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Alliteration – repeating consonants in a line
Assonance – repeating vowels in a line Allusion – a reference to a fact Anonymous – author is unknown Blank verse – unrhymed iambic pentameter Free verse – no rhyme, no meter Cadence – rhythm Cesura – a pause or a break in a line Connotation– psychological meanings of words Denotation – dictionary meanings of words
End-stopped line - punctuation at the end of a line
Diction – word choice End-stopped line - punctuation at the end of a line (also called terminal cesura) Enjambement – no punctuation at the end of a line (also called run-on line) Explicit Persona– a known persona or “I” (w/ 1st person pronoun) Implied Persona– an unknown persona or “I” (no 1st person pronoun) Initial – occurs at the beginning of a line or a word Medial – occurs at the middle of a line or a word Terminal – occurs at the end of a line or a word Rhythm – the natural rise & fall of sounds; cadence Meter – patterned & predictable rhythm Foot – the smallest unit of meter
Genre – type or kind of poem
Ballad – narrative, musical, & episodic Dramatic monologue – 1 speaker & at least 1 listener; emotional speech w/an “occasion” Elegy – very sad formal & lofty poem, may be about death Epic – longest kind of poem: narrative, patriotic, w/epic hero, very lofty Haiku – Asian origin; syllabic:3 lines w/5,7,5 syllables Ode - very lofty & formal; on a sublime topic Sonnet – 14-line poem w/rhyme & iambic pentameter Petrarchan sonnet— octave & sestet w/ “il tiorno” betw. lines 8 & 9 (Italian sonnet) rhymes: abbaabba/cdcdcd abbaabbacdecde abbaabbaccddee Shakespearean sonnet—3 quatrains & a concluding couplet (English sonnet) rhymes: abab cdcd efef gg Villanelle—any # of tercets rhyming aba w/a concluding quatrain & a refrain— Famous ex: Dylan Thomas’s “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”
Soliloquy – on stage w/only a solitary actor– said to the audience; always truthful
Folk – an oral tradition; from generation to generation; unknown author – anonymous; many contributors helped to compose it Literary – known author; one author Couplet – pair of rhymed lines w/the same meter Triplet – 3 rhymed lines w/ the same meter Quatrain – 4-line unit Quintet – 5-line unit Sestet – 6-line unit Octave – 8-line
Foot—smallest unit of meter
Meter—patterned & predictable rhythm Kinds of Feet: iambic foot u / trochaic foot / u anapestic foot u u / dactylic foot / u u For substitutions only: pyrrhic foot u u spondaic foot / / Substitution—to exchange one kind of foot w/another for metrical variety
Metaphor X = Y or a direct comparison of 2 dissimilars
Figures of Speech: Metaphor X = Y or a direct comparison of 2 dissimilars Understatement less is more Simile X = like or as Y or an indirect comparison of 2 unlikes Hyperbole extreme exaggeration Irony say one thing, but mean the opposite Personification non-human = human or inanimate = animate Oxymoron tiniest paradox / 2 consecutive words exs: icy hot; jumbo shrimp Onomatopeia imitate sounds exs: buzz, pop, smack, bang Paradox apparent contradiction TRUTH Synesthesia crisscrossing 2 or more senses ex: “blue buzz”
Monometer-------a line of a poem w/1 foot
Dimeter a line of a poem w/2 feet Trimeter a line of a poem w/3 feet Tetrameter a line of a poem w/4 feet Pentameter a line of a poem w/5 feet Hexameter a line of a poem w/6 feet Heptameter a line of a poem w/7 feet Octameter a line of a poem w/8 feet Nonameter a line of a poem w/9 feet Decameter a line of a poem w/10 feet
About Rhyme: Sound at the end of a word that matches the sound at the end of another word. Kinds of Rhyme: Masculine – monosyllabic, perfect, ends on a stressed syllable ( / ) (true/do) Feminine -- polysyllabic, perfect, ends on an unstressed syllable ( u ) (gentle/mental) Off (or ½ ) – half-way rhymes & half-way doesn’t– exs: star/steer; love/move; bag/beg Eye rhymes to the eye, but not to the ear – exs: cough/bough; laughter/daughter Internal rhyme that occurs w/i a line – ex: “they prance as they dance” Incidental -- very few rhymes “sprinkled” in; few and far between in the poem
Practice Questions on Meter:
Q: How many syllables are in a line of—? Anapestic hexameter Trochaic tetrameter Iambic nonameter Spondaic dimeter Dactylic heptameter Pyrrhic monometer Iambic octameter Q: How many feet are in a line of—? monometer hexameter decameter dimeter pentameter heptameter octameter trimeter nonameter tetrameter
Practice Questions on Rhyme:
Q: What kinds of rhyme are these?: love/move wander/wonder attending/unending thunder/blunder insightful/delightful brightly/nightly flame/game weigh/sleigh mine/wine ghost/cost soul/goal hilarious/nefarious cough/through sonic/tonic stare/store cough/bough hill/hail timber/limber acquainted/untainted existence/resistance “Will she be so fair and free?” “He glares and stares without a care.” “Before he bought the moon for her, he thought and thought about it.”
What’s This Poetry Term?
1. Clue: repeating consonants in a line 2. Clue: reference to a fact from some field knowledge 3. Clue: how the poet feels about his subject 4. Clue: the speaker or “I” of the poem 5. Clue: synonym for an end-stopped line 6. Clue: smallest unit of meter Clue: cadence; the natural rise & fall of sounds Clue: word choice Clue: dictionary definition of a word Clue: musical, narrative, & episodic w/known author Clue: lofty, formal, & sad poem; often about death Clue: psychological/emotional associations w/a word
What’s This Poetry Term?
Clue: refers to the beginning of something Clue: refers to the middle of something Clue: refers to the end of something Clue: a pause or a break in a line of a poem Clue: persona w/a 1st person pronoun expressed Clue: persona w/o a 1st person pronoun expressed Clue: musical, narrative, episodic & anonymous poem Clue: unrhymed iambic pentameter Clue: poetry that has no rhyme & no meter Clue: longest kind, narrative, nationalistic, & anonymous Clue: kind or type of poem Clue: pair of rhymed lines w/the same meter Clue: 1 emotional speaker w/at least 1 silent listener
What’s This Poetry Term?
Clue: synonym for a run-on line Clue: 14-line poem w/rhyme & meter Clue: name this foot-- u / Clue: name this foot-- / u Clue: name this foot— u u / Clue: name this foot— / u u Clue: name this foot— u u Clue: name this foot— / / Clue: exchanging one foot for the dominant foot in a line of a poem Clue: a line w/1 foot Clue: a line w/2 feet Clue: a line w/3 feet Clue: a line w/4 feet Clue: a line w/5 feet Clue: a line w/6 feet
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