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The Adventures of the French Revolution

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1 The Adventures of the French Revolution
By: Sarahi Calito and Mario Martinez

2 The Monarchy There was once a young Prince by the age of fifteen. His name was Louis the XVI. Louis would soon become the King of France and marry a beautiful wife named Marie Antoinette.

3 Conditions in France Meanwhile, the French people were very sad and angry due to tax prices, small amounts of bread and more causes.

4 The Estates There were three types of categories people were put in: The Nobility, or the rich people, The Clergy, or the middle class and Commoners, which were the poor people of France.

5 Storming of the Bastille
King Louis XVI wanted to reestablish the power which made the citizens of France very angry. In fact, they were so angry that the protesters broke into the Bastille and destroyed it.

6 Declaration of Rights of Man
Shortly after, the National Assembly made basic human rights written by Marquis de Lafayette. It was called Declaration of Rights of Man.

7 Women March on Versailles
Hearing this, a group of Parisian women made their way to Versailles and told the king and queen to return to their hometown Paris, France.

8 The King and Queen Try to Escape
The Revolution was still going on, so the King and Queen wanted to leave Paris. They were caught in the act and were returned home.

9 The Guillotine The Guillotine was built to kill anyone regardless of their power who have done something wrong. Knowing the King and Queen tried to flee the country, Louis XVI was put to death by this weapon.

10 Execution of the Monarchs
Along with King Louis XVI, his wife Marie Antoinette was also killed by the Guillotine because she attempted to leave. With no one to rule, a man named Robespierre was put in charge.

11 Reign of Terror Unfortunately, putting Robespierre in charge meant thousands of citizens were executed if they were found suspicious of any simple crime.

12 The Execution of Robespierre
Everyone in France were tired of Robespierre and his paranoia, so he himself was put to death by the Guillotine. This meant that the Monarchy was put to an end and the basic human rights standards were created.

13 The Rise of Napoleon With Robespierre gone, France needed a new leader. A man named Napoleon took over and became the Emperor of France.

14 The End

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