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ENG421 (8ab) – Sedimentation
Theory of sedimentation Sedimentation – design considerations Sedimentation – settling example Types of sedimentation tanks - conventional sedimentation tanks - high rate settlers - solid contact clarifiers Dissolved Air Flotation
General Water Treatment Technologies (Week 4)
Treatment technologies (unit operations and processes) used determined by what needs to be removed, inactivated or modified
Sedimentation - Suspended particles that are heavier than water are separated by gravitational settling - Suspended particles : pre-existing solids precipitates formed by Coagulation and Flocculation - Sedimentation tends to follow Coagulation and Flocculation but all three can occur in same tank - Sedimentation is aka settling, and clarification - Sedimentation basin is aka sedimentation tank settling basin settling tank clarifier - Smaller particles can be removed by : increasing retention time → larger tank and more expense artificially increasing size Coagulation and Flocculation complete removal is not possible use filter beds after sedimentation tanks (Week 9)
Theory of Sedimentation (1 of 3)
Settling tanks operate using gravity only causing aggregated particles to descend to bottom of tank Particles settling in four ways depends on characteristics and concentrations of particles : - Type-I settling aka discrete settling negligible natural aggregation (e.g. grains of sand) particles descend at constant rate as individual entities - Type-II settling aka flocculant settling flocculation occurs due to particle collision particles adhere to each other → particle growth → higher rate of descent - Type-III settling aka hindered or zone settling particles settle as a mass (not as discrete particles) inter-particle forces hold particles in fixed position → particles settle as a block fluid flow through particle interstices controls descent - Type-IV settling aka compression settling only occurs in bottom layers of sedimentation tank sludge layers settle under their own weight water is squeezed out of flocs → particle volume may decrease
Theory of Sedimentation (2 of 3)
Theory of Sedimentation (3 of 3)
Sedimentation – design considerations (1 of 13)
shape : usually large and rectangular inexpensive easy to design easy to add internal modifications e.g. plates and tubes to increase settling may add additional tanks within plant layout create a “battery” of basins (sharing common walls) circular and square sedimentation tanks also used Efficiency of sedimentation system function of available area for sedimentation as water demand increases, must increase surface area
Sedimentation – design considerations (2 of 13)
Rectangular sedimentation tank – with mechanical sludge collection
Sedimentation – design considerations (3 of 13)
Circular sedimentation tank
Sedimentation – design considerations (4 of 13)
factors to consider : nature and amount of suspended particles variation in flow rate method of sludge removal settlement characteristics of particles and flocs type and configuration of tank need for high rate settling selection of high rate arrangements inlet and outlet arrangements obtain an even distribution of flow minimise eddy and current formation minimise headloss ease of scum removal hydraulic retention time cross-flow velocity depth of tank avoid : short circuiting resuspension of sludge in tank
Sedimentation – design considerations (5 of 13)
typical inlet and outlet arrangements
Sedimentation – design considerations (6 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles critical in sedimentation plant design consider vertical movement and horizontal movement may be predicted mathematically may used bench scale settling tests safety factor used to cover : type of coagulant mixing conditions in flocculation tank particle concentration design parameter surface loading rate (or over flow rate) is compared with settling velocity for effective sedimentation
Sedimentation – design considerations (7 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles (cont)
Sedimentation – design considerations (8 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles (cont) inlet outlet particle X is smaller than particle Y
Sedimentation – design considerations (9 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles (cont) if Re < 0.3, then CD ~ 24/Re assuming ~ terminal velocity may be used as starting point for calculations
Sedimentation – design considerations (10 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles – relevant formula if particle Y is to be settled, L, H, and W dimensions are chosen to obtain diagonal path (critical removal)
Sedimentation – design considerations (11 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles – relevant formula (cont) so all particles equal to or greater than diameter of particle Y will be removed particles with diameter less than diameter of particle Y will only be removed partially depends on where smaller particles are in inlet zone
Sedimentation – design considerations (12 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles – relevant formula (cont) assume uniform distribution of particles across depth → particles with diameter dx or less will be removed if they enter below point B removal fraction of particles with particles with diameter dx
Sedimentation – design considerations (13 of 13)
Settling velocity of particles – relevant formula (cont) allowing for the distribution of particle sizes and settling velocities found in water, the fraction of all particles removed is given by :
Sedimentation – settling example (1 of 6)
Sedimentation – settling example (2 of 6)
Sedimentation – settling example (3 of 6)
Re < 0.3, therefore settling velocity = terminal velocity
Sedimentation – settling example (4 of 6)
using data in table, plot “fraction with settling velocity lower than terminal settling velocity” against “terminal settling velocity”
Sedimentation – settling example (5 of 6)
Overflow rate vo = m/d = x 1000 /(24 x 3600) = mm/s from cumulative distribution plot, Fy = use steps of 0.04 on vertical axis (fraction with settling velocity less than terminal settling velocity), and determine v.∆F
Sedimentation – settling example (6 of 6)
= Therefore, total mass fraction removed is 89.7%
Types of Sedimentation Tanks
three main types of sedimentation tanks - conventional sedimentation tanks horizontal flow long rectangular tanks horizontal flow centre feed circular tanks horizontal flow peripheral feed circular tanks horizontal flow centre feed square tanks - high rate settlers multistoried trays tube and plate settling - solid contact clarifiers reactor clarifiers sludge blanket clarifiers
Conventional Sedimentation Tanks (1 of 5)
- horizontal flow long rectangular tanks flocculated water uniformly distributed across one end of tank water flow horizontally effluent (out flowing water) overflows into long finger launders (troughs) launders often have V-notch weirs typical retention time 3 hours diffuser or baffle walls may be installed achieve uniform flow avoid short circuiting walls may contain holes length : width > 4:1 length : water depth 15:1 minimum depth 2 m tanks with mechanical sludge collection : minimum depth 3.5 m sludge removal system : operating velocity ~ 1 m/min
Conventional Sedimentation Tanks (2 of 5)
- horizontal flow centre feed circular tanks inlet of tank is at the centre flow directed through a baffle towards tank periphery cylindrical baffles : diameters 10 – 20 % of basin diameter extend 1 – 2 m below water surface outlets usually along entire circumference of tank may be weirs or holes weir length may be increased by radial finger launders tank side depth 2 – 4 m tank bottom slope 1/12 – 1/24
Conventional Sedimentation Tanks (3 of 5)
- horizontal flow peripheral feed circular tanks inflow is distributed at periphery by a ring inlet inflow released near bottom of peripheral wall potential for short circuiting flocs may rise vertically from inlet direct to outlet
Conventional Sedimentation Tanks (4 of 5)
- horizontal flow centre feed square tanks designed to perform in similar way to circular tanks may be difficult to collect sludge from corners with mechanical sweepers fit corners with corner sweeping mechanism construct base in corner region with adequate slope for sludge collection
Conventional Sedimentation Tanks (5 of 6)
- design criteria
High Rate Settlers (1 of 4)
- multistoried trays considered as a modification to existing plants extra trays improve efficiency as particles have less distance to fall surfaces may be connected in parallel flow divided between them for same flow : cross-flow velocity is not changed effective surface area is increased poor flow distribution difficult sludge removal rarely recommended
High Rate Settlers (2 of 4)
- tube and plate settling inserting tubes and plates improves efficiency particles have less distance to fall “horizontal” tubes or plates 5o to horizontal sludge accumulates at base of tube (backwash to sludge storage) requires regular maintenance not feasible for high demand systems (> 30 million L/day) inclined tube settlers o to horizontal sludge slides out at > 40o cross-section of tube 50 – 100 mm dynamic sludge removal → good for high demand
High Rate Settlers (3 of 4)
- tube and plate settling inclined tube settlers (cont) direction of flow relative to sedimentation may be countercurrent flocs move in tube against direction of flow beneficial as flocs may coalesce (Type-II) cocurrent cross-flow challenges : achieving settling efficiencies close to theoretical equal flow in each tube advantage : current tank efficiency greatly improved
High Rate Settlers (4 of 4)
- design criteria
Solid Contact Clarifiers (1 of 3)
- reactor clarifiers incorporate flocculation and sedimentation in one unit flocculation zone in central compartment 20 – 30 minute contact time (minimum) settling zone in outer compartment slurry circulated (up to five times raw water flow) improves efficiency disadvantage : severe hydraulic or water quality shock causes problems
Solid Contact Clarifiers (2 of 3)
- sludge blanket clarifiers similar to reactor clarifiers flocculation zone in central compartment in lower portion of settling zone : rising particles and flocs contact suspended sludge layer (blanket) agglomeration occurs within blanket sludge blanket 2 – 3 m below water surface (appropriate fluidising velocity) advantages ease of operation reduced space requirement (no flocculation tank) best for constant flow rate with high tubidity disadvantage start-up of unit is time consuming
Solid Contact Clarifiers (3 of 3)
- design criteria
Sedimentation – useful design data
Sedimentation – design example (1 of 5)
Sedimentation – design example (2 of 5)
Sedimentation – design example (3 of 5)
Sedimentation – design example (4 of 5)
Sedimentation – design example (5 of 5)
Froude number indicates backmixing may occur if too low as flow not dominated by horizontal flow (should be > 10-5) R is hydraulic radius (= area/perimeter), Re should be less than 10,000 (some suggest <20,000 is acceptable)
References Droste, R.L., 1997, Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment, John Wiley and Sons, New York (TD430D ), pages 291 – 319 Hendricks, D., 2006, Water Treatment Unit Processes, CRC, New York (TD430H ) , pages 139 – 160 Kawamura, S., 2000, Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, 2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York (TH4538K ), pages 139 – 194 Metcalf & Eddy Inc., 1991, Wastewater Engineering : Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York MWH, 2005, Water Treatment Principles and Design, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York (TD430 .W ), pages 779 – 865 Viessman, W. et al, 2009, Water Supply and Pollution Control, 8th ed., Pearson, Upper Saddle River, pages 330 – 343
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