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“Products over reactants, the coefficients are the powers”

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1 “Products over reactants, the coefficients are the powers”
The Equilibrium Law “Products over reactants, the coefficients are the powers”

2 equilibrium constant OUTCOME QUESTION(S): C12-4-04 EQUILIBRIUM AND Keq
Relate the concept of equilibrium to physical and chemical systems. Include: conditions necessary to achieve equilibrium. Write equilibrium law expressions from balanced chemical equations and solve problems involving equilibrium constants. Include: ICE tables Vocabulary & Concepts equilibrium constant 

3 aA + bB cC + dD Keq Equilibrium Law
For a system at equilibrium (with constant temperature), a ratio of the concentrations of reactants over products raised to the coefficients of the equation equal a constant value. aA + bB cC + dD This new expression is connected to what we know about elementary reactions and rate kinetics… = Keq [A]a[B]b [C]c[D]d

4 Keq kf [A]a[B]b = kr [C]c[D]d
For an elementary reaction, the forward and reverse reactions would have these rate laws: aA + bB cC + dD ratefwd = kf [A]a[B]b raterev = kr [C]c[D]d And at equilibrium rates are equal: kf kr = [A]a[B]b [C]c[D]d Keq kf [A]a[B]b = kr [C]c[D]d Rearranged we get… The ratio of rate constants was condensed to one constant, Keq, called the equilibrium constant.

5 “Products over reactants, the coefficients are the powers”
When writing the equilibrium expression, omit solids (s) or liquids (l). Solids and Liquids don’t have concentrations, they have density – which is accounted for in the constant value C(s) + H2O(g) CO(g) + H2(g) The constant is generally abbreviated Keq Kc is using concentrations Kp is when using pressures = [CO][H2] [H2O] Kc {C}

6 “Products over reactants, the coefficients are the powers”
Write the equilibrium expressions: N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) NH3 (g) = Kc [N2][H2]3 [NH3]2 2 Na(s) + Pb2+(aq) Pb(s) + 2 Na1+(aq) = Kc [Pb2+] [Na1+]2 Homogeneous equilibria Reactants and products are all in one state Heterogeneous equilibria Reactants and products in more than one state

7 If Kc = 1 [products] = [reactants]
Keq value can indicate whether there are more products or reactants when equilibrium is reached: If Kc = 1 [products] = [reactants] aA + bB cC + dD Kinetic Region Equilibrium Region Kinetic Region Equilibrium Region Concentration Rate Reactants Reactants Products Products Time teqbm Time teqbm

8 If Kc > 1 [products] are favoured.
Keq value can indicate whether there are more products or reactants when equilibrium is reached: If Kc > 1 [products] are favoured. aA + bB cC + dD Kinetic Region Equilibrium Region Kinetic Region Equilibrium Region Concentration Rate Reactants Reactants Products Products Time teqbm Time teqbm

9 If Kc < 1 [reactants] are favoured.
Keq value can indicate whether there are more products or reactants when equilibrium is reached: If Kc < 1 [reactants] are favoured. aA + bB cC + dD Kinetic Region Equilibrium Region Kinetic Region Equilibrium Region Concentration Rate Reactants Reactants Products Products Time teqbm Time teqbm

10 equilibrium constant CAN YOU / HAVE YOU? C12-4-04 EQUILIBRIUM AND Keq
Relate the concept of equilibrium to physical and chemical systems. Include: conditions necessary to achieve equilibrium. Write equilibrium law expressions from balanced chemical equations and solve problems involving equilibrium constants. Include: ICE tables Vocabulary & Concepts equilibrium constant 

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