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DNA Unit: The Code of Life

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1 DNA Unit: The Code of Life
Please get out your NEW 2nd Semester Journal. Obtain both handouts

2 Community Building Give your new table partner a handshake.
Introduce yourself if you don’t remember or know their name. Ask “Do you have any new classes this semester, if so what are they?”

3 Let’s get our journals organized for our new DNA Unit!
Clip all old units together. Binder clips and paperclips are on the cart. Use what you need. Go to the next new page in both your Warm-Up Section and your Notes Section and write (in color marker): DNA Unit Warm-Up Section DNA Unit Notes Section You can start each new section with page #1 (that makes journal checks easier at the end) You may wish to start this unit in a new journal…if you are running out of room. Please get a new journal for 2nd semester if you need to!!

4 Warm up Jan 30, 2019 Write down everything you know about DNA.
This could be facts you already know and/or things you’ve heard in movies or on TV. What does D.N.A. stand for? How does it work? What does it do? Where can you find it?

5 What are you saying?? Russian: Код жизни. Japanese:人生のコード。 French: Le code de la vie. Chinese: 生命的代碼。 Arabic: مدونة الحياة. English: The code of life. For us to understand a language we must first understand the symbols used in that language, then how those symbols go together to make sense. DNA works in the same manner!

6 What is this stuff? Lab Activity
Open to your Notes section. Write in the date and title of the lab activity. You will be working with your elbow partner and will share data with your table team. Follow the directions on the activity sheet. You will be sharing equipment with your table team.

7 What part of the cell is represented in this model?
Part in Model What part of the cell is represented in this model? What happens to the part in the demonstration? How did you achieve this step in your DNA extraction? Paper Bag  Plastic Bag  Yarn 1 piece of yarn  1 strand of yarn The blender separated the cells. Woolite dissolved the cell membrane and cell wall. The paper bag was popped Cell Membrane The Woolite breaks up the lipid layers in the cell membrane. Nucleus or nuclear membrane The plastic bag was popped. Several yarn pieces fall out of plastic bag. Chromosome Teacher picks up one piece of yarn. One Chromosome Teacher pull 1 strand from 1 piece of yarn. The meat tenderizer cuts proteins from around the DNA. DNA

8 3-D DNA Model Project This is an out-of-class project.
There will be no class time to work on it. Make sure to complete the worksheet BEFORE attempting to build your model. READ the grading rubric to ensure you are building your model accurately. This is a test grade!

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