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from the address you want on file!

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1 from the email address you want on file!
If you haven’t already done so, please download the Kahoot! App MAKE YOUR “NICKNAME” the last 5 of your Student ID (w number) Turn in chapters 1-3 RQs/CS Study for chapter 2-3 quiz (6:40 pm) P.S. If you did not receive an from me, send me one at from the address you want on file!

2 Housekeeping human resource issues
Chapter 4: Housekeeping human resource issues

3 Competencies for Housekeeping Human Resource Issues
Explain why hotel housekeeping departments depend on effective diversity management. Describe several sources of potential employees including internal and external sources, creative recruiting tactics, online sources, and advertisements. Explain how immigration reform affects the hospitality industry. Describe the factors that should be taken into account when selecting employees. List the steps to skills training and what must be accomplished in each step. Describe the challenges involved in scheduling employees. Identify several methods of motivating employees. (continued)

4 Creative Recruiting Tactics: Internal Recruiting External Recruiting Online Recruiting Diversity How to Battle Turnover Skills Training New Hire Redevelopment Cross Training Employee Motivation


6 What are some of the best interview questions you’ve ever had?

7 “The grocery list” Define the job requirements
Review job analysis, descriptions and specifications Identify applicable laws and regulations Determine the message to convey to applicants Determine what should be learned about competitors and the community Decide whether to recruit internally, externally or both Determine where to recruit Select recruiting strategies Establish evaluation criteria for applicants as well as the recruiting methods This is what we put in our secret sauce!

8 But what is it?

9 di·ver·si·ty noun 1. the state of being diverse; variety. 2
di·ver·si·ty noun 1.the state of being diverse; variety. 2.a range of different things.

10 Internal vs external recruiting
Marriott profile/Marriott manager development plan {know what you’re getting) 90 day referral bonuses-refer good people because they don’t want to embarrass themselves and know they have to last to cash in. Linked In is awesome!

11 of a rapport- building interview question?
What is an example of a rapport- building interview question? Why is it important?

12 Tips for Effective Interviewing
Do your homework before the interview. Establish the appropriate setting. Establish a rapport. Know the job. Types of Interview Questions Rapport-building questions Behavioral questions Fitness questions Job competency questions Closing questions

13 Explicitness objectivity thoroughness consistency
It has to be fair for the candidates as well as equal review criteria for the final decision makers.

14 The Four step Skills training method
Prepare Present Practice Follow-up If you think about it, this applies to everyday life. Especially how I present the class

15 Step 1: Prepare to Train Analyze the job. Develop a job breakdown.
Identify job knowledge Create a task list Develop a job breakdown. -usually best if written by the person who actually does the job Develop your department training plan. Make copies of materials needed. Establish a training schedule. Select a training time and location. Notify the trainees of the dates and times of training. Practice your presentation. How many of you have ever had to train someone before? It is boring for both parties so try to be creative! If you’re training a housekeeper on a cruise ship, have a animal towel contest! Exhibit 2, p. 132, has an example of job responsibilities. *Note how they all begin with verbs? This stresses action and what the employee will be responsible for accomplishing. Job breakdowns will change based on properties, but should all be observable and measurable. Make sure all employees know what criteria they are being measured by. Employees can not be expected to learn everything the first day! Train the basics and build upon those skills as you further develop your employees. p. 139 has a sample training checklist and 141 has a sample training schedule

16 Step 2: Present Prepare the trainees. Begin the training session.
Demonstrate the procedures. Avoid jargon. Take adequate time. Repeat the sequence.

17 Step 3: Practice Trainer coaches performance.
Trainee demonstrates each step. Trainer coaches performance. Trainee explains how to do each step and what its purpose is. What is the difference between critiquing and coaching? When do you stop coaching? NEVER-always give constant feedback to make them feel valued and avoid establishing bad habits.

18 Step 4: Follow Up Provide opportunities to use new skills during and after training. Have employees discuss training with co-workers. Coach a few tasks each day. Provide constant feedback. Evaluate the employee’s progress. Employees can not be expected to learn everything the first day! Train the basics and build upon those skills as you further develop your employees.


20 The staffing guide p.147 King James Hotel has 250 rooms, Occupancy is 90% The productivity standard is 30 mins or .5 hours (8 hours/.5hours=16 rooms productivity standard) ********************************************************************************************************** Step 1: Determine the total labor hours using productivity standards Total rooms to clean=total rooms x occupancy Total rooms to clean= 250 X .90 =225 dirty rooms Total labor hours needed=dirty rooms/productivity standard 225 rooms/2 rooms per hour=112.5 hours A: There are 113 labor (rounded up) hours needed to clean a 250 room hotel at 90% occupancy with a 2 room per hour productivity standard.

21 The staffing guide p.147 King James Hotel has 250 rooms, Occupancy is 90% The productivity standard is 30 mins or .5 hours (8 hours/.5hours=16 rooms productivity standard) ********************************************************************************************************** Step 2: Determine the total number of employees needed Total rooms to clean/productivity 225 dirty rooms/ 16 rooms=14 full time employees A: There are 14 full time employees needed to clean a 250 room hotel at 90% occupancy with a 2 room per hour productivity standard. **Can also schedule part-time 4 hour shifts.**

22 The staffing guide p.147 King James Hotel has 250 rooms, Occupancy is 90% The productivity standard is 30 mins or .5 hours (8 hours/.5hours=16 rooms productivity standard) ********************************************************************************************************** Step 3: Determine the labor cost if employees are paid $10 per hour. Total labor hours needed from step 1 X pay rate 113 hours x $10 per hour=$1,130 A: hours x $10 per hour=$1,130 in housekeeping labor expenses to clean a 250 room hotel at 90% occupancy with a 2 room per hour productivity standard. Regardless of full time or part time shifts.


24 The staffing guide p.147 King James Hotel has 250 rooms, Occupancy is 75% The productivity standard is 30 mins or .5 hours (8 hours/.5hours=16 rooms productivity standard) ********************************************************************************************************** Step 1: Determine the total labor hours using productivity standards Total rooms to clean=total rooms x occupancy Total rooms to clean= 250 X .75 =188 dirty rooms Total labor hours needed=dirty rooms/productivity standard 188 rooms/2 rooms per hour=94 hours A: There are 94 labor (rounded up) hours needed to clean a 250 room hotel at 75% occupancy with a 2 room per hour productivity standard.

25 The staffing guide p.147 King James Hotel has 250 rooms, Occupancy is 90% The productivity standard is 30 mins or .5 hours (8 hours/.5hours=16 rooms productivity standard) ********************************************************************************************************** Step 2: Determine the total number of employees needed Total rooms to clean/productivity 188 dirty rooms/ 16 rooms=12 full time employees A: There are 12 full time employees needed to clean a 250 room hotel at 75% occupancy with a 2 room per hour productivity standard. **Can also schedule part-time 4 hour shifts.**

26 The staffing guide p.147 King James Hotel has 250 rooms, Occupancy is 75% The productivity standard is 30 mins or .5 hours (8 hours/.5hours=16 rooms productivity standard) ********************************************************************************************************** Step 3: Determine the labor cost if employees are paid $10 per hour. Total labor hours needed from step 1 X pay rate 94 hours x $10 per hour=$940 A: 94 hours x $10 per hour=$940 in housekeeping labor expenses to clean a 250 room hotel at 75% occupancy with a 2 room per hour productivity standard. Regardless of full time or part time shifts.

27 Alternative Scheduling Techniques
Part-time employees Flexible work hours Compressed work schedules Job sharing Alternative Scheduling Techniques

28 Productivity Complications
Trainees/turnover Send backs Meetings Messy rooms Suites Late check-outs and room changes Maintenance rooms

29 When we talk about employee turnover, we using see dollar signs
When we talk about employee turnover, we using see dollar signs. $3-10K per year for hourlies and one year of a manager’s salary. Entry level is $44K but changes based on education, experience, market, role but most importantly, your negotiation skills! I’ve seen someone negotiate parking, cell phones, vacation days, etc. But what else? Separation costs/Intangibles: Talent, good will motivators, champions, skills, dedication, harmony, smiling faces, etc.

30 What else?

31 How many of you speak another language(s) besides English?
What is you were required to only speak English in school, church, at home? Do you think other countries require native tongue? How does this affect the housekeeping department? Other departments? Are there times when being multilingual will benefit the operation? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in the workplace. July 2 so we’re not even a complete 55 years strong yet!!

32 What motivates you?

33 It varies from person to person and changes over time!

34 Chapter 4 Adults learn buy doing and want practical information on not theories. Diversity is diverse Be prepared and know the laws. Think outside the box. Network, network, NETWORK!!! Recruiting must be fair and objective. Training is an ongoing process facilitated by coaching. Employees must know how they’re being evaluated. Scheduling/labor are big chances to save or loss money. Productivity is fickle…don’t stress, just adjust accordingly. Motivation keeps them going and coming back! Always follow up or “check-in” (2 minutes, 2 bites)



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