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Lesson 13 for September 28, 2013. To us as well as to the disciples, Christ has given the work of carrying the truth to the world. But before engaging.

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1 Lesson 13 for September 28, 2013

2 To us as well as to the disciples, Christ has given the work of carrying the truth to the world. But before engaging in this great and aggressive warfare, upon which eternal results depend, Christ invites all to count the cost. He assures them that if they take hold of the work with undivided hearts, giving themselves as light-bearers to the world, if they will take hold of his strength, they will make peace with him, and obtain supernatural assistance that will enable them in their weakness to do the deeds of Omnipotence. If they go forward with faith in God, they will not fail nor become discouraged, but will have the assurance of infallible successTo us as well as to the disciples, Christ has given the work of carrying the truth to the world. But before engaging in this great and aggressive warfare, upon which eternal results depend, Christ invites all to count the cost. He assures them that if they take hold of the work with undivided hearts, giving themselves as light-bearers to the world, if they will take hold of his strength, they will make peace with him, and obtain supernatural assistance that will enable them in their weakness to do the deeds of Omnipotence. If they go forward with faith in God, they will not fail nor become discouraged, but will have the assurance of infallible success E.G.W. (The Review and Herald, March 15 1898) Getting ready for His Mission. Gods work. Our work. Completing His Mission. The early and latter rain. The baptism of fire. His Mission is completed.

3 What Mission has God assigned to us? Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) What is the scope of that Mission? And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14) Since we are not able to complete that Mission by ourselves, what two things did God promise to do to help us? … I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20 l.p.) But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8)

4 We must fulfill some pre-requisites (revival and reformation) in order to receive the promised power (the rain of the Holy Spirit) Believing in the promise (Acts 1:8) Asking for the promise (Zec. 10:1) Seeking the Lord (Hos. 10:12) Repenting (Acts 3:19) Praying (Acts 4:31) Studying the Bible (Psalm 119:25) Unanimity (Acts 1:14) Being converted (Psalm 51:10-11) Obeying and serving God (Dt. 11:13-18) Witnessing (Psalm 51:13) At every meeting we attend our prayers should ascend that at this very time, God will impart warmth and moisture to our souls. As we seek God for the Holy Spirit, it will work in us meekness, humbleness of mind, a conscious dependence upon God for the perfecting latter rain E.G.W (The Faith I Live By, November 24)

5 Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for youthe former rain, and the latter rain in the first month (Joel 2:23) The early and latter rain are a symbol of the Holy Spirit being poured out (its been compared to water many times [John 7:37-39]) The latter rain represents the Holy Spirit being especially poured out on the Church just before the Second Coming of Jesus. He will give us power to preach the Gospel throughout the world. The early rain represents both the Holy Spirit being poured out at Pentecost and His daily work in us. He convinces us, teaches us and gives us power.

6 God appeared like fire to Moses (Ex. 3:2-4) He also looked like fire at Sinai (Ex. 24:17) He answered Elijah by fire (1K. 18:24) He is purifying fire (Mal. 3:2-3) He descended as tongues of fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) He promised to baptize us with the fire of the Holy Spirit (Lk. 3:16) How are God and fire related in the Bible? The symbolism of fire is a symbol of the glory, presence, and power of God manifest in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. To be baptized with fire is to be immersed in the glory of Gods presence through the Holy Spirit in order to witness in His power. The symbolism of fire is a symbol of the glory, presence, and power of God manifest in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. To be baptized with fire is to be immersed in the glory of Gods presence through the Holy Spirit in order to witness in His power.

7 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory (Revelation 18:1) The book of Revelation explains the final controversy and its resolution: 1.Satan will fight against the remaining people of God (Rev. 12:17) 2.The people of God will receive special power to preach the Gospel throughout the world (Rev. 18:1) 3.Satan will gather all the nations to fight against Christ and His people (Rev. 16:13- 16) 4.The Lamb [Jesus] will overcome Satan and his followers (Rev. 17:14; 19:11-16) 5.Evil will be destroyed and the saints will live forever with the Lord in the New Earth (Rev. 21:1-8) Gods work will end on Earth. Jesus will come back. All Heaven and Earth will rejoice. Our first priority in our life is to experience a daily revival by the grace of God and to invite the Holy Spirit to transform us in His image (1Jn. 3:1-3)

8 We are homeward bound. He who loved us so much as to die for us hath builded for us a city. The New Jerusalem is our place of rest. There will be no sadness in the city of God. No wail of sorrow, no dirge of crushed hopes and buried affections, will evermore be heard. Soon the garments of heaviness will be changed for the wedding garment. Soon we shall witness the coronation of our King. Those whose lives have been hidden with Christ, those who on this earth have fought the good fight of faith, will shine forth with the Redeemers glory in the kingdom of God E.G.W. (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, pg. 287)

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