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Presentation on theme: "Handouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handouts

2 Coracoid Acromion Coracoid Acromion Glenoid Fossa Glenoid Fossa Inferior Angle Inferior Angle Coracoid Superior Angle Acromion Glenoid Fossa Spine of Scapula

3 Olecranon Trochlear Notch Radial Notch of Ulna Coronoid Head of Radius Ulna Radius Styloid Process of Ulna Styloid Process of Radius


5 Iliac Crest Sacrum Sacroiliac Joint Ilium Pubis Ischium Symphysis Pubis Acetabulum

6 Sacrum Iliac Crest Ilium Pubis Ischium Symphysis Pubis

7 Head Head Neck Neck Greater Trochanter Lesser Trochanter Shaft Shaft Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Lateral Condyle Patellar Groove Medial Condyle

8 Lateral Condyle Medial Condyle Tibial Tuberosity Head Lateral Condyle Medial Condyle Anterior Crest Tibial Tuberosity Fibula Tibia Lateral Malleolus Medial Malleolus

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