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Coarse phasing JWST using Non- Redundant Tilts (NRT) in TFI a back-up method requiring no extra hardware Anand Sivaramakrishnan JWST TFI Science Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Coarse phasing JWST using Non- Redundant Tilts (NRT) in TFI a back-up method requiring no extra hardware Anand Sivaramakrishnan JWST TFI Science Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coarse phasing JWST using Non- Redundant Tilts (NRT) in TFI a back-up method requiring no extra hardware Anand Sivaramakrishnan JWST TFI Science Team (NRM lead) JAM team lead Stony Brook University Physics & Astronomy Department Peter G. Tuthill University of Sydney & JAM Team D. Scott Acton Ball Aerospace STScI TIPS JIM November Yesterday morning I awoke to an from Peter Tuthill, a key JAM Team member, telling me he won a senior Australian fellowship, the Futures Fellowship. This is a big deal for the JAM team. The award will enable him to focus on JWST and space aperture masking, including wavefront sensing, over the next four years. Peter is responsible for the detailed design of the non-redundant mask in TFI.

2 JWST Commissioning Exit gate: no segment deviates in piston from the mean piston of all segments by >~ 300nm

3 Baseline method: Dispersed Hartmann Sensing
Well-understood Works well on WFSC testbed Two of them in 2 NIRCams STScI expert Erin Elliott Looks good Even with AO remnant speckles are the dominant noise source

4 Why develop back-up? Comfort Uses different instrument than NIRCam SW
Flexible diagnostic tool, mitigate risks No new hardware required Look at the NRT idea for show-stoppers Even with AO remnant speckles are the dominant noise source

5 Image Stacking before Coarse Phasing
segment images must be moved to fall at a common location on one of the NIRCam SCA’s - “Stack Center” Large moves inaccurate, small moves accurate (details ITAR)

6 Groups of three segments

7 Groups of four segments


9 Spectral Bandwidth

10 Filters Capture range L = lc/b = R.l TFI R=100 4-5um NIRCam LW
R=100 4 filters 2np ambiguity: 3 wavelengths

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