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Love. Love in Modern Society An Impersonal Society exaggerates the rational and economic aspects of human and tends to ignore peoples need for affection.

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Presentation on theme: "Love. Love in Modern Society An Impersonal Society exaggerates the rational and economic aspects of human and tends to ignore peoples need for affection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love

2 Love in Modern Society An Impersonal Society exaggerates the rational and economic aspects of human and tends to ignore peoples need for affection and human conduct (p. 102). Placing a greater value on achievement and consumerism than on attitudes and behaviors necessary to maintain long-term loving relationships The Paradox

3 4 Things Love Isnt Martyring: Manipulating: Limerence: Romanticizing:

4 Love: A deep and vital emotion that satisfies important and significant human needs, coupled with caring for and acceptance of the beloved, resulting in an intimate relationship

5 Need Satisfaction (Crosby) Legitimate Needs: Illegitimate:

6 Intimacy: The capacity to share ones inner self and to commit to that person even if it involves personal sacrifice Two Kinds

7 Triangular Theory (Sternberg) Three Components of Love

8 Love Types (Lee) 1. EROS 2. STORGE 3. LUDUS 4. AGAPE 5. PRAGMA 6. MANIA

9 Relationship Types (Crosby) A-Frame H-Frame M-Frame

10 Labeling Love (Schacter) Emotional experience consists of 2 parts

11 Love Stories (Stenberg)

12 4 Stage Model of How Love Progresses (Goldstine & Weiner) 1. Falling in Love 2. Disappointment 3. Requests for Change 4. Acceptance/Resolution

13 Wheel of Love(Reiss) 1. Rapport 2. Self-Revelation 3. Mutual Dependence 4. Personality need Fulfillment

14 Wheel of Love(Reiss) Role Concept Sociocultural background

15 Love Vs. Friendship (Davis & Todd) Prototype of Friendship 1. Enjoyment 2. Acceptance 3. Trust 4. Respect 5. Mutual Acceptance 6. Confiding 7. Understanding 8. Spontaneity

16 Love Vs. Friendship (Davis & Todd) Involves all the Friendship characteristics as well as two broad clusters:

17 Self-Worth (i.e., self-esteem) and the ability to be loved Refers to ones self-concept: involving the feelings that people have about their own value (p. 110) The Six Pillars or practice of building self-worth (Branden) 1. Live consciously (default vs. knowledgably) 2. Self-acceptance 3. Self-responsibility 4. Self-assertiveness -- honoring our wants, needs, & values 5. Live purposefully -- set attainable goals & reach them 6. Personal integrity -- congruent behaviors

18 Misconceptions of Love 1. Love conquers all; if the relationship is tough, than you have the wrong partner 2. Love is static; once you fall in love, you get on a high and stay there 3. If it isnt perfect, it wasnt meant to be 4. You cant rekindle passion; once love dies, you cant get it back 5. Theres one true soul mate; if you meet the right one, you will live happily ever after.

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