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Part 3 50 Questions Muhammads teaching by Ahlul Bayt.

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1 Part 3 50 Questions Muhammads teaching by Ahlul Bayt

2 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 2 What is Ghadeer Khum? a.A road intersection halfway between Mecca and Medina. b.A great happening took place two weeks after the Farewell Haj. c.The Prophet (pbuh) received a revelation (Surah 5: Ayah 67) and he acted upon it there. d.The Prophet (pbuh) appointed Ali to be the Wali of all Muslims + a, b, and c.

3 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 3 What happened during Ghadeer Khum? a.Upon receiving a Revelation (Surah 5: Ayah 67) the Prophet stopped the march of the thousands of Hajjis. b.People saw him go to an elevation, with Ali. c.The Prophet gave a speech, resolute and firm, raising Ali's arm for everyone to see; and made a declaration. d.As I am the Wali over you, so this Ali will be the Wali over you [after I die], O' Lord! Uphold him who upholds Ali; Antagonize him who antagonizes Ali; Advance him who advances Ali; Impede him who impedes Ali, and Turn the Truth with Ali wherever he goes! + a, b, and c.

4 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 4 Which Ayah of the Holy Quran was revealed prior to Ghadeer Khum? a.Revelation of Declaration (Surah 5: Ayah 67) saying: O' Messenger, Deliver What Has Been Sent To You From Your Lord, And If You Do Not, Then, (It Is As If) You Have Not Delivered Allah's Message, And Allah Will Protect You From (the Mischief of) People. b.Ayah of Kursi. c.Al-Fatiha. d.Al-Qadr.

5 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 5 What did Omar say to Ali immediately after the Prophet's declaration? a.Congratulations, Congratulations O' Ali, now you are my Wali [in Charge of Me] and Every Believer, Man or Woman. b.This is a great privilege Prophet Muhammad has given you. c.This is impressive, O' Ali, Congratulations. d.You have a privileged position, O' Ali, this is wonderful.

6 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 6 Explain the importance of Ghadeer Khum? a.Ali was honored by Allah's Messenger in a unique way. b.Ali was the Prince of the Faithful, and the first Imam after the Prophet (pbuh). c.Ghadeer Khum has opened an avenue, a way shown for the people to follow. d.Ali and his descendants down to Al-Mahdi, would be the ones to be sought out for information and guidance + a, b, and c.

7 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 7 Was Ghadeer Khum the formal announcement of the preeminent path to follow after the Prophet (pbuh)? a.No, it was a path to be just considered. b.Yes, it was the highest recommendation. c.No, it was a path to be respected. d.Yes, it was some kind of recommendation.

8 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 8 What did Ghadeer Khum mean in general? a.Having recommended Ali as the leader after him the Prophet (pbuh) meant for us to follow Ali in all respects of life. b.By following Ali we are also to follow Ahlul Bayt's revered status including what they passed down of the Islamic teachings, renowned for its accuracy. c.Ahlul Bayt are the loved, admired, appreciated, and praised ones. d.Ahlul Bayt passed down Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings without modifications, pure and simple + a, b, and c.

9 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 9 Explain about the rule of the Imams. a.Imamah was By Divine Appointment, not by inheritance. b.Outstanding knowledge and unparalleled know-how in Islam, to guide and teach Islam. c.A role denied to them often by brute force, or coercion at other times. d.The Imams were to be the Heads of State, in charge of administration of the Islamic Ummah along the rightful Islamic teachings +a, b, and c.

10 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 10 Who was the first Imam? a.Zubair. b.Ali. c.Al-Husain. d.Abu Dhar.

11 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 11 Who is the last Imam? a.Al-Saadiq. b.Al-Mahdi. c.Al-Ridha. d.Al-Kadhim.

12 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 12 Explain about the unseen register (Al- Kitab). a.Allah (swt) does not do anything without an accurate account and precise calculation. b.The deeds of man, his inner thinking, his intentions, and all his plans and designs are registered in the most accurate way. c.b + This is called man's register or his special design. d.b + This is called man's register or his special book.

13 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 13 Who is Munkar? a.Upon death the soul will leave the body, but it will account for the deeds and misdeeds of the earthly life. This is called the Minor Judgment. One of the agents involved is angel Munkar. b.Munkar is an angel involved on Day of Judgment. c.Munkar is an angel to ask for forgiveness. d.Munkar is the angel who takes our souls away.

14 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 14 Who is Nakeer? a.Upon death the soul will leave the body, but it will account for the deeds and misdeeds of the earthly life. This is called the Minor Judgment. One of the agents involved is angel Nakeer. b.Upon death the soul will leave the body, but it will account for the deeds and misdeeds of the earthly life. Nakeer is the angel involved during the Day of Judgment. c.Nakeer is the angel whom we have to ask for forgiveness during the Minor Judgment. d.Nakeer is the angel who takes our souls away when we die.

15 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 15 What is the Minor Judgment? a.Upon death, the soul will leave the body but it will account for the deeds and misdeeds of the earthly life. b.The two agents involved are angels by the names of Munkar and Nakeer. c.Minor Judgment is having to answer the Islamic Jurist for a minor sin. d.Minor Judgment is having to answer the Islamic Jurist for any sin.

16 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 16 What is the Barzakh? a.The Barzakh is the time span between the death of a person and his return for the Day of Judgment. b.The Barzakh is when the soul remains preserved. c.The Barzakh is when the soul is preserved in ecstasy. d.The Barzakh is when the soul is preserved in turmoil.

17 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 17 What happens during the Barzakh? a.After a summary account and judgment during the minor judgment by Munkar and Nakeer, the soul is subjected to either a pleasant presence or to a wretched one, depending of course on the results of the account and judgment. b.In this condition, the soul will continue until the Day of General Resurrection (Day of Judgment). c.The soul of man in this intermediate state possesses the same form as in his life in this world. d.All the above.

18 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 18 What will be recreated again during the Day of Judgment? a.On the Day of Judgment, each of us will be brought back to life, body and soul. b.Only the good ones will be brought back to life, body and soul. c.Some of the evil ones will be brought back to life, body and soul. d.On the Day of Judgment only the soul will be brought back to life.

19 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 19 What is Al-Meezan? a.The Day of Reckoning (Yawm Al-Hisaab) is when every person sees his deeds exposed in their true perspective, objectively, without emotions. b.The evaluation on Day of Judgment, (A- Meezan) + a. c.A scale to measure the goods in the market. d.The evaluator.

20 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 20 What is Al-Siraat? a.Al-Siraat is the Path during the events of the Day of Judgment. b.Al-Siraat will be a wide road for the good ones headed to the Jannah (Garden of Bliss). c.Al-Siraat will be very narrow for the bad ones headed to Hell. It will be very easy for them to fall so that Hellfire will engulf them. d.All the above.

21 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 21 What is Yawm Al-Hisaab (Day of Reckoning). a.Yawm Al-Hisaab (Day of Reckoning) is when every person sees his deeds exposed in their true perspective. It is a component of the Day of Judgment. b.A person will see his deeds as they truly are, objectively, without emotions or exaggeration. c.Measurement will take place called the Measure of Account (Al-Meezan). d.All the above.

22 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 22 Describe Al Jannah. a.Al Jannah (Paradise) is a place of perfection, and people will be there forever. b.In Jannah there is no concern and no worry, no demands or demanding commitments. c.In Jannah there is cool comfort, cheer and good feeling. Whatever a person wants will be within his reach, and whatever he demands will be at his disposal + a, b, and d. d.d. There will be no procreation, but the person will look his or her best as he or she did during his or her earthly life.

23 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 23 Who are Al-Mu'qarraboon (the Favored Ones)? a.Al Mu'qarraboon (Favored Ones to Allah) are the Prophets, Ahlul Bayt, the Wali, and the highly dedicated people to Islam. b.The highly dedicated people to Islam, all Imams leading the prayers. c.The Rulers of the Islamic Ummah through the ages. d.Benu Umayya and Benu Abbas.

24 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 24 Describe Hell. a.Hell is the place of perpetual torment, agonizing. b.Pain and agony is only part of Hell because there will be torture beyond our belief and imagination. c.Hunger and thirst, anxiety and fear will be constant. d.As for those who denied Allah completely during their earthly life, they will continue to be in Hell forever + a, b, and c.

25 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 25 Who is Hell-worthy? a.Hell will welcome those who deserve it, the hypocrites and liars, the connivers and trespassers. b.Hell will welcome the indecent and obscene, the dictators and bad rulers, all of whom who did many evil things on earth + a. c.Hell will welcome only the criminals + a. d.Hell will welcome the indecent and obscene, the Non-Muslims, the dictators and bad rulers, all of whom who did many evil things on earth + a.

26 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 26 Define Salat. a.Salat consists of prescribed movements performed in a special manner, while, at the same time, saying something special in glorification of Allah. b.Salat is to be said at certain times of the day, facing the House of Allah, the Ka'ba in Mecca + a. c.Salat is the prayer in Islam + a + b. d.None of the above.

27 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 27 Define Du'aa. a.Literally speaking, Du'aa is a prayer (Supplication) whereby a person asks Allah Almighty for something special. b.Du'aa can be in any language, at anytime, anywhere + a. c.The word Prayer is not truly synonymous with Salat although many people use it for the purpose. d.All the above.

28 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 28 Mention 4 important points about the Salats. a.Salat safeguards the faith in the heart of the person in a unique way, helps to protect the person from doing many improper things. b.Salat reminds the person of his commitment to Allah and Islam, it gives the person a sense of internal purity. c.Salat is a pillar of Ibadat + a and b. d.Salat is a pillar of Ibadat, good to do, bad to neglect, and one cannot go to heaven without it.

29 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 29 What are the obligatory Salats? a.Salat of Subh, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Ishaa' after midnight. b.Salat of Subh, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Ishaa'. c.Salat of Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Ishaa' before midnight. d.Salat of Subh, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib before sunset, and Ishaa' before midnight.

30 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 30 Can two of the obligatory Salats be performed one immediately after the other? a.Yes, but within certain rules. b.Yes, but only in the Ja'fari school of Fiqh + a. c.Yes, in the Hanafi Sunni schools of thought but with certain restrictions. d.Only in the Maaliki and Hanafi Fiqh.

31 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 31 What is Qadhaa' Salat? a.If by chance something happens and you miss your Salat beyond the prescribed time, you can compensate for it performing Qadhaa'. b.Only if Salat is missed purposely. c.If Salat is performed for extra recompense (Ajr). d.If Salat is missed for one week, you may do Qadhaa'.

32 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 32 Enumerate 7 kinds of Salats besides the 5 obligatory. a.Salat of Jumuah (Friday), Salat of the two Eids, Salat of Ayahs, Salat of Tawaf of Ka'ba, Salat of Janaaza (Funeral), Salat for Mayyet, and Salat of vow. b.Salat of Travel + a c.Salat of Fainting + a. d.Salat of Forgiveness + a.

33 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 33 What does one Rak'a consist of? a.Wuqoof, Rukoo, I'tidaal, Sujood, Juloos, Sujood, in that order. b.Wuqoof, Rukoo, I'tidaal, Sujood, Juloos, Tashah'hud, in that order. c.Wuqoof, Sujood, Juloos, Sujood, Rukoo, I'tidaal in that order. d.Wuqoof, Rukoo, Sujood, I'tidaal, Juloos, Sujood in that order.

34 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 34 Which direction does a Muslim turn to when he performs Salat? a.The House of Allah, the Ka'ba in Medina. b.The House of Allah, the Ka'ba in Mecca. c.The House of Allah, the Ka'ba in Jerusalem. d.The House of Allah, the Ka'ba in Eastern Arabia.

35 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 35 Where is the Ka'ba? a.In Mecca, Arabia. b.In Medina, Arabia. c.In Mecca, Palestine. d.In Mecca, Yemen.

36 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 36 What is Wudu? a.Wudu is a prescribed form of washing before performing Salat. b.Wudu is taking a bath before performing Salat. c.Wudu is a prescribed form of cleaning before performing Salat. d.Wudu is a prescribed form of purification before performing Salat.

37 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 37 What is Ghusl? a.Ghusl is taking a bath in a certain manner, called the Major Wudu. b.Ghusl is obligatory after having had sexual relations with one's spouse + a. c.Ghusl is obligatory in six forms of Ibadat + a. d.Ghusl is obligatory during Ramadhan after sexual relations with one's spouse.

38 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 38 What is Tayammum? a.Tayammum is performed by finding a clean natural spot, touching this area with the palm of the hands, wiping the forehead with them, and touching this area again with the palms of the hands then touching the back of both hands. b.Tayammum is done if hot water is not available. c.Tayammum is done if you are in a hurry. d.Tayammum is done if cold water is not available.

39 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 39 Mention 4 factors that break a Wudu. a.Sleeping or taking a nap, going to the bathroom, i.e. urinating, having a bowel movement, passing gas, having had sexual relations with one's spouse. b.Sleeping or taking a nap, going to the bathroom, burping. c.Sleeping or taking a nap, blowing your nose. d.Urinating, having a bowel movement, passing gas, cussing.

40 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 40 Describe the Salat of Jumuah. a.Salat of Jumuah is a special prayer done at noon on every Friday. b.Salat of Jumuah is to be done in place of Dhuhr Salat, with other Muslims, in Congregation. c.Salat of Jumuah, if at all feasible is to be performed in the Mosque. d.A short talk (in two parts) precedes the Salat by the person who leads the Salat called Khutba + a, b, and c.

41 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 41 What is Khutba? a.Khutba is a short talk (in two parts) preceding Salat of Jumuah by the person who leads the Salat. b.Khutba is a short talk preceding Salat of Subh. c.Khutba is a short talk (in two parts) preceding Salat of Maghrib. d.Khutba is a short talk (in one part) preceding Salat of Jumuah by the person who leads the Salat.

42 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 42 What values are there to performing Salat in congregation? a.To perform Salat in congregation is sharing worship with others in the house of Allah. b.Will give a chance to know other Muslims, to share their views, c.It carries a potential for friendliness and cooperation. d.It gives a feeling of belonging to the good Muslim community + a, b, and c.

43 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 43 Give some benefits of performing Salat in congregation. a.People stand on an equal footing, that Allah sees people having equal rights. b.People will practice equality in the Mosque as they should at all times, be they rich or poor, influential or weak, black or white. c.With no status symbol in the Mosque, you simply take a place in the line of worshippers, humble and in reverence, praying all together. d.All the above.

44 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 44 What is Athan? a.Call for the Salat. b.Athan is said in a melodic manner, loud enough to be heard well by people around. c.Athan is said phrase by phrase, in a special order + a and b. d.Athan is said in 3 phrases, in a special order + a and b.

45 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 45 What is Iqaama? a.Before performing the Salat, the Iqaama is said. b.Iqaama is similar to but slightly different from the Athan. c.Iqaama is said rapidly usually in a low voice + a and b. d.Iqaama is said rapidly usually in a loud voice + a and b.

46 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 46 In which Salats are the Takbirs said? a.Salat of Eid, be it Eid-ul-Fitr or Eid-ul-Adha have Takbirs performed a certain number of times. b.Salat of Asr, has Takbirs performed 3 times. c.Salat of Ishaa, has Takbirs performed 5 times. d.Only Salat of Eid-ul-Fitr has Takbirs performed 7 times.

47 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 47 What is Salat of Janaaza? a.Salat of Janaaza is done before someone dies. b.Salat of Janaaza is done in a special manner after someone dies while the body is still in the coffin in front of the leader of the Salat. c.Salat of Janaaza is exactly the same as Salat of Mayyet. d.Salat of Janaaza is done in a special manner after someone is buried.

48 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 48 What is Al-Saum? a.Saum is an Arabic word for fasting. b.Like Salat, fasting is a way of worshipping Allah through bodily endeavors. c.Saum means fasting during only the month of Ramadhan + a and b. d.Saum is fasting during Ramadhan and Rajab.

49 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 49 Mention 3 important points about Saum. a.Fasting is a voluntary act of worship + c. b.Fasting is an obligatory act of worship. c.During fasting a person will remember Allah all through the fasting day. d.Through fasting a person develops a sense of peace and serenity inside, an assertive feeling of spirituality + b and c.

50 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 50 Mention important points about Saum. a.Through fasting we learn patience, feel calm, good, and pure inside, we become especially conscious about our manners and conduct + b, c, and d. b.Fasting helps in self-control and self-denial. c.It is self-denial to master many of our desires, not only of eating and drinking, but many others. d.Fasting teaches self-discipline to become the masters of ourselves but for the love of Allah.

51 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 51 What do we mainly learn from Saum? a.To control our tempers and be in control of ourselves. b.To be humble and to watch what we do carefully + a, c, and d. c.To be patient with others and more considerate of them. d.To be kind, congenial and helpful.

52 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 52 What is a lunar month? a.Ramadhan is a lunar month b.Lunar month keeps advancing almost eleven days every year. c.Ramadhan may fall during any season of the year, be it winter, summer, spring, or fall + a and b. d.Ramadhan falls only during winter and spring, + a and b.

53 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 53 Describe fasting. a.When the sun sets and it gets slightly dark outside, the time for breaking the fast becomes due. It is called Iftaar + b, and c and d. b.We eat before dawn, at a special set time. This is called Suhoor. c.We stop eating and start fasting, (Imsaak). d.In fasting state a person cannot eat, drink, smoke, have sexual activity, etc.

54 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 54 What is Suhoor? a.Special meal on the first day of Eid. b.The meal before dawn for a fasting person, at a special set time. c.The meal before dawn before we go for Haj. d.The meal before our wedding day.

55 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 55 What is Imsaak? a.Imsaak is when we stop eating and start fasting. b.Imsaak is when we start eating and stop fasting. c.Imsaak is when we stop talking. d.Imsaak is a procedure for Haj.

56 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 56 What is Iftaar? a.Iftaar is a procedure for Haj. b.Iftaar is when we start eating and stop fasting. c.Iftaar is when we start confessing our sins to Allah. d.Iftaar is when we stop eating and start fasting.

57 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 57 How many hours a day do we fast? a.Period of fasting varies from one day to the next also depending on the season. b.During wintertime the days are short, so we may fast for about 6 hours. c.During summertime the days are longer, the fasting days may take 17 or 18 hours. d.Period of fasting is 12« hours a day.

58 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 58 What is Du'aa Iftitah? a.Du'aa Iftitah is a melodic Du'aa full of meaning usually read in a mosque or a Muslim community center after Iftaar. b.It is read before Iftaar. c.It is read after Imsaak. d.It is read before Imsaak.

59 Click for the answer Questions, Muhammad's teaching by Ahlul Bayt, Part #3 59 End of quiz a.You may go for the next set of questions about Teaching of Muhammad as passed down by Ahlul Bayt or b.You may choose another topic c.Thank you and May Allah bless you.

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