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Washington DC Chapter PDI

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1 Washington DC Chapter PDI
March 30, 2004 Sustaining Transformation: A Network Centric Enterprise Paradigm Corporate Panel

2 Moderator Opening Remarks Beth Ewing, VP, Bank of America
Agenda Moderator Opening Remarks Beth Ewing, VP, Bank of America Gus Gustafson, ADAS-FO&T, SAF-FM Woody Jackson, Partner, KPMG Mark Jendzejec, VP, Northrop Grumman IT Moderator Closing Remarks Q & A

3 Ultimate Success: Warfighter Effectiveness
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "And we must transform not only our armed forces, but also the Department that serves them by encouraging a culture of creativity and intelligent risk taking. “Of course there will always be resistance to change -- that's not surprising -- change isn't easy. People get comfortable to where they are in life. And this is a big institution. I suppose changing it is like turning a giant ship. It doesn't spin on a dime. It's not a speedboat. It's an important institution, and it's probably good that it takes time. But the ship is turning. I do believe that we are making progress. I can feel the turn.”

4 Contact Information Rob Fitzgerald Executive Director Defense Programs Northrop Grumman IT Office: Beth Ewing V.P. Federal Government Banking Bank of America Office: Gus Gustafson Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary Financial Operations, US Air Force Office: Woody Jackson Partner, KPMG Office: Mark Jendzejec V.P. Mission Support Systems Northrop Grumman IT Office:

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