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FAITH HOPE LOVE [fãth] v. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in anothers ability 28 th July [h ō p] n. to look forward to with confidence.

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Presentation on theme: "FAITH HOPE LOVE [fãth] v. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in anothers ability 28 th July [h ō p] n. to look forward to with confidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAITH HOPE LOVE [fãth] v. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in anothers ability 28 th July [h ō p] n. to look forward to with confidence or expectation 4 th August [luhv] n. the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God 11 th August

2 John Oldfield Sunday 11 th August 2013 Faith, Hope and Love Part 3: Love

3 Two weeks ago: Guy spoke on Faith We are called now to live by faith

4 Last week: Thomas spoke on Hope As Christians we have a glorious hope to look forward to in the future

5 This week: We are going to look at Love How we are going to live today in the light of our Faith and Hope

6 There are three main words for love used in the Bible: 1.Eros 2.Philia/Philos 3.Agape

7 Examples of Agape love: Romans 5v8 God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us 1 John 4v10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins

8 Agape love: Gods love to us – totally undeserved

9 Christian love: Not just an emotion or a feeling But an action, an attitude or our behaviour – a demonstration of Gods love to us

10 1 Corinthians 13 verses 1 to 13

11 1. Gods love for us 1 John 4 v 10 Jeremiah 31 v 3 Romans 5 v 8

12 1. Gods love for us 2. Our love for God 1 John 4 v 19

13 1. Gods love for us 2. Our love for God 3. Our love for one another John 3 v 35


15 Three places where John calls his readers liars: 1.1 John 2 v 4 – If you say you know God but do not do what He commands 2. 1 John 2 v 22 – If you deny that Jesus Christ is Lord 3.1 John 4 v 20 – If anyone says he loves God – yet hates his brother

16 The Apostle John: Little children - love one another It is the Lords command and if this alone be done – it is enough

17 Ten negative portraits of love - 1 Corinthians 13 v 4 to 6: Love is: Not Impatient Not unkind Not envious Not boasting Not proud Not rude Not self seeking Not easily angered Keeps no record of wrongs Does not delight in evil

18 Five positive portraits of love – 1 Corinthians 13 v 6 to 7: Love: Rejoices with the truth Protects Trusts Hopes Perseveres

19 1 Corinthians 13 v 8: Love never fails Just like Jesus!

20 In closing: Tertullian: See – how these Christians love one another

21 The future for Bognor Regis: John 13 v 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another Agape love – undeserved love

22 Our response - One: How is your relationship with God today? Do you know Jesus as your personal saviour? You can know a living/loving personal relationship with Him today. Why delay?

23 Our response - Two: Do you need the Holy Sprit to help you today? Have you ever been filled with the Holy Spirit? Do you need a heart of stone softening? Today could be the day for you!

24 Our response - Three: Is God challenging you today to practise putting agape love into action? Do you need to get out of your comfort zones - are there situations, relationships, types of people that scare you? Today - God can help you!

25 Our response: Dont miss an opportunity to meet with God in a new way this morning Dont miss an opportunity to do business with God over some issue that you know needs sorting out in your life Be blessed by God today – to help you as we face this new season of challenges together

26 FAITH HOPE LOVE [fãth] v. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in anothers ability 28 th July [h ō p] n. to look forward to with confidence or expectation 4 th August [luhv] n. the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God 11 th August

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