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2 COSMETIC SURGERY My documentary idea is cosmetic surgery. I believe that this is an interesting topic for me to research, produce and film as well as for an audience of all ages to watch, enjoy as well as being informed. Figures show that there has been a sharp increase in cosmetic surgery popularity within the UK, with this being such an increasing number, people should become more aware of effects it can have, both pros and cons. I would like to look into the reasoning why people feel the need to go through with cosmetic surgery and stories behind issues people face that cause them to go through with this. Within celebrity culture and social media it is such a reoccurring thing which is becoming conditioned into our minds that cosmetic surgery is now the ‘norm’. People of all ages are now on social media and on an everyday basis we are seeing images of attractive men and women who majority of the audience idolises and perhaps wish to look like. This is a topic in which I think will be very fascinating and informative for the audience. Within the documentary I wish to conduct a number of interviews. One interview in particular being with a cosmetic surgeon/ consultant, as I wish to gain some professional knowledge about the subject as well as more detail and the effects that plastic surgery is having on those who continue to get it. We will conduct a survey with the general public to get a general consensus of how many people who have had cosmetic surgery that we may not even notice, as well as the general publics thoughts into how they feel about it. The main focus will be the effect that cosmetic surgery is having on induvial lives and how it is effecting society as a whole.

3 LOCATION: Consultant clinic Harley St, London: This location is where an interview will take place with a cosmetic surgeon/ consultant at the practice, we will ask a series of questions regarding the procedure and general questions relating to the topic. If this location cannot be granted, we will therefore research backup clinics in which we can conduct an interview with someone in this profession. CWC recording studio: At this location we will be filming our views, statistics and the effect that cosmetic surgery has on society and the general idea behind why we feel that people go through these procedures. This is also where any voice overs will be filmed of us talking about images shown on screen and for any other parts where a voice over will be used. Oxford St high-street: At this location we will be recording a survey with the general public asking their thoughts on cosmetic surgery and where they have had any. This is a chosen location as such a large variety of people are located in this area, making the questionnaire as non-biased as possible. As well as the fact it is a busy location so if one person says no to being on camera and answering our question then it is most likely in a high populated area we will find enough people that are willing to participate.

4 CONTRIBUTORS: London public Cosmetic surgeon from ‘Consultant Clinic’ London Ourselves, Berfin, Eronita and Verity EQUIPMENT: -Canon 4000D -Additional mm lens -Tripod -Camera light -Addition camera battery -Additional memory card -Three point lighting lights -Microphone -Premier Pro: editing software -YouTube converter if music being added -Any additional props needed for actors during video -Recording devices eg. Tascam DR-100 MKII Additional Kit Boom Pole, Wind Jammer, Pistol Grip, Blimp Windshield and XLR cable. 

5 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Total time- 5 weeks Research: 12 days Production: 12 days Post Production: 11 days Being 35 days in total for the whole production schedule I have calculated it to be roughly even for each 3 sections so that there is enough time given to fulfil the tasks which are needed.

We will gather archive footage and use this to influence our research. For example, a famous YouTuber called Holly Boon made a video called “Addicted to plastic surgery” this gave us an incite into an influences life whereby they have been effected negatively by the original appeal that she had for cosmetic surgery, as well as the after effect it left in her both physically and mentally. With the age group we our focusing on, some may already watch or know of Holly Boon, so we have mainly been influenced with her addiction and the aftermath it left her with, this being so close to home and someone that a lot of people look up to she made the video for awareness which is a similar outlook we may take in our documentary. Along side looking at current BBC documentaries for our topic and the angle that they have taken and we will try to focus on a different aspect that existing documentaries haven’t, going down a different route to them. PHOTOGRAPHS Throughout the duration of the documentary we will add overlaid photos linking to what we are talking about. Images may include a graph showing statistics of the average number that get cosmetic surgery in a year, or over 5 years whether there has been an increase or decrease in numbers. We will also use images such as botched procedures, different types of cosmetic surgery, before and after images as well as celebrity influences. SOUND Both diegetic and non-diegetic sound will be used. We will use voice overs, music, and dialogue within the documentary.


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