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SnapShot! Example of Play

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1 SnapShot! Example of Play

2 The Dallas has just been detected whilst making noise 2 and so is placed on the table according to its plot. The Akula, making noise 4, has been previously detected and so was already on the table.

3 The Dallas has now detected the Akula for 3 turns in a 5 turn period and rolls to obtain a firing solution. It suceeds and launches 2 Mk48 ADCAP torpedoes.

4 The ADCAPS streak towards the Akula as the Soviet sub increases speed and turns away. The Dallas turns slightly away but not too hard as to cut the guidance wires on its Mk48s. Note the dice next to the torpedoes to record how many turns they have been in the water. The Akula has made the decision to turn away, but also fires a Snap shot ET-80A. This is placed directly in front of the firing sub.

5 The ADCAPS close in on the Akula whilst the ET-80A has turned to track down the path of the incoming MK48s. The Akula is moving too fast to use its own sonar now and must rely on the active torpedo it has fired to take out the Dallas, or at least to force the US sub to take more evasive action.

6 The MK48s have now almost reached the fleeing Akula
The MK48s have now almost reached the fleeing Akula.They move at 9” per turn whilst the Akula can make 6” at max speed. Unfortunately for the Soviets the Dallas has moved away and is now outside the ET-80A Snapshot 8” active range and arc for the Soviet torpedo to acquire the Dallas.

7 The Akula launches countermeasures and must hope that by changing speed and depth that the Mk48s may miss…. Note the dice markers indicating that the MK48s have move 4 times since launch. Unfortunately for the Soviet sub the Mk48 can run at full speed for 9 turns.

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