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3.3 Marriage and Family Life

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1 3.3 Marriage and Family Life
KEYWORDS Adultery An act of sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner. Civil Partnership A legal ceremony giving a homosexual couple the same legal rights as a husband and wife. Cohabitation Living together without being married. Contraception Intentionally preventing conception from occurring. Faithfulness Staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with them. Homosexuality Sexual attraction to the same sex. Nuclear family Mother, father and children living as a unit. Pre-marital sex Sex before marriage. Procreation Making a new life Promiscuity Having sex with a number of partners without commitment. Re-constituted family Where two sets of children (step-brothers and sisters) become one family when their divorced parents marry each other. Re-marriage Marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage. 3.3 Marriage and Family Life 1. ASSESS YOUR CURRENT LEVEL TOPIC AREA 1 Marriage and Divorce TOPIC AREA 2 Sex and Relationships TOPIC AREA 3 Family Life I can explain with reasons, quotes and examples the purposes of marriage in the Roman Catholic Christianity. I can explain with reasons, quotes and examples different Christian attitudes to sex outside marriage and the reasons for them. I can explain with reasons, quotes and examples the teachings on family life and its importance of the Roman Catholic Church. I can explain how the purposes of marriage are shown in the wedding ceremony. I can explain with reasons, quotes and examples different Christian attitudes to homosexuality and the reasons for them. I can describe how Roman Catholic parishes help with the upbringing of children. I can explain with reasons, quotes and examples different Christian attitudes to divorce. I can describe different methods of contraception and the reasons for them. I can describe how Roman Catholic parishes help to keep the family together. I can explain with reasons, quotes and examples different Christian attitudes to contraception and the reasons for them. I can explain how attitudes to marriage, divorce, family life and homosexuality in the UK have changed and the reasons for this. I can explain how issues from this topic have been presented in the media, including whether the treatment was fair to religious beliefs and religious people 2. TARGET YOUR WEAKNESSES Choose the topic area that you are currently the least confident in, use it as your focus for a concentrated section of revision. Later on you will be completing a practise question about this area without your notes. Strategies you can use to help you revise Create a detailed key-point tool Complete the practise questions from the textbook Make key bullet-points for each of the key sections from the topic guide. Work with a partner to create a revision test. Map out how many links and connections you can make from the areas of this topic to things you know already/other areas of the GCSE RE course. Find 3 quotes from the Bible you can use to include and deepen your explanations. Resources to help you revise Your workbook The textbook Revision resources supplied by your teacher Checking things through with your teacher Checking with a partner. 3. ASSESS YOUR PROGRESS TOPIC AREA 1 TOPIC AREA 2 TOPIC AREA 3 A What is procreation? What is faithfulness? What is cohabitation? B Do you think changes in society’s attitude to marriage is a good thing? Do you think the media presents a fair picture of Christian attitudes towards sex outside of marriage? Do you think that couples should get married before starting a family? C Explain how the purposes of marriage are shown in the wedding ceremony. Explain different Christian attitudes to homosexuality. Explain the importance of the family for Roman Catholics. D “Roman Catholic Christians should avoid divorce if possible.” “Christians should not use contraception.” “Catholic Parents have a responsibility to bring their child up as a Catholic.” 4. MARK YOUR WORK (in a different colour pen) 5. REVIEW AND NEXT STEPS Mark Grade On target? What next steps do you need to take to consolidate your knowledge/target any gaps? A QUESTION B QUESTION C QUESTION D QUESTION 2 Marks – Fully accurate definition. 1 Mark – Partially accurate definition. 0 Mark – Completely inaccurate 4 Marks –Opinion backed up with two detailed reasons. 3 Marks – Opinion backed up with one detailed reason and one brief reason. 2 Marks – Opinion backed up with one detailed reason or two brief reasons. 1 Mark – Opinion backed up with one brief reason. 8 Marks – Full understanding demonstrated with accurate, different reasons (4 brief or 2 developed). 6 Marks – Good understanding demonstrated with accurate, different reasons (3 brief or 1 developed and 1 brief) 4 Marks – Fair understanding demonstrated with accurate, different reasons (1 developed or 2 brief). 2 Marks – Partial understanding demonstrated with one brief, accurate reason. Each section is marked out of 3. 3 – 3 brief reasons, 2 detailed or 1 comprehensive. 2 – 2 brief reasons or 1 detailed. 1 – 1 brief reason. To achieve more than 3 across the two sections you must have referred to a religious point of view.

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