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Workshop outcomes from the CEOS perspective

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1 Workshop outcomes from the CEOS perspective
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Workshop outcomes from the CEOS perspective Steven Hosford CEOS Executive Officer 13th November 2018

2 Xin chào from Tuan! Tuan, CEOS Chair 2019 VNSC-VAST

3 Summary Introduction to CEOS Organisational structure
Freshwater in the CEOS context

4 177 missions under development
Introduction to CEOS Viewing Earth, serving society The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) ensures international coordination of civil space-based Earth observation programmes 62 members and associate members 151 missions currently operating 177 missions under development

5 Introduction to CEOS Three primary objectives:
Optimise benefits of EO through cooperation between CEOS Agencies in mission planning and the development of compatible mission outputs Provide a focal point for international coordination of space-based Earth observation Serve as a forum for exchange for technical and policy information to encourage complementarity and compatibility among space- based Earth Observation systems

6 Organisational structure
CEOS Leadership Support roles Working Groups Virtual Constellations Ad-hoc Teams European Commission VNSC-VAST/Vietnam ISRO/India

7 Freshwater in CEOS Some recent history … WSIST ad-hoc team stopped.
January GEOSS Water Strategy presented at GEO Ministerial April 2014 (SIT) CEOS agencies requested to provide responses to the relevant recommendations – 3 agencies responded Sep/Oct 2014 CEOS Water Strategy Implementation Study Team (SIT TW/Plenary) (WSIST) established 2015/2016 Work reviewed in Plenaries 29 and 30. Plenary GEO’s User requirements evolving with the emergence of GEOGLOWS/Aquawatch/Blue Planet WSIST ad-hoc team stopped. Oversight of Freshwater theme given to SIT Chair. SIT-32 Session bringing together GEOGLOWS, Aquawatch, (Paris, April 2017) Water quality work. First proposal for a Freshwater from Space workshop.

8 Freshwater in CEOS SIT-32 Workshop Discussion paper Issues/Focus
Wkshp Objective: Better understanding by SAs of the needs for observations relevant to water   Issues/Focus “difficult … to coherently address the range of [observational] needs.”  “[Representatives of major water related initiatives] … establish a more coherent dialogue with space agencies” “suite of observational needs directly traceable to policy and service requirements” “co-ordination among CEOS agencies to respond to these needs”

9 Freshwater in CEOS Some potential outcomes (depending on the discussions over the next 2 days) Consolidate a “community” around Freshwater from space, spanning Thematic areas (EWVs) SAs and representatives of major water related initiatives Objective: establish a more coherent dialogue Consolidate a common overview of Freshwater from space observational needs directly traceable to policy and service requirements Clear overview of current and upcoming missions that contribute to satisfy these needs Facilitate coordination among CEOS agencies to respond to these needs

10 Freshwater in CEOS Positive “Boundary Conditions” for the Freshwater theme a politically important and visible parameter   upcoming missions largely focused on this parameter from several of the major agencies,  a growing maturity of technology/agency interest Necessary conditions for success FW community has Space Agency ownership and drive. Necessarily linked to agencies missions and their objectives, … but shared with representatives of major water related initiatives (GEO/WMO/international science community activities) Consolidate a broad, coherent overview of FW requirements to a Constellation/Architecture that spans the “Freshwater” theme allowing each mission to identify itself in a broader context

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