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Danny – Managing Website Editor, working very closely with Fifteen, life coach Joe Gray – graduated 3 rd group of apprentices in 2005, private Chef and.

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Presentation on theme: "Danny – Managing Website Editor, working very closely with Fifteen, life coach Joe Gray – graduated 3 rd group of apprentices in 2005, private Chef and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danny – Managing Website Editor, working very closely with Fifteen, life coach Joe Gray – graduated 3 rd group of apprentices in 2005, private Chef and catering company Cooking together at tonights function 1 Intro...

2 History of Fifteen – why did Jamie start it?

3 Fifteen is a restaurant group that uses the magic of food to give unemployed young people a chance to have a better future. Founded by Jamie Oliver in 2002, Fifteen London is the flagship restaurant and training ground for young apprentice chefs. Two other locations have followed the same inspirational model: Fifteen Amsterdam and Fifteen Cornwall. Each restaurant redirects its profits into individual registered charities. The money raised funds unique apprentice programmes, in order to train the next generation of professional chefs. 3 A little bit about Fifteen...

4 4 Who are we... Fifteens Apprentice Programme is part of a charity called the The Jamie Oliver Foundation (no.1094536). Its mission is to educate and empower people through food. This is achieved through teaching, training and employment, and also by making good clear information available to as many people as possible. Under the Foundation there are three other charity activities: 1.Jamies Feed Me Better School Dinners campaign 2.Jamies Ministry of Food 3. Kitchen Garden project The charity also aims to set up a US-based subsidiary - the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation - which will oversee a fourth activity called Jamie Olivers Food Revolution.

5 End of 2009 – 329 students recruited / 70% graduated / 91% of work as Chefs Fifteens reach is greater than the stats – every Friday recruitment day / advice for social services, job centre, local authorities # Video of Emma – current apprentice 5 More on Fifteen... They put a light on inside me that I never had before. Ben Chapman, 2004 graduate

6 Selection – unemployed youth from ages 16 – 24. 1 year course, they obtain level 2 certificate in professional cookery Course is very hands on to suit youth who are already facing huge personal challenges 24% college, 65% kitchen, 11% personal development 5 principles – personal development, professional development, formal learning, work experience, sourcu 6 Course structure...

7 Selling merchandise Restaurant profits go back into the charity Fundraising – Jamies Big Night Jamie donated all proceeds from Cook with Jamie No Government funding # Video of Ben Chapman – 2 nd group of apprentices, graduated 2004 7 How does Fifteen suvive...

8 Our wish is to create a best-in-class training opportunity and to reach more young people Life in the present tense social report 2007 – imperative to look at mistakes and improve. 90% of apprentices regard their time with Fifteen as a positive, indeed life changing experience. 2011 – Social Return on Investment - for every £1 invested in Fifteen, £9.50 of social value is generated. 8 Lessons we have learnt...

9 Mixture of apprentices Mentoring and solid graduate network (they meet once a month) Outreach programme 9 The results...

10 Bring training in house and have it accredited Offer this qualification to other groups Partner with other social enterprises such as San Patrignano – learn from them and offer more skills training # Video of Jamie 10 Looking to the future...

11 Danny McCubbin Managing Website Editor 11 Contact...

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