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Published byLawrence Roys Modified over 10 years ago
The Fruit of the Spirit Part II: Love, Joy, Peace
Galatians 5:22-24
Review The Fruit of the Spirit is the effect or result of our being filled with the Spirit. When a tree is filled with proper nutrients the result is good fruit. Ps. 1:1-3 In like manner, we will bear this fruit when we are filled with the Spirit
Review To be filled with the Spirit is not emotionalism, nor is it a mystical feeling. Rather, as the word of God is given to us by the Spirit (1 Cor. 2:10-12), so we are filled with the Spirit when we fill ourselves up with that word. We do so by filling up our minds the knowledge of God and applying that knowledge to the way we live our lives.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also in you who believe.” received effectively 1 CLICK: We must understand that receiving the word of God is more that holding a Bible or keeping it on our lamp stand. It is more than just reading every once in a while. To receive something in this sense is to take it in, to bring it in close so as to have an affect on us. We know this is the case, because Paul said this is what the Thessalonians did with it. Notice… 2CLICK: the word that they received “effectively worked” in them. It had an affect on their lives as they began to apply it. In this manner they were being filled with the Spirit and walking in the Spirit. In this same manner we can be filled with the Spirit as we cuase God’s word to work in our lives. works
Review When we receive it by faith it is able to effectively work in us (1 Thess. 2:13) It is able to transform us as we fill our minds (hearts) with it (Rom. 12:2) What is the end result? The Fruit of the Spirit. There is one characteristic that stands above the rest… The list that we are about to study through will be the necessary result when we are applying God’s word to our lives as we ought to. Are you applying God’s word? Are you studying it, asking questions to better undersand it and seeking answers to your questions. Many Christians say they are, but there is a way that all can tell if we are or not. By whether or not we are bearing the fruit of the Spirit. If we are applying God’s word as we ought to then this list of nine characteristics will automatically be seen in our lives. Let us now consider the first characteristic in the fruit of the Spirit.
Love Love is such an integral part of God’s character that we are told, “God is love” (1 John 4:16). Everything He does is out of love. The commandments and ordinances that make up His law are all designed to effect that same love in the hearts of His people (Matt. 22:37-40). The greatest evidence that a person is a disciples of Christ is the love he has for his brethren (John 13:35). PRELIM: The word of God is more that just a list of commands and instructions. It is, in fact, the very revelation of God: of who He is, of His nature, of His works, of His will for mankind. Therefore, when we read it we are not just learning what He wants for us, we are learning about His character and how we can imitate His character in this life. That is what His commands are; guidelines to help us be holy as God is holy. 1 CLICK: What we find is that God is a God of love. So that if we are bearing the fruit of the Spirit we are going to have the love of God in our lives. 2 CLICK: The works of His hands are the result of His love. Man’s dominion over the earth, His revelation to guide us through this life, His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ: all out of love. 3 CLICK: So what we find is that the commands and ordinances in the Bible are actually designed to effect that same love in the hearts of His people. In Matt. 22:37-40 Jesus makes this very point. All He is asking is that we try to be like Him. People say God is hard or unfair in His commands, when in fact He is merely trying to help us learn to be like Him. 4 CLICK: This is one of great signs of our discipleship in Christ.
Love It is no wonder, then, that the first characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE. When we truly fill ourselves with the Spirit of God, the greatest result it will have in our lives is love for God and love for our brethren (see again Matt. 22:37-40). But what is love?
Love Love is: agape—”can be known only from the actions it prompts…seeks the welfare of all, and works no ill toward any…seeks opportunity to do good to all” (Vine’s). The love of God is seen most of all in the sacrifice of His Son for our sins (1 John 4:9, 10). Through God’s example we have the perfect definition of love.
Love That definition is laid out for us in 1 Cor. 13:4-8a
Love is (does): Long suffering, kind, rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, NEVER FAILS. Love does not (is not): Envy, parade itself, puff up, behave rudely, seek its own, provoked, think evil, rejoice in iniquity.
Love This is the kind of love every Christian must have toward God and toward his fellow man (Matt. 22:37-40). If we have love toward God then we will… rejoice in His truth (all truth, not just what pleases us), obedient to that truth (John 14:15). Put Him and His will before our own desires (does not seek its own). Matt. 16:24-27.
Love If we have love toward men then we will…
Put the salvation of their souls above all else. Rejoice when others come to the truth. Put the welfare of others before self. Show humility rather than arrogance. Make sacrifices for the wellbeing (spiritual and physical) of others.
Love Therefore: Agape love is not an impulse or feeling.
It is not a love that we can just “fall out of.” It is not based on how others treat us. It is not controlled by the natural impulses of our many moods and is not bias as to whom it is given. Love is a choice, it is the decision we make to put others before self. Gal. 5:13, 14: One brother voluntarily serves another. This love causes us to do what we need to do, even when we do not want to or do not feel like it.
Love God had this love toward us.
Therefore, when we are filled with His Spirit it is only natural that we have this love for one another. “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren “ (1 John 3:16).
Joy When our love is in the right place, then the natural result is joy. People rejoice in that which they love. i.e. God and His angels love righteousness, therefore they rejoice when sinners repent (Luke 15:10). When a Christian has the love of God, he will take joy in the things of God: truth, righteousness, heavenly reward. Heb. 12:2: Jesus loves us, therefore His joy is our salvation. He endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him.
Joy This is important! Many Christians serve, but do it grudgingly. These are not filled with the spirit. Many Christians heed the instruction of God with resentment. These are not filled with the Spirit. God is not pleased when we give or serve in this manner (2 Cor. 9:5, 7). Why?
Joy If we do not take joy in His ways then we do not have His love in us. We ought to rejoice in God’s instruction, no matter how much we have to change. Jesus served us, therefore we ought to rejoice in serving others. Our joy in the truth will help us endure the hardship of contending for that truth. We will find joy in humility and good works rather than boasting (James 3:13-18).
Joy Paul had the love of God to such an extent that he did not hesitate to make sacrifices of himself for the benefit of others. “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved” (2 Cor. 12:15). When we are called on to serve, do we find joy in the sittuation or are we too concerned with how much it is costing us? The Spirit teaches us that our lives are for service.
Joy This principle can be applied to every situation we face.
Suffering? Take joy in eternal life (1 Cor. 15) Persecution? Take joy in God’s reward (Acts 5:41) Temptation? Take joy in things that are good (Phil. 4:8). Sad, down? Rejoice in the salvation and glory of God. Turn thoughts away from self by taking joy in serving others (Mt. 25:21). In doubt? Take joy in the council of the Lord (Ps. 119:162).
Joy Every opportunity to serve, to do good, to be spent that others may abound will bring us great joy. Why? Because that is what God does for us. Therefore, when we are filled with the Spirit it will bear the fruit of joy in us.
Peace This peace describes the harmonious relationship between people.
It is a peace that we learn from God as we communicate with Him (Phil. 4:6-7) It is a peace that we must work hard to attain and maintain (Eph. 4:1-3). When we strive to make this peace an important aspect of our lives then we will be blessed as peacemakers (Matt. 5:9).
Peace We must understand the true nature of this peace if we are going to bear it as fruit in our lives. It is not: Apathy (indifference, lack of concern) Laziness Content with error, compromise. Based on falsehood.
Peace The peace of God is:
Based on God’s one true standard: Eph. 4:1-3 The result of love (for God, brethren, and truth) Begins inwardly, manifests itself outwardly (Col. 3:15, Rom. 12:18) Requires great effort (Col. 1:20; 1 Cor. 1:10) Forbearing (Rom. 15:1-3). If we are striving to be filled with the Spirit of God then we will pursue this kind of peace.
Peace At the same time we will avoid that which hinders peace.
2 Tim. 2:22-23: foolish and ignorant disputes. James 3:16-18: envy, self-seeking. False doctrine: 2 Pet. 2:1-2,
Conclusion All of these characteristics must be combined to make up the fruit of the Spirit. Do you have love? Then be obedient to the commands of God (John 14:15). Do you desire joy? Then turn to God so that you can have joy in Him. Do you want peace? The begin with making peace between you and God. How do we do all of these things? We begin by repenting of our sins and obeying the gospel. Will you come?
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