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Welcome Class 6 Parents.

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1 Welcome Class 6 Parents

2 Year 6 Class adults Mr George Mrs Morrison

3 Independence Children are expected to be responsible for:
Taking out and handing in home learning. Handing in letters from home and making sure they take any paper letters home. Checking lunch bands. Completing any school or class jobs/responsibilities.

4 Water Bottles All children should have a named water bottle that stays in the classroom throughout the day, as the children are encouraged to drink water to keep hydrated. Water bottles need to go home every day to be cleaned and replenished.

5 Medication We ask that any medication is brought in and reported to the office. Any asthma inhalers are stored in classrooms asthma/first aid box. There is a yellow form that should have been completed detailing any medication.

6 PE Kits P.E takes place on Tuesday afternoons.
We will have Superstars sessions in terms 2, 4 and 6, which will take place on Monday afternoons. These will include alternative sports such as golf, boules and tchoukball. Please ensure that children have appropriate PE kit and that kits are taken home regularly to be washed. White T-shirts, green shorts, black or green jogging bottoms, change of socks and trainers. Hair MUST be tied back if long enough. No jewellery to be worn (earrings must be taken out or taped up, watches taken off). A pair of trainers should be brought in every day for the Golden Mile.

7 Spellings New spellings will go out on a Monday.
Spelling activities are carried out in their spelling book – please encourage your child to keep this in as good a condition as possible. Spelling books are handed in on a Friday after the spelling test. The number of spellings is set according to each child. We will be providing extra support on spellings for some children. There will often be a SPaG challenge; in Year 6 we would ask the children to attempt this challenge whenever possible. A wider variety of activities that the children can do for their spellings will be glued to the inside front cover of their books. We would strongly recommend to help with spelling rules and patterns.

8 Times Tables We will be carrying out daily tables tests using Times Tables Rockstars. The children need to learn and practise their times tables facts (including division) for these tests. The test will involve answering as many questions as they can on that times table in 3 minutes. We are really focusing on children consolidating their facts and knowing them at speed (including the division facts) before they move on. There will also be some class teaching of the tables during the week. Mathletics logins and TTRs logins will be stuck inside the back of their times table books.

9 Reading Guided, group or whole class reading with take place every day throughout the week. Activities will be linked to a core text, with the aim to develop the fluency of reading and understanding of vocabulary. Reading journals – hear your child read as often as possible and comment or sign the book. We will check these during morning registration.

10 Pick and Mix Home Learning
To go out at the beginning of every term. We will stick a copy up on the patio door so that you can check if need be. The children are to complete an activity a week to earn points. These will be shared amongst the class on a Friday afternoon, so children have the opportunity to talk about what they have done. Once they have reach a certain number of points they will earn a certificate – bronze, silver, gold or platinum!

11 Reading Journals These have kindly been provided by FOLMS.
A class adult will sign the book during the week, usually during silent reading in the afternoon. Children can log their own reading in the journal since they are now in Year 6! It is still very important that children are reading frequently at home. If they are lost, there will be a £2 charge for a new one.

12 The curriculum Our topic this term is Murderous Mayans. We will be looking at the rise and fall of the Mayan civilisation. English – ‘Portal stories’ with a particular focus on Coraline by Neil Gaiman. Maths – Place Value and the Four Operations. Science – Animals including humans (the circulatory system). Humanities – the Ancient Maya and their environment. PSHE – Settling in and teamworking strategies. Computing – using spreadsheets. Art – developing collage styles based on Mayan art. French – using the future tense of a verb in the correct context. PE – gymnastics routines involving shapes and balances. RE – Creation and Science – conflicting or complementing?

13 Residential Trip The Class 6 trip to PGL will be from the 18th – 22nd March. We will be arranging a meeting on this closer to the time to answer any questions that you may have on it. We would hope to be releasing a preliminary kit list before the Witsun half-term.

14 Other Trips/Visits/Activities
Bikeability is being held in November – each participant will have a 2-day course on using their bikes safely on the road. Mayan visitor (TBC) – we are looking to book a Mayan visitor for the end of Term 2. The details for this are still in negotiation. Open session (Spring Term) – we will be having an open session in the Spring Term, after Assessment Week. Our aim is to have a Young Enterprise week, hosted jointly with our sister class at Ridgeway Farm, which will involve both classes travelling between schools. This is a great opportunity to develop those interpersonal skills needed to mix with new people, before the transition to secondary. We will be doing some fundraising for this trip over the course of the year. Year 6 Leavers’ Treats

15 SATs Week 13th May – 16th May The rest of the school will be completing assessment week at the same time. We will start revision after Easter. We will have another SATs-related meeting closer to the time.

16 Communication In response to feedback, we have decided to record meetings with parents on a parent meeting sheet. Concerns can be raised and follow up actions noted. All members present can see and will sign the document at the end of the meeting. A photocopy will be made and given to the parent. 2 x Parents’ evenings Open session Can Book in to meet with class teacher at any time. Phone for a check up.

17 Behaviour (positive and negative)
Ladders Consequence (C sheet) C1 and 2 – possibly logged in class book if regular Classroom log book C3 and above – logged in class book C4 + and regular use of C3 – parents called Gems

18 Helping Out in Class 6 Please let the Class 6 team know if you are interested in helping out in class regularly. Parents will need to: Be DBS checked, Sign the parent Code of Conduct Read the parent helper leaflet Child protection training – Mrs dos Santos can arrange. I will inform people who have volunteered as soon as possible.

19 Thank you very much for coming. Are there any questions?

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