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Implementácia inovatívnych foriem a metód výučby na ZŠ Bežovce

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Presentation on theme: "Implementácia inovatívnych foriem a metód výučby na ZŠ Bežovce"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementácia inovatívnych foriem a metód výučby na ZŠ Bežovce

2 Interpunkčné znamienka
Ing.Marta Jenčíková Interpunkčné znamienka

3 . full stop (BrE) – bodka . period (AmE) – bodka

4 apostrophe - apostrof the mark ('), it is used to mark the place where
a word has been shortened She is not - She isn't, I have - I've, He is - he's

5 asterisk - hviezdička (znamienko)
the mark * used in texts

6 at - zavináč the

7 ( \ ) backslash – spätné lomítko the mark

8 bracket - zátvorka one of the pair of marks ( )

9 colon - dvojbodka the mark ':',
it is Usually used before a list of things, example etc.

10 comma - čiarka (interpunkcia) a punctuation mark (,) that separates two things and marks a pause

11 dash - pomlčka (znamienko) the sign '–' used to mark a pause or the
omission of some words

12 hyphen - spojovník (pomlčka)
a sign or mark that connects two words together ( – )

13 question mark - otáznik the mark '
question mark - otáznik the mark ' ? ' Which is used at the end of a sentence that requires an answer

14 quotation mark - úvodzovky the mark ("or “)
that shows the beginning or end of direct speech

15 Exclamation mark - výkričník the sign '!'

16 Thank you! And good bye!

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