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Fox Class News Mrs Graham and The Early Years Team

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1 Fox Class News 18.5.18 Mrs Graham and The Early Years Team
We have all had a lovely week. The reception children have made beautiful crowns to wear to the wedding. All the children were so excited, they have been rehearsing this week as they all have important roles being bridesmaids and page boys! We will take lots of photos so you will all see how smart the children looked. We have also been making cards for the royal couple, drawing wedding presents and we baked yummy biscuit crowns! Within our maths learning we have been creating yummy pizzas halving and quartering toppings – then eating them! The nursery children have had lots of fun too this week. The hairdressers has been really busy and all the customers looked pleased with their new hairstyles, even Mrs Wilkinson and Miss Arnold! The children have shown an interest in kites this week and have made some and even tried them out, so next week this will continue to explore a range of textures and materials. If you have a kite at home perhaps you could take it out! We would love to see your pictures on Tapestry. Next week in reception we will be reading Rosie’s Walk and talking about positional language as well as exploring different environments. I have attached a sheet called ‘My walk to school senses’. Perhaps you could fill it out as you come to school one day next week and we can share these with the class. Have a great weekend. Mrs Graham and The Early Years Team . . Diary Dates: Tuesday 22nd May Elmer Day! Nursery children dress up in something colourful! Friday 25th May Non-Pupil Day Monday 28th May Half Term Please can ALL clothing be labelled - Thank you

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