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Our Pràrthana.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Pràrthana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Pràrthana

2 Pràrthana Sanskrit for ‘Prayer’ Never meant to be “begging”
Prārthana is meant to be invocation Invocation not of any deity Invocation of strength within Prārthana is a method to help concentrate Concentrate on task at hand Concentrate on our own strength Helps keep mind in a fair and a balanced state Etymology, real meaning of the word.

3 Sangh Pràrthana In sangh, prārthana sung at the end of shākha
Not just a prayer but a collective vow Initially, one shloka in Hindi other in Marathi From 1940s, prārthana in Sanskrit, unites Hindus not only in Bhārat but all over world Our vishwa prārthana has 8 stanzas Same prārthana for all countries outside Bhārat History 1. Story about Guru ji, singing alone 2.

4 Aspects of Our Pràrthana
Whom are we praying to? Who are “we”? What qualities are we seeking? What is our collective vision and mission? What are our means to realize this vision? Whose mission is this?

5 Whom Are We Praying To? Mother Earth Who is auspicious to all
Fulfills our desires The ultimate refuge

6 Whom Are We Praying To? Paramātmā
The seat of eternal bliss, happiness, intellect Responsible for welfare of universe The genesis of eternal principles The supreme being – Param Aatma

7 But Who is “We”? We, who are … Assembled here in the shākha
Driven by the ethics of universal dharma Seeking auspicious blessings from Him for achieving this goal

8 5 Qualities We Seek from Him
Qualities of a dedicated swayamsevak Unconquerable self-strength All conquering character Knowledge to enlighten us to move on our path of ideals

9 5 Qualities We Seek from Him
A firm and effulgent resolve for material progress as well as for spiritual growth which should blossom in our heart

10 5 Qualities We Seek from Him
A steadfast dedication towards the goal The goal of world peace in the light of universal dharma by organizing Hindu society

11 The Mission And The Vision
Pinnacle of glory Through the mission Of collective strength Of ever victorious endeavour Of sustaining and safeguarding Dharma

12 Whose Mission Is this? The divine mission God’s own work
The work of universal welfare Let us offer to this work our body made of sacrifice made of service made of resolve


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