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Wellbeing Quiz click to start.

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1 Wellbeing Quiz click to start

2 In 2010 the UK government began measuring national wellbeing using a range of measures and four key questions. Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays? Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile? Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday? Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday? The What Works Centre for Wellbeing was established in 2014 to understand what national and local governments, along with voluntary and business partners, could do to increase wellbeing. You can find out more about what we know about wellbeing by trying out our interactive evidence tool and taking our wellbeing quiz. Get started

3 Who would you think has the greatest impact on employee wellbeing at work?
A worker’s colleagues b. The head of the organisation c. Customers d. A worker’s line manager

4 Almost…try again

5 Well done! A worker’s line manager Relationships with all of these people are likely to have some impact on your wellbeing, but evidence shows that good people management is most critical. However the support and friendship of colleagues are also important for wellbeing Next

6 Is it always better for your wellbeing to have a job than be unemployed?
Yes No

7 Almost…try again

8 Well done! We found evidence that working in lower quality insecure jobs can be worse for your wellbeing than being unemployed, particularly for younger people, but long term unemployment generally has a major negative impact on wellbeing. Next

9 We asked people what would make the most difference to their wellbeing at work – which of the following came second? A secure job that allows me to use my skills and initiative, with a reasonable work-life balance b. Colleagues that I get on with c. Access to mindfulness training for wellbeing A health and wellbeing programme that gives tips on healthy eating and exercise

10 Almost…try again

11 Well done! Colleagues that I get on with Although wellbeing initiatives and programmes can boost wellbeing most people prioritise the quality of their work and the people they work with in making them happy at work. Next

12 Which age group benefits most from job-related learning by increasing their job satisfaction?
20-29 year olds b year olds c year olds 50-59 year olds e year olds

13 Almost…try again

14 Well done! Those below the age of 40 show the greatest increases in job satisfaction as a result of training. However taking part in hobby and leisure learning is also beneficial for wellbeing, particularly for those not employed and older learners. Next

15 Which country recently topped the 2018 poll for being the world’s happiest?
Denmark b. UK c. Australia d. Finland

16 Almost…try again

17 Well done! Finland That’s right, although Denmark has topped this poll in 2013, 2014 & 2016 and Scandinavian countries frequently fill the top spots in the annual happiness survey. The UK came in 19th. Australia came in 10th, but it can claim the world’s happiest city in Melbourne. Next

18 Which country first started measuring happiness using the Gross National Happiness indicators in 2008? Finland b. Nepal c. Bhutan

19 Almost…try again

20 Well done! Bhutan Bhutan has been a world leader in following an approach to development guided by wellbeing rather than the economy, frequently measured by Gross National Product. Next

21 Just like our quiz, satisfaction with life is usually measured on a 1-7 scale, how would you score your personal wellbeing today? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next

22 Thank you for taking part.
You can find out more about the evidence on wellbeing at To keep in contact with our research on work and learning – check out our Twitter feed or our LinkedIn group (Work, Learning and Wellbeing Evidence Programme) Start again

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