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Welcome to the Viking Family!

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1 Welcome to the Viking Family!

2 Highlights of Ranked # 22 on the Washington Post's list of Most Rigorous High Schools. 100% High School Graduation Rate for the 5th year in a row. 100% of High school students enrolled in AP programs. 100% College Ready 34 Advanced Placement Honors,  65 with Scholar Distinction, 43 with Honors Distinction, and 6 Biliteracy Distinction Increase in AP Pass Rates across curricular areas. Second highest proficiency rate in reading among Duval County High Schools (we beat Paxon) 97% College Acceptance rate.   Class of 2018 graduates are enrolled at FAMU, RUST College, University of Florida, Florida State University, University of Central Florida, University of Richmond.   16 Seventh Grade Students are Enrolled in Duke TIP Program High School student participation in Internships at Naval Hospital JAX High School student participation in summer Internships with: Brooks Rehabilitation, University of Florida and the University of North Florida.   Participation in National Spelling Bee, State History and Science Fairs

ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS CURRICULUM INFORMATION *If you have not already, before leaving please complete the New Student Information Card, Student Registration Form and Course Selection Forms

4 Darnell-Cookman Orientation Packet
What’s Available for Pick-up? Darnell-Cookman Orientation Packet Map of School New Student Information Card AP Students Summer Homework Assignments Student Registration Form Course Selection Form Summer Reading List and other academic assignments Emergency Care Card Locker Map (available on DC website) A/B Day Calendar Bell Schedule Dress Code Policy Important Contacts MS Athletics Packet PE Uniform Order Form DC Honor Code ONEVIEW Registration Media Release Form School Calendar Transportation Flyer PTSA Membership Form DC Spirit Wear Form PTSA Scrubs Order Form Clubs & Activities Flyer Orientation Stations List

5 School Policies And Procedures

6 School Routine Parent Pick-Up & Drop-Off School Schedule
Arrival Time: Before 7:50 A.M. Pick Up: Before 3:10 P.M. School Schedule School Day 8:10 A.M to 2:55 P.M. (4) 90 Minute Classes Per Day 8 Classes Total – A & B Days Lunches by Middle & High School Extended Day Program Morning and Afternoon Sessions Sign Up at Orientation (Info packet is on our website)

7 Extended Day Program
Begins 1st day of school. Drop off 6:30 a.m. at Café center doors $60.00 for 20 consecutive mornings Afternoon 3:05 – 5:45 p.m. $ for 20 consecutive afternoon days $ for 20 consecutive morning and afternoon days. Afternoon activity bus drop off at neighborhood schools Sign up forms at table with Ms. Simmons questions to:

8 Attendance Policies Early Check-Out Tardies and Absences
Checkout prior to 2:25 P.M. In person - by an adult on the student’s Emergency Care Card Proper ID must be shown (must show ID each visit) Tardies and Absences Attendance is a requirement for academic success Notes to excuse absences and tardies must be provided to the Main Office Weekly call through school messenger for students who exceed 5 or more tardies.

9 HOME to School Communication
ONEVIEW Easy access to grades, attendance, and teacher notes Passwords remain the same if you currently have one Sign up at Quickest way to communicate with teachers addresses and phone extensions are on our website Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences: Scheduled through the Guidance Office as needed Contact teachers directly before scheduling (please allow hours for returned communication)

10 SCHOOL to Home Communication
Darnell-Cookman Website: School Calendar: Subscribe to have it downloaded into your Outlook, Android, or iCal each day DC Connect Weekly/Monthly Update: Newsletter posted on website and ed through Peach Jar Peach Jar: School flyers delivered directly to your inbox Parent Link: Phone relay system used for important messages

11 Home to School Communication
DC Weekly Update Sunday evening message, with reminders and announcements Darnell-Cookman Website Contains links to teachers' s and webpages Information about school policies and procedures Comprehensive calendar of school events ONE VIEW Grade and communication portal

12 Campus Offices Main Office Counseling Department Student Services
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Main Office Student check in/check out and late arrivals Attendance Management Address Changes Parent ONEVIEW Approval Counseling Department Schedule Parent/Teacher Conferences Academic and College Counseling Parking Passes/Off campus lunch (HS only) Volunteer Hours Management Student Services Student Clinic/Medication Management Student calls home Turn in bus notes/bus information Disciplinary issues Student ID Replacement Media Center Textbooks Payment of School Fines Student ID Card Sales

13 Expectations for Students

14 Behavioral Expectations
Discipline Honor Code: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility & Integrity Referrals will result in parental contact and appropriate discipline Multiple tardies will result in a required parent conference Backpacks All students can carry a backpack, teacher discretion in classroom Backpacks with wheels are not acceptable unless medically necessary (Verification from a Doctor will be required) Cell phones/electronics Many classes have laptops for students’ curricular use Personal electronics are not to be used without teacher permission. School is not responsible for stolen, broken, or lost electronic devices

15 Policies and Procedures
Code of Conduct Electronic Devices Leve1 – Minor Offenses: Class disruptions, tardy, skipping class. Level 2 – Intermediate Offences: Fighting, stealing, threats, bullying. Level 3- Major Altercation, Stalking. Level 4 – Drugs, arson, fire alarm. Electronic devices, including cell phones, are not to be used or visible during normal school hours. No electronics in the hallway, gym, courtyard, library, cafeteria, and classrooms unless instructed by the teacher for learning purposes.

16 Required Equipment (to be purchased at Orientation)
Student Expectations Academic Integrity All academic work must be the student’s own. Plagiarism from internet or other students can result in a zero and/or disciplinary action. Students responsible for communicating academic issues to teachers. Required Equipment (to be purchased at Orientation) Mandatory Hall Lockers ($5.00) “PURCHASE IS MANDATORY” Lockers are required for all students grades 6th, 7th 8th & 9th must purchase. Assigned by grade level and located close to core classes No outside locks may be used on school lockers – LOCKERS MAY NOT BE SHARED! PE Uniforms ($20.00) – $10.00 for the top and $10.00 for the bottom Students enrolled in PE are required to wear a Darnell–Cookman PE uniform. Every student in PE must purchase a PE locker for $5.00. Medical Scrubs Students earn extra credit for wearing scrubs on Medical Mondays

17 Code of Appearance Dress Code ID Badges
Shorts/skirts at or below fingertips No tank tops Pants should sit at waist and should not have rips or holes (patches are not acceptable to cover rips or holes) No leggings, jeggings, yoga pants (leggings & jeggings only can be worn under a dress) No head covering to include (unless for religious purposes): hats, bandannas, scarfs, bonnets, doo rags, etc… on campus (inside and outside) No bedroom slippers and no slides of any kind ID Badges Must be worn around neck at all times with proper lanyard IDs are required to ensure student safety and are strictly enforced New IDs are $7.00, ($5.00 ID & $2.00 Lanyard) must be purchased each day they are forgotten Temporary IDs cost $1.00, Issued when ID machine not available and student has misplaced ID Recommendation to purchase a spare ID to store in locker

18 Student Services Buses Medication Outside Food
Students take bus to neighborhood high school in the morning, shuttle to Darnell-Cookman. Bus to neighborhood in the afternoon Bus routes can be found at To ride a different bus, note must be submitted to Student Services prior to dismissal. Buses leave at 3:02 Medication Must have submitted DCPS Medication Form and been approved Administered via Student Services Turned in with a note/prescription with DCPS Medication Form signed by physician Return signed form to Student Services Outside Food Is not permitted in the DC Cafeteria If student forgets lunch, home-made meals or money may be dropped off in the Main Office

19 Therese Belanger-Linton
Student Support Services Each Student is assigned a Counselor and an Administrator Grades 6 – 8 Last Names A-R Grades 6 – 8 Last Names S-Z Grades 9 – 12 All Students Sam Zakaria Assistant Principal Student Services Sam Zakaria Assistant Principal Student Services Andrea Talley Assistant Principal Curriculum TBD Counselor Therese Belanger-Linton Counselor Therese Belanger-Linton Counseling Department Chair

20 Curricular Information

21 Start of the School Year
Summer Reading List and other Academic Assignments Published on our website All assignments due the first week of school Schedules Distributed at Fall Orientation Reading and Algebra Enrichment based upon student data Schedule changes for academics ONLY, first two weeks of school Some changes may occur after 4-6 weeks to balance class sizes Supply Lists will be available the first week of school Students in grades 6-7 must pass all classes to return to Darnell-Cookman Students in grades 8-12 must pass all classes, make the unweighted 2.0 GPA to return to Darnell-Cookman.

22 Algebra I Honors All ninth grade students who wish to enroll at Darnell-Cookman MUST provide documentation of having completed Algebra I by July 27, 2018. Out of district, private, and charter students should submit transcripts as soon as possible Students MUST pass the Algebra I State EOC in order to graduate from a public school in the State of Florida. Private school, home schooled, and out-of-state students will be tested in September of Students can retake the test as needed.

23 Geometry, Civics, & Biology
If a student’s 9th grade entry year is or later, the Geometry, Civics, and Biology EOC count as 30% of their overall average for that course. Any student who earned credit in Algebra I, Civics, Geometry or Biology from a private school, home school or out-of-state during or prior to the school year, must take the EOC for credit to be transferred. If transferring from private school, home school, or out-of- county, please submit copies of EOC score reports with transcripts.

24 Registration Forms All Students: Students new to Duval County:
DCPS Student Registration Form Darnell-Cookman Course Selection Sheet Students new to Duval County: Immunization Record - (for rising seventh graders—tDAP) Current grades/transcripts Social Security Card Proof of Residency for address change (if needed)

25 DCPS Student Registration Form

26 Course Selection Sheet
Eight Courses Total 4 Core Medical/Great Books Health/PE Two additional electives (to be selected)

ONEVIEW Info Room 311 Purchase PE Uniforms in the Gym Purchase Lockers in the Gym Take Picture; if necessary Room 330 Pay Fines in the Media Center Pick Up Student Schedules in the Cafeteria Bus Information in the Cafe Check Out Tables in the Main Hallway STEPS FOR SUCCESS AT ORIENTATION Go over the plan for the afternoon, brief overview of each station. Break parents up into groups and begin.

28 Thank you for your attendance!

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