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HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Signature Features of CT Programs of Study How do we give students access to more of them? TCTW Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Signature Features of CT Programs of Study How do we give students access to more of them? TCTW Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Signature Features of CT Programs of Study How do we give students access to more of them? TCTW Forum 20131 Gene Bottoms Senior Vice President Southern Regional Education Board

2 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board One Signature Feature of Rigorous CT Pathway Programs of Study Assignments to CT Students Matter What are the elements of a good assignment? 1. 2. 3. 4. TCTW Forum 20132

3 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board College- and Career-Readiness Goals Graduate 90 percent of students who enter grade nine, with 80 percent of entering ninth-graders graduating college- and career-ready and with 60 percent of entering ninth-graders eventually earning a state-approved industry certification; certificate from a community or technical college or degree from a two- or four-year college. TCTW Forum 20133

4 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board What does SREB mean by college-ready? Being college-ready means a high school graduate has the reading, writing and math knowledge and skills needed to succeed in all credit-bearing, first- year course work in associates and bachelors degree programs in non- mathematics-based majors. TCTW Forum 20134 Source: The Next Generation of School Accountability. Page 9

5 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board What does SREB mean by career ready? Being career ready ready to enter and advance in a job or succeed in advanced training. At a minimum, it means that high school graduates: a) have the reading, writing and math skills to succeed in advanced training programs leading to a certificate, or b) have also acquired the additional technical and cognitive skills needed to pass a state- approved industry certification or licensure exam of sufficient depth and breadth that would add value to employers, the economy and long- term benefits for the individual. TCTW Forum 20135 Source: The Next Generation of School Accountability. Page 9

6 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board What does SREB mean by college- and career-ready? Being college- and career-ready means a high school graduate has met the reading, writing and math expectations set by the state to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing courses leading to an associates or bachelors degree. Graduates have also met the states expectations regarding the reading, writing, math and technical skills to succeed in advanced training in a given career field leading to a certificate or advancement in the workplace, or has passed a state-approved industry certification exam of recognized value. TCTW Forum 20136 Source: The Next Generation of School Accountability. Page 10

7 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board How many TCTW Students Experienced at Least Four Elements of a Rigorous Assignment? Indicators Used to Define Rigorous Assignments 7 Had Rigorous CT No Rigorous CT (Matched Sample) n = 2667 1. Develop a logical argument for your solution to a problem or project. 67%11% 2. Make inferences from information provided to develop a solution for a problem or project. 7716 3. Use math to solve complex problems related to my CT area. 7321 4. Apply academic knowledge and skills to my CT area. 9035 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment Note: No Rigorous CT is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CT. TCTW Forum 2013

8 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board How many TCTW Students Experienced at Least Four Elements of a Rigorous Assignment? Indicators Used to Define Rigorous Assignments 8 Had Rigorous CT No Rigorous CT (Matched Sample) n = 2667 5. Apply technical knowledge and skills to new situation. 90%33% 6. Develop and test hypothesis.545 7. Complete an extended project that requires planning, developing a solution or product and presenting the results orally or in writing. 7216 8. They used computer skills to complete an assignment or project in their CT classes at least weekly. 6029 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment Note: No Rigorous CT is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CT. TCTW Forum 2013

9 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Interview of Students at Columbia Montour CT Center in Pennsylvania Validates Student Survey TCTW Forum 20139 # of Indicators Involved in Assignment 1.Designed a commercial kitchen7 of 8 2.Completed a forensics analysis8 of 8 3.Did a clinical at a nursing home5 of 8 4.Designed a car for drag racing8 of 8 5.Designed a computer game4 of 8 6.Designed a graduation announcement 4 of 8 7.Did a cosmetology internship4 of 8

10 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Interview of Students at Columbia Montour CT Center in Pennsylvania Validates Student Survey TCTW Forum 201310 # of Indicators Involved in Assignment 8.Study of cerebral palsy6 of 8 9.Internship in a hotel6 of 8 10.Study of spray tanning4 of 8 11.Landscaping project for a local restaurant 8 of 8 12.Designing and building a radio8 of 8 13.Planning a wedding event with a set budget 6 of 8

11 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Do rigorous assignments matter? TCTW Forum 201311 Percentages of Students Meeting College- and Career-Readiness Standards Based on Having or Not Having Rigorous Assignments Had Rigorous Assignments No Rigorous Assignments (Matched Sample) Reading 63% 40% Math5843 Science6238

12 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Preparation for Tomorrow Curriculum See Attachment A: Sample of Rigorous Assignment from Preparation for Tomorrow (PFT) project See Attachment B: Sample of PFT Embedded Literacy Assignment See Attachment C: Sample of PFT Embedded Math Assignment TCTW Forum 201312

13 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Hidden Slide 13TCTW Forum 2013

14 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Hidden Slide TCTW Forum 201314

15 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Hidden slide 15TCTW Forum 2013

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18 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Hidden Slide 18TCTW Forum 2013

19 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Percentage of Students Meeting College- and Career-Readiness Standards TCTW Forum 201319 No Rigorous CT Assign. Rigorous CT Assign. Rigorous CT + Completes 3 Parts of Rec. Acad. Curric. # of Students4,4812,670519 Reading 38% 63% 73% Math405872 Science366270 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment

20 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Percentage of Students Experiencing Rigorous CT Assignments by Career Pathways TCTW Forum 201320 Career Pathways CT Students Had Rigorous CT No Rigorous CT (Matched Sample) Total n = 2667 n = 5334 Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources 43% 58% 100% Architecture & Construction4753100 Arts, A/V Tech & Communications4456100 Business, Management & Administration 4456100 Education & Training4951100 Finance5644100 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment (TCTW Sites only) Note: No Rigorous CTE is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CTE.

21 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Percentage of Students Experiencing Rigorous CT Assignments by Career Pathways TCTW Forum 201321 Career Pathways CT Students Had Rigorous CT No Rigorous CT (Matched Sample) Total n = 2667 n = 5334 Government & Public Admin. 58% 42% 100% Health Science5545100 Hospitality & Tourism4060100 Human Services4555100 Information Technology6634100 Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security 5348100 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment (TCTW Sites only) Note: No Rigorous CTE is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CTE.

22 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Percentage of Students Experiencing Rigorous CT Assignments by Career Pathways TCTW Forum 201322 Career Pathways CT Students Had Rigorous CT No Rigorous CT (Matched Sample) Total n = 2667 n = 5334 Manufacturing 45% 55% 100% Marketing5743100 Science, Technology, Engineering & Math 8119100 Transportation, Distribution & Logistics 5248100 Other CT Concentration4357100 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment (TCTW Sites only) Note: No Rigorous CTE is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CTE.

23 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Forum 201323 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment

24 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Forum 201324 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment

25 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Forum 201325 Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment

26 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Possible Elements of a Good Student Assignment The assignment should require students to: use higher-order thinking skills critical thinking and problem solving, etc. exercise judgment read textbooks, related documents and seek other information to prepare a work plan, a design plan, a study plan, etc. apply math calculations and analysis to complete TCTW Forum 201326 YesNo

27 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Will the assignment require students to: learn to use certain technology and software to complete learn new technical concepts and skills Does the assignment reflect authentic work? Will the assignment provide the context for applying the scientific, engineering, problem-solving process or some other process? TCTW Forum 201327 Possible Elements of a Good Student Assignment YesNo

28 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Will the assignment result in a final product(s)/deliverable(s)? Does the assignment clearly specify how students will be assessed? Is the assignment large and complex enough that it will require several days to complete along with enabling learning activities to complete the larger project? Will the assignment allow students to reflect on what they are learning and to see connection between academic and technical studies and potential further study, a job and a career? TCTW Forum 201328 Possible Elements of a Good Student Assignment YesNo

29 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board 1. Why should technology centers redesign existing programs, develop/adopt new ones with signature features of a rigorous career pathway programs of study? a. b. c. TCTW Forum 201329

30 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board 2.What would be signature features for a rigorous CT pathway program of study? a. b. c. TCTW Forum 201330

31 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board 3.What can the TCTW network, state and SREB do to provide more access to rigorous career pathway programs of study? TCTW Forum 201331

32 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board What is SREBs effort to develop more rigorous CT pathway programs of study? TCTW Forum 201332

33 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Preparation for Tomorrow is SREBs effort to develop more rigorous CT pathway programs of study. The intent of the PFT initiative by SREB and 11 partner states is to: Develop rigorous CT curricula in high- demand, high-skill, high-wage fields. Support states to use the PFT approach to transform existing CT pathways to ensure more students have challenging and engaging learning experiences. TCTW Forum 201333

34 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Participating States TCTW Forum 201334 AlabamaAerospace Engineering ArkansasInnovations in Science and Technology GeorgiaAdvanced Manufacturing KansasSTEM Education and Training KentuckyInformatics NebraskaFood and Nutritional Sciences New JerseyEntrepreneurship and Global Logistics North CarolinaProject Management Ohio Automated Materials Joining Technologies and Health Informatics South CarolinaClean Energy Technology West VirginiaEnergy and Power

35 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Preparation for Tomorrow Partner with business leaders to develop a sequence of rigorous standards-based CT courses aligned to the unique economic needs and opportunities of states. TCTW Forum 201335

36 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Signature Features of Preparation for Tomorrow CT Pathway Programs of Study 1.Employers from the career field participated in identifying technical, academic and 21st-century skills and in framing each authentic project or problem around which courses are developed. 2.Curriculum developed around authentic real-world projects in high- skill, high-wage, high-demand fields with developed daily lesson plans. TCTW Forum 201336 YesNo

37 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Signature Features of Preparation for Tomorrow CT Pathway Programs of Study Requiring students to: 3.Apply State Common Core academic skills literacy, math and science and industry identified technical knowledge and skills to complete assignments. 4.Formulate problem statements and research options and prepare a written plan of attack with justification of approach to complete the assignment. 5.Use appropriate technology software and technical skills to complete assignments. 6.Apply 21st-century skills habits of behavior and mind in completing the work. TCTW Forum 201337 YesNo

38 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board 7.80 percent of students complete a college-ready academic core. 8.Students complete end-of-assignment and end-of-course exams demonstrating literacy, math and technical skills required to complete the assignment and/or course. 9.Require students to take, with an increased percentage of students passing, state-approved industry certification exams. 38TCTW Forum 2013 Key Signature Features of Preparation for Tomorrow CT Pathway Programs of Study YesNo

39 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board 10.Inform students about careers and further educational opportunities and their requirements. 11.Taught by a highly qualified teacher 12.Assess and inform students about their readiness for college and careers and develop next steps plans. 13.Create opportunities for students to pursue dual credit options for at least two CT courses aligned to a postsecondary career pathway. 39TCTW Forum 2013 Key Signature Features of Preparation for Tomorrow CT Pathway Programs of Study YesNo

40 HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Redesign existing CT programs and adopt new CT pathway courses aligned to labor market demands and to postsecondary studies, and give challenging and intellectually demanding assignments that use technology and common core reading, writing, math and science standards. They should be taught by teachers prepared to engage students in such assignments. TCTW Forum 201340 Summary

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