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Love and Emotions HPER F258 – Marriage and Family Interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Love and Emotions HPER F258 – Marriage and Family Interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love and Emotions HPER F258 – Marriage and Family Interaction

2 What is Love? Who Could You Love? In your small groups, –List at least 10 ideal characteristics for a mate and 10 characteristics that would be deal breakers. –Answer these questions: How did you choose the qualities of your ideal? What influenced your choices and decisions? How does your ideal reflect your upbringing, including both family and cultural influences? In what ways do your parents contribute to your ideal image? –How would you know when you have found your ideal partner?

3 Emotions Are at the Heart of the Family's Ability to Influence Us

4 Attachment and how it relates to our view of love (Bowlby) Attachment theory an affectional tie with some other differentiated and preferred individual who is usually conceived as stronger and/or wiser Individuals have a tendency to build strong emotional bonds to specific others If you have not formed a secure bond as a child, it affects your ability to form solid relationships later in life

5 Non-rational bonds Bonds that are based on a feeling or feelings, not logic- based The lack of rationality makes them powerful –Remember that anything that is hidden from rational/ intellectual processing can influence us without our knowing that its there

6 Invisible loyalties (Boszormenyi-Nagy) Generational loyalties (not necessarily positive) Holding onto ideas of how things should be because of family experiences Being unable to break patterns Not culturally based, but inherent to family relationships (accd. to B-N) Ethical loyalties – a family ledger where everyone has obligations to the family – can be unhealthy

7 Chronic Family Anxiety Different from individual anxieties Chronic family anxiety is long-term negative emotions in the familys emotional system. Result from –low tolerance for intimacy and individuality –High levels of conflict –Animosity –Anxiety among family members

8 Family Ties and Love Relationships Think back to the Epigenesis Principle and when we as individuals first begin to relate to –the idea of loving –preferring one person over another –expectations for relationships

9 Article facilitation (Tues.) – Relationships and Romantic Expectations In your small group, discuss article #6, This Thing Called Love

10 Distance Regulation In families, a balance must be found between being too close and too distant Differentiation – to become separate and unique –Not same as cut-off Undifferentiated = fusion

11 Differentiation/Fusion Principle Families with higher levels of negativity, hostility, and animosity are more likely to have unhealthy levels of connectedness (fusion) in family life. This spirit of contention and control in families impairs childrens ability to develop a strong inner identity. They remain overly connected to their family of origin (enmeshed).

12 So… Emotionally healthy family environment allows for individuation of family members An emotionally unhealthy family environment results in family members who are emotionally fused…even if they appear disengaged.

13 Balancing closeness and distance (process) Families exist in perpetual confrontation between the quest for autonomy and jointness (Sprey) Efforts to balance autonomy vs. inclusion Balancing between connection and partition

14 Distancing and pursuing Relational space –Metaphoric, not concrete space –Sense of closeness vs. distance in relationship –Tied to comfort level with that level of closeness

15 The Mating Game Your discussion leader will give you the instructions – theyre complex) After youve played the game: –What has this game taught you about your expectations, attitudes and standards?

16 Final Thoughts on Lecture Material Identify at least one important point in the class. Give this to your discussion leader. If anything was unclear, write that down, too.

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