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NoSQL Not Only SQL University of Kurdistan Faculty of Engineering

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1 NoSQL Not Only SQL University of Kurdistan Faculty of Engineering
Department of Computer & IT Engineering NoSQL Not Only SQL Asoo Mafakheri Moslem Parvizpour

2 Contents Introduction Comparison Challenges Property Application
CAP Theorem Categories Implementation 2/2/2019 NoSQL

3 Introduction NOSQL stands for History Not only SQL No Relational
No RDBMS Not Use SQL Carlo Strozzi Eric Evans History 1998: Carlo Strozzi : Neo4j ,… 2009: Eric Evans 2/2/2019 NoSQL

4 Popularity 2/2/2019 NoSQL

5 Question? NoSQL 2/2/2019 NoSQL

6 Challenges with traditional RDBMS
Not optimized for horizontal scaling out Scalability Vertically (or Scale Up) Horizontally (or Scale Out) High velocity of data ingestion Schema-Less data Document database Cost ? 2/2/2019 NOSQL

7 Property Non Relational Schema Free Distributed Web Scale
Design to store Volome Varied BASE Basically Available Soft State Eventually Consistent ACID Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability 2/2/2019 NoSQL

8 Application × × Company SQL NOSQL Google BigTable, LevelDB Amazon
Dynamo Facebook Cassandra Twitter HBase, FlockDB, Cassandra LinkedIn Voldemort Netflix SimpleDB, HBase, Cassandra Company SQL NOSQL Google × Amazon Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Netflix Company SQL NOSQL Google Amazon Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Netflix 2/2/2019 NoSQL

9 Question? 30% 70% SQL NoSQL 2/2/2019 NoSQL

10 CAP Theorem Availability Consistency Partition Tolerance Pick 2
همه‌ی کاربران همیشه می‌توانند درج کنند و بخوانند. داده‌هایی که نمایش داده می‌شوند، برای تمام کاربران یکسان می‌باشند. سیستم روی سرور‌های مختلف در مکان‌های جغرافیایی دور از هم کار می‌کند. Pick 2 2/2/2019 NoSQL

11 CAP Theorem A C P Pick 2 CA AP CP RDBMSs: Oracle, Postgre) (MySQL,
SQL Server, Vertica AP Dynamo Voldemort Cassandra SimpleDB CouchDB Riak CP BigTable HyperTable HBase MongoDB Terrastore Redis Pick 2 2/2/2019 NoSQL

12 Categories DBMS SQL(Relational DBMS) NoSQL Key-value Document-Based
Column-Based Graph-Based 2/2/2019 NoSQL

13 Categories NOSQL Flock DB Column Key-Value Document Graph Dynamo
Voldemort Flock DB 2/2/2019 NoSQL

14 Categories NOSQL Graph Column Key-Value Document HyperTable Dynamo
Neo4j Column HBase Key-Value Voldemort Dynamo Document CouchDB MongoDB NOSQL HyperTable Cassandra Redis FlockDB Riak name Ali Key Value age 68 OrientDB 2/2/2019 NoSQL

15 Categories NOSQL Graph Column Key-Value Document HyperTable Dynamo
Neo4j Column HBase Key-Value Voldemort Dynamo Document CouchDB MongoDB NOSQL HyperTable Cassandra Redis FlockDB Riak <Document> { { "Title": "", "Author": "", "Date": “2012" } } Key OrientDB 2/2/2019 NoSQL

16 Comment 1 2 Title Articles 3 4 Relational Title 1 Comment Document
2/2/2019 NoSQL

17 Categories NOSQL Graph Column Key-Value Document Neo4j HBase Voldemort
Dynamo Document CouchDB MongoDB NOSQL HyperTable Cassandra Redis FlockDB Riak 101 Name Age Reza 39 104 Name Tel Ali OrientDB 2/2/2019 NoSQL

18 Categories NOSQL Graph Column Key-Value Document HyperTable Dynamo
Neo4j Column HBase Key-Value Voldemort Dynamo Document CouchDB MongoDB NOSQL HyperTable Cassandra Redis FlockDB Riak OrientDB 2/2/2019 NoSQL

19 CAP Theorem A C P Pick 2 CA AP CP Data Models: RDBMSs: Oracle,
Postgre) (MySQL, SQL Server, Vertica AP Dynamo Voldemort Cassandra SimpleDB CouchDB Riak CP BigTable HyperTable H Base MongoDB Terrastore Redis Pick 2 Data Models: Relational Key-Value Column-Oriented Document-Oriented 2/2/2019 NoSQL

20 CAP Theorem A C P Pick 2 CA AP CP Data Models: RDBMSs: Oracle,
Postgre) (MySQL, SQL Server, Vertica AP Dynamo Voldemort Cassandra SimpleDB CouchDB Riak A Pick 2 C P CP BigTable HyperTable H Base MongoDB Terrastore Redis Data Models: Relational Key-Value Column-Oriented Document-Oriented 2/2/2019 NoSQL

21 Rated different categories
Functionality Complexity Flexibility Scalability Performance Variable (none) none high Key-value minimal low moderate High Column Variable (low) Variable (high) Document Graph theory variable Graph Relational algebra Relational 2/2/2019 NoSQL

22 Question? Are you Google? What about Facebook?
Do you have a social Graph? Are you twitter? Embedded? Bad Network? Device cluster? Is your data Structured? Do you need high Availability? Do you need Web Scale? No you don’t? RDBMS HBase Mongo Couch Riak FlockDB Neo4j Yes No 2/2/2019 NoSQL

23 ORM vs ODM Object-relational mapping (ORM)
Converting data between Provide CRUD operation Object-document mapping (ODM) 2/2/2019 NoSQL

24 Differences RDBMS vs NoSQL (MongoDB) Data base >> Table,‎View
Collection Row Document(BSON) Column Field Index Join Embedded Document Foreign Key Reference Partition Shard 2/2/2019 NoSQL

25 JSON JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
A lightweight text based data-interchange format Completely language independent A subset of JavaScript Not a document format Using for Data Modeling in NoSQL document-based databases CouchDB OrientDB MongoDB 2/2/2019 NoSQL

26 JSON JSON XML { "Book": { "Title": "A Man Called Ove", "Author": "Fredrik Backman", "Date": “2012" }, { "Title": "Der Engel schwieg", "Author": "Heinrich Böll", "Date": “1992" } } <books> <book> <title>A Man Called Ove</title> <author>Fredrik Backman</author> <date>2012</date> </book> <title>Der Engel schwieg</title> <author>Heinrich Böll</author> <date>1992</date> </books> 2/2/2019 NoSQL

27 CouchDB CouchDB is easy to use Document-Based HTTP-Based REST API
Download from: 2/2/2019 NoSQL

28 CouchDB Futon Control Panel http://localhost:5984/_utils/ HTTP: cURL
2/2/2019 NoSQL

29 cURL Command line tool for transferring data with URLs Supports:
DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, Telnet and TFTP. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, HTTP/2, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Plain, Digest, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, Negotiate and Kerberos), file transfer resume, proxy tunneling and more. 2/2/2019 NoSQL

30 cURL Flags -X Flag -H Flag -d Flag -O Flag 2/2/2019 NoSQL

31 HTTP Request Verbs POST - upload file GET - reads records
PUT – creates & updates a record DELETE - deletes a record 2/2/2019 NoSQL

32 Create & Delete Database using cURL
Hello CouchDB Creating a Database Deleting a Database List of All Databases curl curl -X PUT curl -X DELETE curl -X GET 2/2/2019 NoSQL

33 Document CRUD using cURL
Creating a Document: curl -X PUT -d ' { document} ' Get a Document: curl -X GET Updating Documents: curl -X PUT -d '{ "field" : "value", "_rev" : "revision id" } Deleting Documents: curl -X DELETE 2/2/2019 NoSQL

34 Attaching Files using cURL
curl -vX PUT /filename?rev=document rev_id -H "Content-Type:type of the content" 2/2/2019 NoSQL

35 Reference 2/2/2019 NoSQL

36 Thank You

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