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Care and Feeding of the Introvert JET

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Presentation on theme: "Care and Feeding of the Introvert JET"— Presentation transcript:

1 Care and Feeding of the Introvert JET
Michelle Holliday Emily Taylor

2 Different People React Differently

3 What is an introvert? What do you think when you hear “introvert”?
Some ideas and how we’re using it What it doesn’t mean

4 The Imposter Syndrome How did we “sneak into” the JET Programme? Well...

5 You Are Not Alone Fellow JETs all across the country PAs Coordinators

6 Be the Best JET You Can Be
You are not your predecessor. You are not the same as every other JET. You are NOT doing it wrong.

7 Staying Sane at Work You don't have to be a “Super ALT”! But if you want to do more at work...

8 Pros and cons of faking the genki
At work, at home, and out and about Ways in which it can be a bonus

9 Cautiously Open “Say yes to EVERYTHING” If you want to go do things
If you want to but have trouble reaching out If you don’t want to as much as possible

10 Cautiously Open What are some things you want to do?
What are some things you don't want to do?

11 Know Your Limits Take the day off before the day off takes you
Be aware of where your limits are and stand your ground Well-meaning friends Trust your instincts

12 Know Your Limits What are your limits? Have you noticed any warning signs your body or mind gives you when you near your limits?

13 Do What You Have To Do To Stay Sane
Recharge: Where does your energy come from? Balance alone time and social needs When “alone at last” becomes “lonely” Small group get togethers Know who your “not people” are

14 Do What You Have To Do To Stay Sane
Think of some things you do, or want to try, to recover from people overload.

15 Discussion Time

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