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STANDARD II: Students will understand that energy from sunlight is changed to chemical energy in plants, transfers between living organisms, and that.

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Presentation on theme: "STANDARD II: Students will understand that energy from sunlight is changed to chemical energy in plants, transfers between living organisms, and that."— Presentation transcript:

1 STANDARD II: Students will understand that energy from sunlight is changed to chemical energy in plants, transfers between living organisms, and that changing the environment may alter the amount of energy provided to living organisms.

2 Which substances are the products of photosynthesis?
Objective 1: Compare the ways that plants and animals obtain and use energy. Which substances are the products of photosynthesis? 6H2O + 6CO > C6H12O6 + 6O2 a.     carbon dioxide and oxygen b.     carbon dioxide and water c.     glucose (sugar) and oxygen d.     glucose (sugar) and water Light Correct Answer: c

3 Objective 1: Compare the ways that plants and animals obtain and use energy.
Many scientists believe Earth’s early atmosphere had no oxygen. Humans need oxygen to survive. According to some theories plants had to photosynthesize before humans could live on Earth. What evidence backs up this statement? a.     Humans cannot survive without water. b.     Doctors tell us both plants and humans need sunlight. c.     Plants use carbon dioxide and water to photosynthesis. d.     Plants give off oxygen during photosynthesis. Correct Answer: d

4 Objective 1: Compare the ways that plants and animals obtain and use energy.
In 1648, a Flemish alchemist, Jan van Helmont, had a theory. To test it, he grew a tree in a tub of soil, adding nothing but measured quantities of water for five years. During that time he kept track of the weigh of the soil and the tree. At the end of the experiment the tree had gained 164 pounds and the soil had lost 2 ounces. What could von Helmont conclude from his experiment? a. Most of the tree’s increase came from the soil. b. Trees need only soil and light to grow. Most of the tree’s increase came from something other than the soil. Trees need only air and soil to grow. Correct Answer: c

5 Objective 1: Compare the ways that plants and animals obtain and use energy.
Which substances are necessary for plants to produce sugar through photosynthesis? a. Water, chlorophyll b. Water, carbon dioxide c. Water, minerals, cell wall d. Water, roots, oxygen Correct Answer: b

6 Objective 1: Compare the ways that plants and animals obtain and use energy.
In a closed terrarium, more photosynthesis is taking place than respiration. Which gas would you expect to increase? a. Air b. Carbon dioxide c. Oxygen Nitrogen Correct Answer: c

7 Objective 1: Compare the ways that plants and animals obtain and use energy.
The main source of energy for living things on Earth is: a. oxygen b. plants c. soil d. sun Correct Answer: d

8 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
When considering food webs, which of these are producers? a.     birds b.     fungi c.     mammals d.     trees Correct Answer: d 

9 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
In the ocean, large fish sometimes have their teeth cleaned by smaller fish. The smaller fish gets food and the larger fish gets clean teeth that are less likely to decay. This is an example of what type of relationship? a.  mutualism because both fish benefit b.  parasitism because one organism is harmed c.  predator/prey because one organism is hunted d.  competition between the two sizes of fish Correct Answer: a 

10 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
Which of the following relationships would best describe a weasel eating a bird’s eggs? a.     producer/consumer b.     predator/prey c.     mutualism d.     parasitism Correct Answer: b 

11 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
Which of the following relationships would best describe a man and his pet dog? a.     producer/consumer b.     predator/prey c.     mutualism d.     parasitism Correct Answer: c 

12 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
Which of the following relationships would best describe a cow eating grass? a.     producer/consumer b.     predator/prey c.     mutualism d.     parasitism Correct Answer: a

13 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
According to the diagram, what percent of the energy is transferred from one level to the next? a.     100% b.     10% c.     1% d.     .1% Correct Answer: b

14 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
According to the diagram, where does the other 90% of the energy go? a.     Lost to the environment in the form of light. b.     Lost to the environment in the form of heat. c.     Lost to the soil to be used by plants. d.     Lost to the consumer that ate it. Correct Answer: b

15 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
According to the diagram, which organism is considered a second level consumer? a.     The plant b.     The mouse c.     The hawk d.     The mushroom Correct Answer: c

16 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
According to the diagram, what group does the mushroom represent in the food web? a.     decomposers b.     producers c.     consumers d.     predator Correct Answer: a

17 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
Which of the following relationships would best describe a mosquito sucking blood from a deer? a.     producer/consumer b.     predator/prey c.     mutualism d.     parasitism Correct Answer: d

18 Objective 2: Generalize the dependant relationships between organisms.
Suzanne wanted to better understand the effect of light on seed germination. She planted 8 seeds, 4 in each of 2 cups. She placed one cup in a dark closet and the other on a sunny window sill. She gave the plants the same amount of water and observed them for a week. Which of the following would invalidate any data she collects? a. She used different soils in each cup. b. Nothing grew up in either cup. c. She forgot to water all of the plants one day. d. She didn’t weigh the seeds before she planted them. Correct Answer: a 

19 Objective 3: Analyze human influence on the capacity of an environment to sustain living things.
During very cold winters, deer often come down into the yards of homes built in the foothill areas of Utah. The deer can seriously damage trees there by eating the bark. What could be done to solve this problem? a.     build 6 foot fences around the homes or yards b.     put up life size pictures of people in the yards to scare deer away c.     limit deer hunting in the area to preserve the herd d.     allow more deer hunting in the area to reduce herd size  Correct Answer: d

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