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Bridge Lecture Partner pre-empted, WHAT TO DO NOW?

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1 Bridge Lecture Partner pre-empted, WHAT TO DO NOW?
By Andras Honyek 17.July, Opatija, Croatia

2 How to count Playing tricks
13 minus ‘Number of losers’ = Number of Playing tricks

3 Strength of the pre-emptor’s main suit and side values

4 The Rule of Two, Three, Four
1. Unfavourable vulnerabilities – add 2 tricks to the value of your hand; 2. Equal vulnerabilities – add 3 tricks to the value of your hand; 3. Favourable vulnerabilities – add 4 tricks to the value of your hand.

5 (What about if you had ♠852 ♥ 73 ♦ 4 ♣ KQJ9753)
Example They’ve opened 1♥ in front of us, and we need to bid with: ♠ KQJ9753 ♥ 73 ♦ 852 ♣4 1 loser in ♠, 2 losers in ♥, 3 in ♦ and 1 in ♣ - 7 losers – 6 PTs -in unfavourable vulnerabilities – 6 PTs + 2 added tricks = 8 => overcall 2♠ -in equal vulnerabilities – 6 PTs + 3 added tricks = 9 => overcall 3♠ -in favourable vulnerabilities – 6 PTs + 4 added tricks =10=> overcall 4♠ (What about if you had ♠852 ♥ 73 ♦ 4 ♣ KQJ9753)

6 Example The left-hand opponent opened 1♥, partner overcalled with 4♠ with favourable vulnerability, right-hand opponent bid 5♥, and we need to decide what to bid holding: ♠ K82 ♥ T9 ♦ A763 ♣ 8632

7 QUIZ 1. You are second to bid, no one is vulnerable. Your RHO opens 1♥. What would you bid with the following hand: ♠ AQJ842 ♥ 64 ♦ 3 ♣ J853

8 Partner passes, RHO opens 1♥.
QUIZ 2. You are third to bid. You are not vulnerable, your opponents are. Partner passes, RHO opens 1♥. What would you bid with:  ♠ 8 ♥ 2 ♦ KQJ95432 ♣ 974

9 3. You are in first seat, both sides are vulnerable.
QUIZ 3. You are in first seat, both sides are vulnerable. What would you bid holding: ♠ AKQT642 ♥ 4 ♦ 652 ♣ 63

10 QUIZ 4. Both sides are vulnerable, LHO opens 1♠, partner overcalls 3♦, RHO bids 4♠. What do you bid with: ♠ 974 ♥ A7542 ♦ K964 ♣ 6

11 QUIZ 5. You are not vulnerable, the opponents are. You pass as first, LHO opens 1♥, partner jumps to 3♠ and RHO goes to 4 ♥. What would you do with: ♠ Q72 ♥ 852 ♦ 8632 ♣ A75

12 QUIZ 6. Both sides are vulnerable. LHO opens 1NT (12-14), partner overcalls 3♦, RHO bids 4♥. What would you bid with: ♠ J964 ♥ K742 ♦ A42 ♣ Q2


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