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Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes...

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Presentation on theme: "Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes...
Left-side: 1. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Left-side Title Absolutes

2 Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes...
Left-side: 2. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Absolutes

3 Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes...
Left-side: 3. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Absolutes

4 Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes...
Left-side: 4. Brainstorm a list of absolutes...Then, describe the video using two absolutes either at the beginning or ending of your sentence. Absolutes

5 Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes...
Absolutes Word Choice...Author’s Craft… Brush Strokes... Quiz - Absolutes Directions: Watch the video clip. Answer the following questions using complete sentences. This is an open-note quiz! Create a sentence by describing the video using two absolutes. What is an absolute? How many absolutes should a sentence contain and where should the absolutes be placed in a sentence? Give two reasons why you should use absolutes in your writing. Note: Check your sentences carefully. Did you capitalize, punctuate, and write complete sentences? Name: Period: ____

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