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“Transforming Learning through Teaching” MLAD Meeting February 22, 2008 Tracy Price, Faculty Director Center for Teaching Excellence Lansing Community.

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Presentation on theme: "“Transforming Learning through Teaching” MLAD Meeting February 22, 2008 Tracy Price, Faculty Director Center for Teaching Excellence Lansing Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Transforming Learning through Teaching” MLAD Meeting February 22, 2008 Tracy Price, Faculty Director Center for Teaching Excellence Lansing Community College

2 Problem Posting Individually, take two minutes to address the following question. If your campus were developing an ongoing faculty seminar (or already has one), what two or three goals would you have for this seminar?

3 Transforming Learning trough Teaching Goals
Model appropriate course planning and development practices.

4 “I especially like the modeling in the seminar sessions
“I especially like the modeling in the seminar sessions.  This gives participants much better insight into how the techniques work and how they might be applied in their own classes - compared to just reading about them.”

5 Provide opportunities for application, reflection and reevaluation as faculty acquire knowledge about various learning-centered strategies and techniques modeled and/or discussed in the seminar such as ongoing assessment, active and collaborative learning, the appropriate use of technology, learning styles, creating an inclusive environment, discussion techniques, etc.

6 “I especially like the hands-on activities, that give us a chance to try new class techniques rather than just talk about them.”

7 “TLTT provides an opportunity for participants to examine and evaluate concrete techniques for improving their content delivery. It also provides opportunities to develop and refine participants’ personal teaching goals and philosophy. These opportunities can be hard to come by on your own.”

8 Provide an opportunity for faculty to network with colleagues from across disciplines to share successes and resolve challenges.

9 “I like the opportunity to network with colleagues, especially colleagues who teach in different subject areas.  Teaching can be very isolating—colleges should provide more opportunities for faculty to get together and discuss their work.” 

10 Foster an environment of collegial sharing and learning.
Help new faculty learn more about and feel a part of the LCC community.

11 What barriers would you expect in developing a similar seminar at your campus?

12 How would you overcome or address these barriers?

13 “This seminar addresses real world teaching issues that we all face on a weekly basis. While some topics may not be pertinent to my current class, I can glean and store useful information for future teaching assignments. The handouts are helpful for jogging my memory and the three ring binder a godsend for organizing with my busy schedule! I love the fact that you give us a say in what we learn.”

14 “How would you assess the effectiveness of an ongoing seminar?”

15 Demographics Spring 99 through Spring 07

16 Pre Assessment Results Spring 99 through Spring 07

17 Post Assessment Results Spring 99 through Spring 07


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