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S-127 – Marine Traffic Management Release Candidate NIPWG 6 30 January 2019 Raphael Malyankar Eivind Mong Sponsored by IHO.

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1 S-127 – Marine Traffic Management Release Candidate NIPWG 6 30 January 2019
Raphael Malyankar Eivind Mong Sponsored by IHO

2 Overview Contracted work on development of Edition of the S-127 (Marine Traffic Management) product specification has been completed. The product specification and associated files (XML feature catalogue, GML schemas, data sample) are on the NIPWG product specifications site (NIPWG Letter 7/2018). URL: ecs.htm The current version is the third iteration on S-127. NIPWG member comments on Draft 0.2 were considered. No significant changes were requested to Draft 0.2. There are some clarifications and minor revisions.

3 Comments Received and Changes
Draft 0.2 incorporated revisions arising from the first round of NIPWG reviews (on Draft 0.1). Edition took the second round of reviews (on Draft 0.2) into consideration. A total of 34 comments were received from NIPWG members in the second round of reviews. 1 comment was held over from Draft 0.1. New comments: Main document: 1 comment; DCEG, 2 comments; Application schema (data model and individual items), 31 comments. The comments for the application schema included 22 related to NPUB modeling; the rest were about items originating in ENC (S-101) data modeling. The S-101 items were put off for future discussion between NIPWG and the S-101 team. Another 4 items were added during work since draft 0.2 for harmonization with S-101, and 1 for general conformance to S-100. Work on Edition of S-127 was done before S was finalized and a final comparison is necessary.

4 Other changes The product specification was updated to conform to the (then) most current (and nearly final) draft of S-100 Edition and recent decisions in the S-100 working group. Metadata was updated to conform to Edition Schematron rules were extended to check certain attribute value restrictions which are specific to features. The GML data sample was expanded.

5 Other matters The XML feature catalogue is still hand-crafted – determined after discussion with the NIPWG Chair and IHO. This is because of (a) problems in the IHO GI registry entries and (b) problems in the feature catalogue builder as it was in October/November The DCEG uses pictorial depictions of attributes and relationships in the feature tables instead of row-by-row lists. (An IHO DCEG builder is still a work in progress.) The DCEG does not include content that duplicates sections of Appendix C-2 (the printable XML feature catalogue). Attributes are defined there, including the listed values of enumerations and their definitions. Replaced

6 Distribution package The main product specification.
Data Classification and Encoding Guide (Appendix A). Application schema documentation (Appendix B), generated automatically. Feature catalogue in XML, as well as a Word file presenting the contents of the XML file in readable form (Appendixes C-1 and C-2). Data format specification (Appendix D) consisting of GML schemas and a Schematron file that captures many constraints on data values. The “schemas” portion of the distribution (the “schemas” zip folder) includes generic S-100 schemas, the S-100 GML profile, and certain ISO schemas, which are referenced in the data format or data sample. Specification of data validity checks (Appendix E), as a Word file. GML data sample created from the sample S-127 text file prepared by NGA for NIPWG and presented at earlier NIPWG meetings. Replaced

7 Conclusion Any errors should be reported before 31 May 2019.
Don’t wait until the last minute. Corrections will be applied, extensions and modifications will be for the next major version - Edition 2.

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