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Nonchalant – adj. Definition: Not showing any concern or worry; indifferent Example: The student was nonchalant about his bad grades because there.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonchalant – adj. Definition: Not showing any concern or worry; indifferent Example: The student was nonchalant about his bad grades because there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonchalant – adj. Definition: Not showing any concern or worry; indifferent Example: The student was nonchalant about his bad grades because there was never any consequence at home.

2 malleable – adj. Definition: Easy to shape or bend; easily influenced.
Example: You can make a lot of fun things out of playdoh because it is so malleable.

3 ludicrous – adj. Definition: Laughable because of obvious absurdity; ridiculous.

4 abridge - verb To shorten or condense.

5 plot - noun The series of events that make up a story line.

6 Affixes Prefix: ortho Definition: straight, correct, true, upright
Example: orthodontist, orthodox, orthograph Suffix: -ous Definition: having, possessing, full of; forms adjectives Example: joyous, dangerous, spacious

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