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Acyl Insertions (J&F Ch. 18)

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1 Acyl Insertions (J&F Ch. 18)
Chemistry 125: Lecture 72 April 22, 2011 Acyl Insertions (J&F Ch. 18) -H Reactivity (J&F Ch. 19) Condensations (J&F Ch. 19) This For copyright notice see final page of this file

2 C O Y X R Acyl Insertions O R NH R CH2 OH Baeyer-Villiger Beckmann
ketone ester NH R Beckmann ketone amide CH2 OH Arndt-Eistert lengthen chain

3 Baeyer-Villiger Reaction - 1900 (insert O) (e.g. J&F pp. 907-909)

4 Beckmann Rearrangement – 1886 (insert N) (e.g. J&F pp. 909-911)

5 Arndt-Eistert Homologation – 1935 (insert C) (e.g. J&F pp. 915-917)

6  Acidity (J&F Tables 19.1 (p. 933), 19.2 (p. 943), 19.3 (p. 958))
pKa pKa 17 9 19 11 24 weaker than H-OH stronger than H-OH except 13 24 18 18 25 11

7 LDA hindered strong base (pKa = 36) (J&F p. 944)
Lithium Diisopropyl Amide K ~ 1011 pKa ~ 25 complete formation even of amide enolate not just a little at equilibrium (slow attack on C=O, none on enolate)

8 Nucleophilic a-Carbon

9 Acid & Base  H/D Exchange via enol and enolate (e.g. J&F Sec. 19.2a)

10 Racemization via enol and enolate (e.g. J&F Sec. 19.3)
H enol enolate A B H both planar

11 -Halogenation Ketones / Aldehydes (e.g. J&F Sec. 19.4a)
I-I I enol enolate

12 -Halogenation Ketones / Aldehydes (e.g. J&F Sec. 19.4a)
Diiodomethyl Iodomethyl pKa ~14 R-COO- + HCI3 Andel Früh Iodoform is a bright yellow solid + I R-COOH + -CI3 I I I-I I Thus the Iodoform Test for methyl ketones enol + I I enolate HO- I -OH I I

13 -Halogenation Carboxylic Acids
Cl O Cl- O Cl O- S O Cl O- SO2 Cl Cl- O S O Cl X = Cl ; Y = Cl + stable SO2 Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky ~ (e.g. J&F Sec.19.4b) PBr3

14 -Alkylation Ketones / Aldehydes (e.g. J&F Sec.19.5a)

15 End of Lecture 72 April 22, 2011 Copyright © J. M. McBride Some rights reserved. Except for cited third-party materials, and those used by visiting speakers, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0). Use of this content constitutes your acceptance of the noted license and the terms and conditions of use. Materials from Wikimedia Commons are denoted by the symbol Third party materials may be subject to additional intellectual property notices, information, or restrictions. The following attribution may be used when reusing material that is not identified as third-party content: J. M. McBride, Chem 125. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

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