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Chronobiology in Ayurveda

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1 Chronobiology in Ayurveda
Dr.S.N.Venugopalan Nair, BAMS, MBA

2 काल TIME नित्य काल /Universal Yuga Samvatsara (Yearly) Dina (Daily)
Hours (Hourly) Minutes Seconds आवस्तिक काल/ Biological Genotypical / phenotypic / काल गर्भाशय प्रकृति धातु परिणाम काल / Tissue development अन्न काल /Chrono dietetics / seasonal food रोग / व्याधि काल /prevalence, onset and stages of disease as shat kriya kaala द्रव्यगुण : कालोत्पन्नम्, Chrono pharmaceutics, स्वस्थ, रसायन काल , Wellbeing, Healthy regimen, rejuvination, sleep, food, reproductive health. दोष काल / Systemic , diurnal nocturnal वय:अवस्था काल /Aging Time as measurment of change Time as one of the 9 dravyas / objects of knowledge

3 काल “Kaala or time is the measure of change” [kaala naama parinaama] says charaka [1500 CE-200AD], कालयति संक्षिपति इति वा काल (डल्लण, सु,सु ६/३) AavasthikaKaala is concerned with diseased state (C.Vi.1/22) and with the milestones of the life such as childhood, teenage, old age etc.. This type is also useful in treatment. (C.Chi.30/296)  B) Nityaga Kaala is in relation with universal time, year, month, seasons, hours, seconds and its micro seconds. (C.Vi.8/125) Kaala is the cause for Samyoga , Vibhaga Parinama, Prtaktva

4 काल द्रव्य - as causative factor as matter / kaarana dravya
नित्य काल days cycle /6 seasons, आदiन काल, विसर्ग काल 3.काल गर्भाशय प्रकृति - Genotypic / phenotypic / circadian phenotypes 4.दोष काल - “Systemic clock” Diurnal(day time12hrs), Nocturnal (night time 12 hrs) 5.धातु परिणाम काल Tissue formation related 6.भैषज्य काल, चिकित्सा काल - Chrono therapy / 7.अन्न काल - Chrono dietetics / seasonal food 8.रोग / व्याधि काल - Diseases occurrence, prevalence, stage of disease, 9.षट् क्रिया काल Pathogenesis related, 6 stages of disease onset 10. द्रव्य गुण, कालोत्पन्नम् - Chrono pharmaceutics 11.निद्रा काल - Sleep & biological clock 12.अवस्था काल / वय: - Aging 13.रसायन काल - Rejuvinative / 14.स्वस्थ: - Wellness / health related

5 1. काल द्रव्य - as causative factor as matter / kaarana dravya
Time (Kaala) is one of the nine causal elements ( Kaaran`aDravya), responsible for the origin (initiation) and maintenance of the Universe and hence for human life. Every event in the nature and in human life is deeply affected by time.

6 2. नित्य काल - 365 days cycle /6 seasons, आदiन काल & विसर्ग काल
आदiन काल Uttarayana kaala Northern solstice Sisira, Vasanta, Greeshma विसर्ग काल Dakshinayana Southern soultice Varsha Sarat Hemanta

7 2. काल गर्भाशय प्रकृति - Genotypic / phenotypic / circadian phenotypes
Prakriti types = V, P , K, VP, VK, PK, VPK The genetic-environmental interactions in the establishment and the maintenance of rhythms begin in early intrauterine life and continue during infancy and childhood with the development of the mature time structure similar to that seen in the adult during the first 12–24 months of extrauterine life. [2] There are variations in biological rhythms according to your phenotype

8 3.दोष काल - “Systemic clock” Diurnal (day time12hrs) Nocturnal (night time 12 hrs)
वयोहोरात्रिभुक्तानांतेऽन्तमध्यादिगाःक्रमात्| (AshtangaHridaya ( CE), sutra sthana, 1/8) Age K P V Day Night Food

9 4. धातु परिणाम काल - Tissue formation related
Development of foetus, Monthly regimen Formation and nourishment of Body tissues from nutrients Selective nutrition 7 days transformation from one dhathu to another Chain of transformation and development Rasa > rakta > mamsa > meda >asti >majja> sukra

10 5.भैषज्य काल - Chrono therapy
The time of administration of medicine About the Patient Factors taken into consideration On empty stomach (Abhakta) Pre-parandial (Prak-bhakta) Post-parandial (adho-bhakta) In between the meal (anthara-bhakta) In the middle of the meal (madha-bhakta) Mixed with the meal (sabhakta) Given in the beginning and end of the meal (samudga) Repeatedly given (Muhurmuhu) With each morsel of food (graasa) In between morsels (graasantara) Physiology of the patient Prakriti / constitution, Sex, Food habits, Season, geographical location, Age, Strength, mental caliber, sleep, habits Disease of the patient Prognosis, stage of the disease, duration, history, associated symptoms or diseases Medicine given to the patient Dosage forms, palatability, purpose of the treatment (sodhana, samana), multifunctions of the formulation, dosage and anupana used. Other methods of administration of medicine followed.

11 14.स्वस्थ: - Wellness / health related
उत्ति Wakeup at Brahma muhurtha 1.45 hrs before sunrise “Kaala-artha-karmanaam-yogo,hina-mithya-atimaatraga, samyak yoga cha vijeyoroga-arogaikakaaram” (Vagbhata )[4]

12 An overview of Chronobiology in Ayurveda





17 Conclusion Past is the Present of Future

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