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The Cultural Geography of Africa South of the Sahara

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1 The Cultural Geography of Africa South of the Sahara
Unit 7 Chapter21 The Cultural Geography of Africa South of the Sahara Ch 21 PP

2 I. Section I Population Patterns Ch 21 PP

3 A. Rapid Population Growth
Africa Statistics Highest Birthrate & Death rate of the world Births Still Outnumber Deaths! Population Growth of this region is the highest in the world! Highest Infant Mortality Shortest Life Expectancy Ch 21 PP

4 One factor – AIDS – could drastically change Africa’s population!
About 70% of the people with HIV live in Africa S. of the Sahara At the end of 2000, about 17 million Africans had already died of AIDS – related diseases What do you think some of the effects are of this issue? Ch 21 PP

5 A. (cont) Population & Distribution
Not very many people for how much land there is! If evenly spread, density would be about 76 people per sq. mi. (Unfortunately, it is not even) Ex. – Rwanda – 817, Namibia – 6 Land & Climate affect distribution Ch 21 PP

6 Population & Food Production
High population & economic challenges = not enough food! 70% of people are farmers, but there still is not enough food Too many cash crops & not enough food grown for citizens Tea Picking Ch 21 PP

7 Population & Health Care
Famine, Malnutrition, Poor Water, Inadequate Sanitation, Diseases (Malaria) have claimed many lives Insects such as mosquitoes & tsetse fly transmit disease Ch 21 PP

8 Fetching Water: A Girl’s Life
Water Well in Ethiopia Wash Day in Madagascar Fetching Water: A Girl’s Life Ch 21 PP

9 B. A Diverse Population Growing Cities Fastest rate of urbanization
Most cities are along the coasts, rivers, or rich natural resources Lagos (Nigeria) – largest city in this region Ch 21 PP

10 II. Section II History & Government Tribal leader Nigeria’s President
Ch 21 PP

11 A. African Roots First Civilizations Empires in the West
Around tens of thousands of years ago! Egyptians – along the Nile River Empires in the West Trading empires began – Ghana & Mali Ch 21 PP

12 B. European Colonization
The Slave Trade in Africa 1600 – 1700s Europeans were trading heavily w/Europeans Gold, ivory, textiles, enslaved workers Ch 21 PP

13 Europe Divides & Rules 1800s – 1914 – Europe had laid claim to all of Africa except Ethiopia, Liberia, and South Africa Ch 21 PP

14 C. From Colonies to Countries
By mid-1900s, educated Africans had launched the independence movement By the 2nd ½ of the century, the colonies became independent Nigeria: A Colonial Legacy Read map & timeline on pg. 523 Ch 21 PP

15 South Africa: Road to Freedom
Apartheid – separation of races Did not end until the early 1990s Universal Suffrage – voting rights for all citizens Nelson Mandela – make sure you know who this is! Ch 21 PP

16 III. Section III Cultures & Lifestyles Ch 21 PP

17 A. Languages More than 800 languages! Six major language categories
Soccer Fan from Ghana Ch 21 PP

18 Lingua Franca – means common language
Usually French or English in this region Ch 21 PP

19 B. Religions #1 – Christianity #2 – Muslim #3 – Traditional Religions
Ch 21 PP

20 C. Education Educational Advances
Education is improving in areas that have the needed resources Only about 60% of people aged 15 and older can read & write Literacy Rate – the ability of people to read & write Rural areas are often lower New Ways of Learning Only 10 out of 1,000 people have a computer Internet access is not available to many Ch 21 PP

21 D. The Arts Masks, drums, textiles, dance, music
Oral tradition – passing down stories through generations Ch 21 PP

22 E. Varied Lifestyles Make sure you read pgs. 530-531!
Families are very important Extended Families Clans Nuclear Family Make sure you read pgs ! Sudanese Wedding Ch 21 PP

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