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Wetland habitats (7230, 7160, 7110, 7120, 91D0) Boreal Natura 2000 workshop, 25-26 January 2012 Helsinki.

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Presentation on theme: "Wetland habitats (7230, 7160, 7110, 7120, 91D0) Boreal Natura 2000 workshop, 25-26 January 2012 Helsinki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wetland habitats (7230, 7160, 7110, 7120, 91D0) Boreal Natura 2000 workshop, January 2012 Helsinki

2 Common problems in management
Passive (non-intervention) management is the most common approach for mire conservation in boreal region 1. Modification of hydrological functions (long-term influence of surrounding forestry drainage, influence neighbouring peat extraction areas, tree invasion to open 7110) 2. Changes in land use (abandonment of wet meadows , overgrowing of open mires ) 3. Not using of existing expertise 4. Monitoring and interpretation of conservation status (eg 7110/7120) 5. Lack of good governace of PA (cooperative management with stackeholders, boundary problems of PAs, lack of funds) Kui eksperdid annavad hinnangu - teadmata, kuigi on olemas seireprogramm, siis ilmselt ei ole seire piisav

3 Information gaps 1. Lack of common guidelines for boreal region (existing guidelines available only in national languages, lack of information about cost-effective restoration technologies, restoration approach for abandoned peat extracton field) 2. Interpretation of conservation status (7110 / complexes, threshold values, indicators of status, uniform approach for identifieng threats, uniform monitoring methodology, lack of harmonized scientific assessment approach 3. Lack of knowledge and inventory data for prioritization of restoration needs 4. Lack of knowledge about ecological processes (eg restoration approach for 7160 & 7230) 5. Ecosystem services of boreal wetlands (eg mires as carbon sources or sinks) Kui eksperdid annavad hinnangu - teadmata, kuigi on olemas seireprogramm, siis ilmselt ei ole seire piisav

4 Examples of good practice
Existing experience from restoration projects results (sucsess stories and failures) Existing guidelines (in national languages) Workshops (NorBalWet, Baltic Enviromental Fund) LIFE projects Kui eksperdid annavad hinnangu - teadmata, kuigi on olemas seireprogramm, siis ilmselt ei ole seire piisav

5 Potential proposal for cooperation
1. Create permanently working network(s) of mire experts (better use of existing network: NorBalWet, Europarks, IMCC, Eurosite, use of joint communication platforms 2. Sharing existing expertise about mire restoration between countries (translate existing guidelines, practical workshops and study trips for conservation area managers). 3. Harmonization monitoring and interpretation conservation status between countries. 4. Needs for research networks (eg fens, carbon issue, climate change, ecosystem services) 5. Elaboration of joint project proposal dealing with boreal mires (eg Life`+, INTERREG ...) Kui eksperdid annavad hinnangu - teadmata, kuigi on olemas seireprogramm, siis ilmselt ei ole seire piisav 5

6 Thank You! Kui eksperdid annavad hinnangu - teadmata, kuigi on olemas seireprogramm, siis ilmselt ei ole seire piisav

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