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WIFI: RSM-Wireless Password: SnLE5BqGKV

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1 WIFI: RSM-Wireless Password: SnLE5BqGKV
Making the Most of the IPG Skills Hub Tom Bonnick (Nosy Crow) & Nina O’Reilly (Bloomsbury) WIFI: RSM-Wireless Password: SnLE5BqGKV

2 Building skills for independent publishers
Tom Bonnick Nosy Crow Nina O’Reilly Bloomsbury May be good to say upfront why you’re championing SH. IPG Autumn Conference September 2017 IPG Autumn Conference September 2017

3 Have you accessed the IPG Skills Hub yet ?
The interactive bit #1 Use your handheld voting device to answer the following question: Have you accessed the IPG Skills Hub yet ? Yes/No

4 391 registered users from 223 organisations
The story so far… 391 registered users from 223 organisations 43 courses and resources Remind everyone that SH: Is free to all IPG members and their staff includes courses and resources to support all areas of publishing – marketing and publicity, editorial, data, as well as personal development. is an individual rather than an organisation-wide resource. Anyone who works for an IPG member can access the Hub and set up their own personal learning log. Say that there’s still some way to go on individual registrations. 342 course completions

5 Join other happy Hub users:
User feedback Join other happy Hub users: “We’ve benefited from the pool of knowledge in the Skills Hub.” Foe Publishing "The IPG Skills Hub provides members with the training support they need to stay competitive. Quite a number of our staff have been on courses already. And there is something for everyone. “ Kathryn Earle, Bloomsbury “Our staff are particularly excited about the IPG Skills Hub.” Trigger Press While this slide is showing, perhaps focus on why you like the Hub - any personal feedback from your own experience or that of your colleagues would be great. “The information on the IPG Skills Hub has been invaluable…” Bog Eyed Books

6 Have you completed a course on the Skills Hub?
The interactive bit #2 Use your handheld voting device to answer the following question: Have you completed a course on the Skills Hub? Yes/No Intro: SH tracks when you’ve completed a course. Run vote. Result; If not why not? Segway into top completions; most popular courses and ideas for easy ways to use the Hub.

7 Top course completions
Big this up a bit. Explain that this is the total number of courses completed by organisation. And the number one is: Sweet Cherry, followed by Bloomsbury, Policy Press, Pavilion and JKP.

8 Most popular courses 1. The Copy Lab: why copywriting matters and what to do about it 2. Publicity essentials 3. What's hot and what's not in rights Pitch Doctor: how to present a book 5. FAQs: editorial The most popular completed courses. Maybe say how this represents the range of courses and resources on the Hub – both in terms of type and topic.

9 Five easy ways to use the Hub
As a skills builder/cv-booster (personal learning logs) In induction programmes for new staff/interns At appraisal time To access expert advice As a free mini-conference (new ideas and reflection) See also text of CGT blog Challenge the idea that no-one has time for training. SH is accessible online anytime, anywhere and has resources that can and should be an integral part of personal and organisational development. Here are just some ideas for how to use the Hub.

10 Take the challenge 30 minutes each week to find just one thing to support personal development and/or build competitive edge Explain what this is – IPG is encouraging all members to take this up.

11 Feedback Sharing Buy-in Commitment
SH is a communal resource. Use it, learn from it, share feedback, get involved!

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