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G LOBAL E VENTS & M ANAGEMENT (E STABLISHED IN 2001) UNDERTAKES THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS Conferences Management Fashion Show organizer Private Parties wedding.

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Presentation on theme: "G LOBAL E VENTS & M ANAGEMENT (E STABLISHED IN 2001) UNDERTAKES THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS Conferences Management Fashion Show organizer Private Parties wedding."— Presentation transcript:


2 G LOBAL E VENTS & M ANAGEMENT (E STABLISHED IN 2001) UNDERTAKES THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS Conferences Management Fashion Show organizer Private Parties wedding planner Road Shows Canopies System In Shop-sales Promotion Exhibition Organizer

3 U PCOMING P ROJECT Diwali India Bazaar 2011 15-17 0ctober D. C. Centre (Church) 1-Ashok Place, Ashoka Road Near Gole Dak Khana, Connaught Place New Delhi-110001

4 SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES Main Sponsor @ 5,00,000 + 10.30% Service Tax. Title Sponsor @ 3,00,000 + 10.30% Service Tax. Associate Sponsor @ 2,00,000+ 10.30% ServiceTax.

5 MAIN SPONSOR 1 STALL of size 3x3 Publicity of your organization as a MAIN SPONSOR MEDIA publicity in the leading national newspaper. Your name and logo would be at the backdrop the whole fair up to closing ceremony. Announcements would be made during the whole fair acknowledging your sponsorship and giving details of your product and services. Branding inside the venue, banners, hoardings, catalogues. Media coverage (Delhi Aajtak) Logo on all other invitation cards on prominent place Logo on welcome panel and backdrop to be used 50 passes free

6 TITLE SPONSOR 1 STALL of size 3x2 Publicity of your organization as TITLE SPONSOR Your name and logo would be at the backdrop the whole fair up to closing ceremony Announcements would be made during the whole fair acknowledging your sponsorship and giving details of your product and service Branding inside the venue, banners, hoardings, catalogues. Logo on all other invitation cards on prominent place Logo on welcome panel and backdrop to be used 30 passes free

7 ASSOCIATE SPONSOR 1 STALL of size 2x2 Publicity of your organization as an ASSOCIATE SPONSOR Your company name and logo would be at the backdrop the whole fair up to closing ceremony. Announcements would be made during the whole fair acknowledging your sponsorship and giving details of your product and services. Branding-inside the venue, banners, hoardings, catalogues. Logo on all other invitation cards on prominent place. Logo on welcome panel and backdrop to be used. 20 passes free.

8 D ETAILS OF A DVERTISING MATERIAL 50 Hoarding Size 15x10 sq.ft 100 Hoarding Size 10x5 sq ft. 100 Hoarding Size 5x3 sq. ft. 1 Lacs Leaflet 1000 Brouchers 100 Banners Size 10x3 sq. ft. 10 Lacs SMS. 3 Months cablevision Promotion (Win Channel)


10 GLOBAL EVENTS & MANAGEMENT A-188,LAJPAT NAGAR-1 NEW DELHI-110024 (o) +91-11-46016773 (M) +91-7838048887, +91- 9873473187 Mail us:- visit us:-

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