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What is a Species? A group of potentially or actually interbreeding populations, with a common gene pool, which are reproductively isolated from other.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Species? A group of potentially or actually interbreeding populations, with a common gene pool, which are reproductively isolated from other."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Species? A group of potentially or actually interbreeding populations, with a common gene pool, which are reproductively isolated from other groups

2 The problem with the species definition
The species concept is a human construct used to make sense of the natural world. While extraordinarily helpful in understanding life, it fails to capture the full complex reality of continually evolving populations of organisms.

3 Sibling Species Species that can’t interbreed, but have no significant differences in appearance.

4 Very different appearance that can interbreed?!


6 Two tigons (male to the left, female to the right)

7 A Liger-Lion/Tiger

8 A "boblynx" -- a hybrid of bobcat and lynx;

9 A "zonkey" -- a hybrid of zebra and donkey;

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