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The Speckled Monster Activity (a).

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1 The Speckled Monster Activity (a)



4 Smallpox Data Collection Table
Each week record the number of deaths and new cases in each home Work out the total deaths in the village.

5 Smallpox Data Collection Table
Each week record the number of deaths and new cases in each home Work out the total deaths in the village.

6 THE SWAN INN Number of survivors? Who survived? 1 Why? Mrs Mary West
She caught and survived smallpox when she was a girl – she is immune to smallpox

7 THE BLACKSMITH Number of survivors? Who survived? 1 Why? Oliver Norton
Oliver was healthy and lucky – his body managed to fight off the disease

8 THE MANOR Number of survivors? Who survived? 1 Why? Betty Bainbridge
She didn’t catch the disease

9 MARSTON HALL Number of survivors? Who survived? 6 Why?
The deLacey family, William Lines, Ethel Brown Percy deLacey put Ethel into isolation when she fell ill and banned Henry from going to The Manor. Ethel was healthy and lucky and her body fought off the disease, but it left her blind

10 CHESTNUT COTTAGE Number of survivors? Who survived? 1 Why?
Elizabeth Wynne She didn’t catch the disease

11 cowpox had smallpox before The Survivors isolation healthy and lucky

12 = immunity? cowpox

13 This activity was produced by the Association for Science Education
© ASE and James Films This activity was produced by the Association for Science Education in partnership with James Films Concept cartoon by Millgate House Education

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