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The Odyssey Pre-reading Notes.

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1 The Odyssey Pre-reading Notes

2 Epic A long, narrative poem that deals with the trials and achievements of a great hero/heroes What is an odyssey? Answer: a voyage or journey The Odyssey is an epic poem about the journey of Odysseus. He leaves his home to fight in the Trojan War and is gone for 20 years. It is considered a poem because it is written in meter and stanzas

3 Epic Hero A person who seems to be able to conquer most problems he encounters although he does not have any “super powers” The epic hero is not without flaws. In fact, his flaws sometimes get him into trouble Odysseus is considered an epic hero in The Odyssey

4 Homer The poet of The Odyssey Personal info:
he composed 2 epics, which were originally passed down orally birthplace is unknown but he is likely from the Western part of Asia Minor. Some people believe he was blind because of his positive portrayal of blind character in his epics.

5 Homer’s epics The Iliad The Odyssey
The first “great work” of Western literature Named for its setting Ilium (Troy) Composed between 900 and 700 B.C. E. Recounts the final weeks of the Trojan War The Odyssey The second “great work” of Western literature Named for its hero, Odysseus Tells the story of Odysseus’s 10-year trip home from the Trojan War

6 The Trojan War What Homer’s epics were based on
Occurred around 1200 B.C.E.; lasted about 10 years Probable cause: economic. Troy’s location, in modern-day Turkey, enabled it to control all trade and shipping, limiting trade for Sparta and Ithaca (in Greece) Legendary cause: Helen, King Menelaus of Sparta’s wife, was kidnapped by Paris, a young Trojan Prince. King Menelaus built an army to bring Helen back; Achilles and Odysseus joined. Crash Course (watch until 3:33)

7 Greek Gods and Goddesses
Divine intervention: when Gods/Goddesses intervene in human affairs to protect or punish mortals Homer gives them many human characteristics They quarrel, love, get jealous of one another Pervasive theme in epics is that respecting the Gods is essential to survival. Be on the lookout for what happens to characters when they do/do not respect the Gods

8 The Odyssey Major Characters: Odysseus: King of Ithaca
Crucial to the fall of Troy in the last days of the Trojan War The shrewdest of all Greeks; conceived a plan to hide in a huge wooden horse to sneak into the gates of Troy. Angered the Gods who were sympathetic towards Troy. Gods vowed to make his voyage home long and difficult. Ends up having a 10-year voyage home from the war

9 The Odyssey Major Characters: Penelope: Odysseus’ wife
Known for her loyalty Telemachus: Odysseus and Penelope’s son Athena: Goddess of Wisdom Helps Odysseus on his journey home and once he arrives back at Ithaca Poseidon: God of the Sea. Very mad at Odysseus Zeus: Father of Gods.

10 The Odyssey Plot #1: The tale of Odysseus’ wanderings at sea, his obstacles and distractions Plot #2: The story of what happens in Ithaca while Odysseus was away; Penelope and Telemachus try to hold down the fort and Telemachus’ coming of age story as he grows into a man Plot #3: The return of Odysseus to Ithaca; he joins forces with his son to defeat their enemies

11 The Odyssey Some ways to interpret the story:
1. An exciting adventure story: emphasis on the characters and plot 2. The story of every human being: we all overcome obstacles and temptations in our journey through life in an effort to find peace

12 Cattle of the Sun God (Helios)
The Odyssey Adventures: Land of Cicones Lotus Eaters The Cyclops Circe Land of the Dead The Sirens Scylla & Charybdis Cattle of the Sun God (Helios) Calypso

13 Literary terms Simile: a comparison of two unlike things/concepts using the words “like” or “as” Epic simile: an extended simile, elaborated in great detail Epithet: a term or phrase used to characterize the nature of a character, object, or event Odysseus, son of Laertes Sparkling-eyed Athena

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