, PRL 98, 211803 (2007), 540fb -1 M(K + K - ), q=M(K + K - s )- M(K + K - )- M( ), t, selection optimized on MC

10 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 10HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing Belle, PRL 98, 211803 (2007), 540fb -1 y CP =(1.24± 0.39±0.13)% Decays to CP eigenstates K + K - / + - and K - + ratio evidence for D 0 mixing (regardless of possible CPV) 3.2 (4.1 stat. only) 2 /ndf= 1.084 (ndf=289) + confirmation: BaBar, arXiv:0712.2249, 384fb -1 y CP currently most precisely measured param. simultaneous binned likelihood fit to decay-t, common free y CP

11 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 11HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing WS decays (non-CP) D* + D 0 slow + D 0 D 0 K + - DCS decays interference; t-dependence to separate DCS/mixed BaBar, PRL 98, 211802 (2007), 384fb -1 : unknown strong phase DCS/CF reconstruction N WS =4030±90; fit R : sum of 3 Gaussians; RS sample: =(410.3±0.6) fs WS sample

12 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 12HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 1 2 3 4 5 likelihood contours 3.9 D 0 mixing WS decays (non-CP) Result x 2, y region BaBar, PRL 98, 211802 (2007), 384fb -1 evidence for D 0 mixing Belle, PRL 96, 151801 (2006), 400fb -1 95% C.L. (x 2, y) contour frequentist, FC ordering R D = (3.03 ± 0.16±0.10 ) ·10 -3 x 2 = (-0.22 ±0.33±0.21) · 10 -3 y = (9.7 ±4.4±3.1) · 10 -3 R D = (3.64 ± 0.17 ) ·10 -3 x 2 = (0.18 ± 0.21 0.23 ) · 10 -3 y = (0.6 ± 4.0 3.9 ) · 10 -3 uncertainty includes syst. error

13 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 13HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing t-dependent Dalitz analyses different types of interm. states; CF: D 0 K* - + DCS: D 0 K* + - CP: D 0 0 K S if f = f populate same Dalitz plot; relative phases determined (unlike D 0 K + - ); t-dependence: regions of Dalitz plane specific t dependence f(x, y); sum of intermediate states: 1,2 = f (x,y); n.b.: K + - :x 2, y m ± 2 = m 2 (K S ± ), D 0 K S + - t access directly x, y D0fD0f D0fD0f

14 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 14HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing t-dependent Dalitz analyses N sig = (534.4±0.8)x10 3 P 95% Dalitz fit projections; decay-t fit projection; K*(892) + K* X (1400) + K*(892) - t [fs] = (409.9±0.9) fs Belle, PRL 99, 131803 (2007), 540fb -1 more most sensitive meas. of x

15 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 15HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing D 0 : first two quark generations; CKM elements real; using CKM unitarity: bellow current exp. sensitivity; signals New Physics CP violation V cs V us * D0D0 K-K- K+K+ parameterization: R D 1: Cabbibo suppression A D 0: CPV in decay A M 0: CPV in mixing 0 : CPV in interference more

16 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 16HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing CP violation Decays to CP states with a dec <<1: Belle, arXiv:0807.0148, 540fb -1 BaBar, arXiv:0712.2249, 384fb -1 t-integrated A CP meas =A + A FB + A CP f A : comparison of tagged/untagged (D* + D 0 + ),D 0 K - + A FB : asymmetric f(cos CMS ) t-dependent Belle, PRL 98, 211803 (2007), 540fb -1 A CP KK A CP A FB KK A FB |cos CMS | BaBar, PRL 100, 061803 (2007), 386fb -1 more

17 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 17HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing CP violation WS decays (non-CP) separate D 0 and D 0 tags; fit (x 2,y,R D ) (x ±2, y ±,R D ± ); A D = (23 ± 47) ·10 -3 A M = (670 ± 1200) ·10 -3 BaBar, PRL 98, 211802 (2007), 384fb -1 Belle, PRL 96, 151801 (2006), 400fb -1 consistent consistent with 0 x10 -3 t-dependent Dalitz analyses additional free param, |q/p|, ; Belle, PRL 99, 131803 (2007), 540fb -1

18 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 18HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing Average of results K+K-K+K- K + - K S - + RMRM 2 fit including correlations among measured quantities 2 /n.d.f.= 23.5/18 (x,y)(0,0): 6.7 ; CP even state heavier and shorter lived; no CPV within 1 CPV uncertainty Don't keep mixing in these other things. It only confuses. K. Kinski (1926 - 1991) n.b.: x(D 0 ) 0.01; x(K 0 ) 1; x(B d ) 0.8; x(B s ) 25;

19 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 19HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing Constraints on NP SuperB, L = 5 ab -1 E. Golowich et al., PRD76, 095009 (2007) x x=2% 12k 11k D0D0 D0D0 D0D0 D0D0 uncertain SM predictions for x, y; measured values can impose constraints on NP models parameter space; e.g. R-parity violating SUSY; existing constraints largely improved for many NP models R-parity violating coupling const. Approximate sensitivity (x) (y) (|q/p|) ( ) 0.1% 0.1% 0.1 0.1 LHCb, L = 10 fb -1 (x 2 ) (y) 6x10 -5 0.1% x, y accuracy ~3x better than current WA; sensitivity to CPV would cover range of SM predictions Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future. N. Bohr (1885 - 1962)

20 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 20HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D s leptonic decays D e+ e- DsDs µ Ds*Ds* tag signal K K additional particles K prim full recon. D s analogy of B leptonic decays, see Lecture 1; check of LQCD (f P ) ? Method: inverse (recoil) reconstruction D Kn, n=1,3 relative charge (K prim, D)/D s * right-, wrong-sign inclusive D s signal (no requirement) efficiency depends on # primary particles: n X = 3 (DD s *K prim ) + N differences data/MC M(D s )=M rec (DK prim X ) recon. in recoil M 2 ( )=M 2 rec (DK prim X ) D s signal Belle, PRL 100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1

21 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 21HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D s leptonic decays D s Method fit data M(D s ) distr. with MC signal in bins of n X rec ; bkg. from WS inclusive D s normalization; Method fully reconstruct tag side D s,D +,D 0,D* + ; ; p from p miss with m( ) m Ds ; signal in M=M( )-M( ) (~ m Ds* -m Ds ); exact D s production in cc not known normalization: D s D s * D s D s N=2093 99 D e+ e- DsDs µ Ds*Ds* tag Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 BaBar, PRL98, 141801 (2007), 230fb -1

22 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 22HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D s leptonic decays D s Signal fit data M( ) distribution with MC signal in bins of n X rec ; bkg. from D s e Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 BaBar, PRL98, 141801 (2007), 230fb -1 D s * D s D s N=489 55 Br(D s ) = (6.44 ± 0.76 ± 0.56) x10 -3 Br(D s ) = (6.74 ± 0.83 ± 0.26 0.66) x10 -3 dependence reduced (single track ( ) recon.) last uncertainty Br(D s ) f Ds = (275 ± 16 ± 12) MeV using |V cs | = 0.9730 ± 0.0002 from overall fit including unitarity (PDG) f Ds = (283 ± 17 ± 7 ± 14) MeV Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 BaBar, PRL98, 141801 (2007), 230fb -1

23 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 23HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D s leptonic decays D s Average of absolute meas.; huge improvement in LQCD accuracy; agreement for f D+ : LQCD: 208 ± 4 MeV exp.: 223 ±17 MeV (but exp. error larger than for f Ds ) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 MeV e aver. Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 Cleo-c, PRL99, 071802 (2007), 314pb -1 Cleo-c, PRL100, 161801 (2008), 298pb -1 MILC, PRL95, 122002 (2005) LQCD HPQCD, UKQCD, PRL100, 062002 (2008) 3.3 discrepancy 274 ±10 MeV 241 ±3 MeV to do list: confirm LQCD uncertainty; reduce exp. uncertainty; more

24 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 24HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy Production @ B-factories open and hidden charm; clean exp. environment; various methods related to different prod. mechanisms; rich harvest of previously unknown states at B-factories; only few (exotic) examples discussed; spectroscopy: tests of QCD, bounding qs and gs in hadrons V cb V cs * B b c q c s q V cb V q1q2 * B b c q q1q1 q2q2 q c c c c * e+e+ e-e- * e+e+ e-e- X e+e+ e-e- X e-e- e+e+ open charm (D s **, D**,...) colour suppressed; hidden charm (cc, charmonium-like...) continuum (double cc) (also lectures by V. Barguta) initial state radiation (1 -- states) two photon processes

25 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 25HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy Exotic states states other than q 1 q 2, q 1 q 2 q 3 not forbidden in SM; exotic J PC (e.g. 0 +-, 1 -+, 2 +-,... forbidden for qq); exotic decay modes (not possible from qq); strange properties (widths,...); pentaquarks: q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 ; hybrids: cc + gs; tetraquarks: diquark-antidiquark, [cq][cq] molecules: M(cq)M(cq), loosely bound mesons...Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know...: Forrest Gump (1994)

26 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 26HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy X(3872) observed in B decays, B (J/ )K; charmonium-like; well established state; V cb V cs * B b c q c s q K Belle, PRL 91, 262001 (2003), 140fb -1 M bc in 5 MeV bins of M( + - J/ ) Belle, hep-ex/0505038, 250fb -1

27 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 27HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 M D +M D* c J/ c c0 c1 c2 hchc c h c c 1 c2 2 3 Spectroscopy X(3872) properties C=+1; M( ) distrib., -like; (cc) J/ isospin breaking; 4-quark states: c : ang. distr., M, ; c0 : ang. distr., DD; c1 : J/ c2 : c dominant, DD*; c2 : DD*; no obvious cc candidate; c2 CDF, PRL96, 1 02002 (2006), 360pb -1 Belle, hep-ex/0505037, 250fb -1 Belle, hep-ex/0505038, 250fb -1 ang. distrib.: J PC = 1 ++, 2 -+ favoured; more

28 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 28HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy X(3872) other possibilities (see also lectures by V. Lyubovitskij) DD* molecule: isospin breaking; J PC =1 ++ ; J/ favoured over DD ; R~0.1 E. Braten, M. Lu, PRD77, 014029 (2008); see also E.S. Swanson, Phys. Rept. 429, 243 (2006) for review B + X(D 0 D 0 0 )K + B + X(D* 0 D 0 )K + last uncertainty: m D0 ; main syst.: 0 calibration and signal shape Belle, PRL97, 162002 (2006), 414 fb -1 BaBar, PRD77, 111102 (2008), 347 fb -1 Belle, PRL97, 162002 (2006), 414 fb -1 Belle, hep-ex/0505037, 250fb -1 J=2 decays to DD* suppressed by (p*) 2L+1 with L=1,2; 1 ++ state favoured more

29 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 29HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy X(3872) other possibilities DD* molecule: prod. from B 0 suppressed compared to B + (depending on model parameters); tetraquarks: two mixed states, [cu][cu], [cd][cd]; one produced mainly in B 0, other in B + decays mass difference; also charged X + [cu][cd], no evidence so far; Belle, BELLE-CONF-0711, 605 fb -1 BaBar, PRD77, 111101 (2008), 413 fb -1 M(J/ ) for B XK K+K+ KsKs KsKs K+K+ L. Maiani et al., PRD71, 014028 (2005) more It is characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. H.D. Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

30 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 30HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy Z + (4430) B ( + )K; ll, J/ ; Dalitz plot; K* veto; M( + ); fit: BW + phase space; signal stable in subsamples, w.r.t. K* veto, etc.; known S-, P- and D-wave K resonances tried, cannot reproduce the peak; first charged charmonium-like resonance; more Belle, PRL100, 142001 (2008), 605 fb -1 N=121 ± 30 6.5 possibilities: tetraquark, radial excitation of X + (3872) (J P =1 + ; neutral partner?); D*D 1 (2420) threshold effect; D*D 1 (2420) molecule (J P =0 -,1 -,2 - ;decays to D*D* ?) L.Maiani et al., arxiv:0708.3997 J. Rosner, PRD74, 114002 (2007) C. Meng et al., arxiv:0708.4222

31 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 31HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Summary B-factories successfully perform the precision measurements in determination of SM processes as a complement to direct NP searches (starting on Sep. 10) SM stands, although hints (~3 ) of discrepancies are seen B-factories have outreached the program as foreseen at the start B oscillations in conjunction with breakthrough in B s confirms SM to a high accuracy leptonic and radiative B decays constrain NP but large room for improvement from SuperB Important results in charm D 0 mixing and CPV another milestone achieved, need more precise measurements and predictions D s leptonic decays testing LQCD Spectroscopy may need extensions

32 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 32HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more CPV parameterization three types of CPV R D 1 Cabbibo supp. A D 0 direct CPV A M 0 CPV in mixing 0 CPV in interf. - sign due to relative sign of V us and V cd ; back

33 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 33HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more Decays to CP eigenstates D 0 K + K - / + - to linear order: back

34 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 34HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more Decays to CP eigenstates D 0 K + K - / + - since A D <<1 if same procedure applied separately to D 0 and D 0 lifetime: 1/ f = /(1+y CP ); y CP =( / f )-1=y cos -A m x sin back

35 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 35HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more Decays to CP eigenstates D 0 K + K - / + - back Fit simultaneous binned likelihood fit to K + K - /K - + / + - decay-t, common free y CP R : ideally each i Gaussian resol. term with fraction f i ; : described by 3 Gaussians = 408.7±0.6 fs event-by-event t parameters of R depend slightly on data taking conditions t rec -t gen / t K - +

36 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 36HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more Decays to CP eigenstates t-integrated CPV in D 0 K + K - / + - A from comparison A untag /A tag back =0 (strong int.) =0 (same for D 0, D 0 ) BaBar, PRL 100, 061803 (2007), 386fb -1 method of

37 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 37HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more Decays to CP eigenstates t-integrated CPV in D 0 K + K - / + - back A (p,cos ) Belle, arXiv:0807.0148, 540fb -1

38 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 38HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more back t-dependent Dalitz analyses selection; Dalitz model; Belle, PRL 99, 131803 (2007), 540fb -1 M signal rnd slow combin. 13 BW resonances, non-resonant contr.; comb. bkg.: from M sideband test of S-wave contr. (f 0, 1,2 ): K-matrix formalism Results (fit fractions, phases) in agreement with (measurement of 3 ) Belle, PRD73, 112009 (2006)

39 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 39HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more back t-dependent Dalitz analyses Belle, PRL 99, 131803 (2007), 540fb -1 Largest systematics model dependence [10 -4 ]: x y -10.3 +0.1 K* 0 (1430) DCS/CF -15% + 6.9 -2.5 K* 2 (1430) DCS/CF -30% -1.6 -0.9 K*(1410) DCS & CF -20% -5.1 -4.1 (q 2 ) const. --------------------------------- +10 +6 Total model dep. -14 -8 experimental: x y +7.6 -7.8 p* variation -5.6 -5.7 Dalitz pdf for bkg. from different t bins ----------------------- +9 +8 Total experimental -7 -12 observed discrepancy from input in MC statistical uncertainty: (x)=29x10 -4 (y)=24x10 -4

40 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 40HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D 0 mixing more back t-dependent Dalitz analyses Belle, PRL 99, 131803 (2007), 540fb -1 efficiency and resol. in M( rnd s bkg.: P rnd [(1-f w ) M (m - 2,m + 2,t) +f w M (m + 2,m - 2,t)] R (t) f w from fit to Q side band: f w = 0.452 ± 0.005 diff. w.r.t. f w =0.5 in systematic error comb. bkg.: P cmb B(m - 2,m + 2 ) * ([ (t) + Exp(t) ] R(t) parameters from fit to Dalitz and t distrib. of M(K S + - ) sideband (systematics: Dalitz distrib. in different t intervals)

41 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 41HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 D s leptonic decays more back D s projection B factories with 2 ab -1 ~4% uncertainty on f Ds ; Charm-factory: syst. on D s tags? test of LQCD to ~2-3%; possible NP effects: Cleo-c D s tags, 2.5% L / fb -1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cleo-c, PRD 76, 072002 (2007) Belle, PRL100, 241801 (2008), 548fb -1 M: NP mass B.A. Dobrescu, A.S. Kronfeld,, PRL100, 241802 (2008)

42 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 42HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy more back X(3872) B KX (J/ ): B K c1 (J/ ) calibration; B KX (J/ ): B K S calibration; B KX (J/ 0 ): 13.6±4.4 evts.(4 ) no. of Bs in bins of M( J/ ) Belle, hep-ex/0505037, 250fb -1 Belle, BELLE-CONF-0711, 605 fb -1 no. of Bs in bins of M( 0 ) 13.1±4.2 evts.(6.4 ) M( + - 0 )>750 MeV Belle, hep-ex/0505037, 250fb -1

43 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 43HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy more X(3872) tetraquarks: predicted spectrum; mass difference; : mixing angle DD* molecule: wave function fractions L. Maiani et al., PRD71, 014028 (2005) back E.S.Swanson, PLB588, 189 (2004) ZiZi binding energy back

44 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 44HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Spectroscopy more Z + (4430) S-, P-, D-wave interference: K 16 GeV 2 22 GeV 2 M 2 ( ) +1.0 cos 0.25 (4.43) 2 GeV 2 interference incoherent cannot produce a single peak at cos ~ 0.25 back Belle, PRL100, 142001 (2008), 605 fb -1

45 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 45HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 SuperB more back energy frontier sesnitivity frontier not to underestimate power of precision measurements Two approaches Competitiveness A. Roodman, JPS/DPF meeting, Hawaii 06

46 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 46HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 SuperB more back 2 tree dominated 2 penguin dominated NP Some physics motivation different models for NP; in any case precise meas. of observables test specifically for this mode: SM expect. for sin2 1 : 0 ± 2% current sens.: 6% (b sqq) current lum.: 1.2 ab -1 needed: >10 ab -1 proposed for Super B-factory

47 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 47HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 SuperB more back More examples of physics motivation Complementarity Super KEKB Physics working group

48 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 48HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 SuperB more back Proposed luminosity Super KEKB: 8x10 35 cm -2 s -1 crab cavities Frascati: ~10 36 cm -2 s -1

49 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 49HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 Crab cavities will be installed and tested with beam in 2006. The superconducting cavities will be upgraded to absorb more higher-order mode power up to 50 kW. The beam pipes and all vacuum components will be replaced with higher-current-proof design. The state-of-art ARES copper cavities will be upgraded with higher energy storage ratio to support higher current. SuperKEKB e+ 4.1 A e- 9.4 A * y = σ z = 3 mm will reach 8 × 10 35 cm -2 s -1. SuperB more H. Koiso, Inaugural meeting of Super Belle

50 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 50HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 SuperB more ItemObject Oku-yen = 1.0 M$ Luminosity New beam pipes Enable high current Reduce e-cloud 178 (incl. BPM, magnets, etc.) x1.5 New IRSmall β*31x2 e+ Damping Ring Allow injection with small increase e+ capture 40 incl. linac upgrade if not, x0.75 More RF and cooling systems High current 179 (incl. facilities) x3 Crab CavitiesHigher beam-beam param.15x2 - x4 H. Koiso, Inaugural meeting of Super Belle

51 B. Golob, Ljubljana Univ.Results from B factories 51HQP School, Dubna, Aug 2008 SuperB more A. Suzuki, KEK Director General, Inaugural meeting of Super Belle

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