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The Parable of the Wedding Feast Matthew 22:1-14.

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2 The Parable of the Wedding Feast Matthew 22:1-14

3 Review The religious leaders had challenged Jesus authority Two Sons – responded to their rejection of John the Baptist The Vineyard – responded to the question of authority (Johns, Jesus, and their own) Now another parable to show their attitude in comparison to the sinners –An expansion on ideas found in the previous two parables

4 The Parable (Part 1) Matthew 22:1-10 –The kingdom is like a royal wedding feast Isa 25:6 uses same figure for Messianic kingdom –Invitations had been previously sent Now sends word that all is ready Call spurned by indifference or rebelliousness –The King reacts furiously –New invitations are made to those not previously invited

5 The meaning of the parable The King is God –The groom, the royal son, is Jesus –The bride is the church (2 Cor 11:2) The invitations previously sent –All the OT, law and prophet The invited guests were the Jews The call to come made by John and prophets –Prophets rejected by indifference and rebellion The Kings reaction is Gods divine judgment on those who rejected His call to enter the kingdom

6 Application (of part 1) Are you spurning the invitation? –Through indifference? Some lack interest in spiritual things –Through rebelliousness? Some know the truth and reject it In either case, you will face Gods wrath –2 Thes 1:6-10

7 The Parable (Part 2) Matthew 22:11-14 –A guest without proper clothes By custom, a king would furnish proper clothes (white robes) for guests to put on upon arrival To not put on the provided clothes would be rude –King asks guest, Why? No possible excuse –The guest cast out

8 The meaning of the parable The wedding apparel (white robes) is the forgiveness of sins (Rev 7:13-14) The guest is one who thinks he can enter the kingdom (the Feast) without having his sins forgiven in the way God supplies (baptism – Acts 2:38) The result – denied entry into the kingdom and eternal punishment

9 Application (of part 2) Are you seeking to enter the kingdom on your own terms? –Some want Faith only or Sinners prayer –Some want infant baptism –Some want a direct operation of the Spirit –Some want OT righteousness Rom 10:1-4 God has provided the clothes for us to wear –Gal 3:26-27

10 Conclusion Are you ready for the feast? –Rev 19:6-9 We must come in the right garments –Made white by the blood of Christ (Rev 7:14) –We must do our part by obedience both in baptism and in righteous acts The feast is ready The call has gone forth Will you come now?


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