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Presentation on theme: "The GODFATHER DIPLOMA MODULE VI: THE MARRIAGE AND RENUNCIATION OF KARDAMA MUNI CHAPTER 20: Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura CHAPTER 21: Conversation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GODFATHER DIPLOMA MODULE VI: THE MARRIAGE AND RENUNCIATION OF KARDAMA MUNI CHAPTER 20: Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura CHAPTER 21: Conversation between Manu and Kardama CHAPTER 22: The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti CHAPTER 23: Devahuti's Lamentation CHAPTER 24: The Renunciation of Kardama Muni REVISION AND EVALUATION OF MODULE SIX Añjana Suta Academy Rev

2 SB śaunaka uvāca mahīṁ pratiṣṭhām adhyasya  saute svāyambhuvo manuḥ kāny anvatiṣṭhad dvārāṇi  mārgāyāvara-janmanām Śrī Śaunaka inquired: O Sūta Gosvāmī, after the earth was again situated in its orbit, what did Svāyambhuva Manu do to show the path of liberation to persons who were to take birth later on?

3 Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura
CHAPTER 20 Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura Summary This chapter is marvellous. It starts a new Module which will begin to describe the activities of Svayambhuva Manu and his children. We on the Curriculum Development Team are returning from a Semester break and this chapter starts with a question by the Sages for Maitreya's narrative of creation to please continue where it left off, with the creation of Manu, and then what where his subsequent activities. However, it regresses and reviews the entire Canto: Why did Vidura leave home? What did he discuss with Maitreya muni - Sarga, Visarga? In the next chapter Manu's activities will start. We see a thread of material sex desire also passing through all of this this Visarga, confusing everyone, demon and gods.

4 SB  — Vidura said: Since you know of matters inconceivable to us, tell me, O holy sage, what did Brahmā do to create living beings after evolving the Prajāpatis, the progenitors of living beings?

5 SB  — From the navel of the Personality of Godhead Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu sprouted a lotus flower effulgent like a thousand blazing suns. This lotus flower is the reservoir of all conditioned souls, and the first living entity who came out of the lotus flower was the omnipotent Brahmā

6 SB  — First of all, Brahmā created from his shadow the coverings of ignorance of the conditioned souls. They are five in number and are called tāmisra, andha-tāmisra, tamas, moha and mahā-moha. SB  — He then created the chief demigods, who were shining with the glory of goodness. He dropped before them the effulgent form of daytime, and the demigods sportingly took possession of it.

7 SB  — Lord Brahmā then gave birth to the demons from his buttocks, and they were very fond of sex. Because they were too lustful, they approached him for copulation. Essay A homosexual comes to the Sunday Feast. How do you explain homosexuality in general society and in ISKCON to him? After discussing send this off to the news paper.

8 SB  — One day Brahmā, the self-born, the first living creature, felt as if the object of his life had been accomplished. At that time he evolved from his mind the Manus, who promote the welfare activities of the universe.

9 Conversation between Manu and Kardama
CHAPTER 21 Conversation between Manu and Kardama Summary Compare SB and Seems like this Chapter just goes back to the question in SB 3.20 after Brahma doing a recapitulation. Makes for a natural Semester break. The answer to this question organizes the structure of the SB from here to the end of Canto Seven. Vidura asks about, and gives brief summary of the descendents of Svayambhuva Manu. Being ordered by Brahma, Kardama Muni worshipped Lord Visnu, Who’s features are described at the moment of His appearance before Sage Kardama.

10 Conversation between Manu and Kardama
CHAPTER 21 Conversation between Manu and Kardama Summary (cont’d) Seeing Lord Visnu, Kardama offered prayers to Him. Do you find the Sanskrit of these prayers nice? Lord’s lotus feet are mentioned also? Glorification of Cakra and Sankhya of this material world are mentioned. Kardama expresses his desires and why he thinks Lord will satisfy them. Lord Visnu replied explaining that He had already arranged to satisfy Kardama’s desires and then proceeds to predict how this will happen. Kardama waited for the arrival of Manu as predicted by Lord Visnu and his hermitage is described.

11 Conversation between Manu and Kardama
CHAPTER 21 Conversation between Manu and Kardama Summary (cont’d) Kardama addressed Svayambhuva Manu, glorifying his actions as the administrative head and asked him why he had come to his, Kardama’s Ashram. This chapter is full of demonstration that real yoga, as amply demonstrated by Kardama Muni, is Bhakti-yoga. There are so many nice points in this chapter. Even in 100 years one cannot fully appreciate all of Srila Prabhupada’s books. Know a little bit about everything and a lot about one thing. We will show you some of the notes we are collecting. You should also collect things that are important to your position and service!

12 Conversation between Manu and Kardama
CHAPTER 21 Conversation between Manu and Kardama Summary (cont’d) Very good discussion of how Karma-yoga to progressively satisfy sex desire is a desirable step to pure Bhakti-yogi. Profound details on Grhastha and Stri-dharma. Really impossible to note all the details. This Chapter should be studies thoroughly in Seminars of Grhastha life. However, our thesis is that we don’t have to make too much separate study however because the Acharya will give us a guided, detailed study of these points as we go through the subsequent cantos. Vedic education is spiral.

13 The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti
CHAPTER 22 The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti Manu and Kardama glorify each other and their social relations in Varna-ashrama. Then Kardama accepts Devahuti and Manu feels great separation from his daughter but goes back and leads an exemplary life of Grhastha ashrama.

14 SB  — I have fortunately been instructed by you, and thus great favor has been bestowed upon me. I thank God that I have listened with open ears to your pure words. Purport:  Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī has given directions, in his Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, on how to accept a bona fide spiritual master and how to deal with him. First, the desiring candidate must find a bona fide spiritual master, and then he must very eagerly receive instructions from him and execute them. This is reciprocal service. Manu said that since he was advised and instructed by Kardama Muni, he was very much favored. He considered himself lucky to receive the message by aural reception. It is especially mentioned here that one should be very inquisitive to hear with open ears from the authorized source of the bona fide spiritual master.

15 He instructs him through the ear, not privately, but publicly
 He instructs him through the ear, not privately, but publicly. “You are fit for such and such work in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. You can act in this way.” One person is advised to act in Kṛṣṇa consciousness by working in the Deities’ room, another is advised to act in Kṛṣṇa consciousness by performing editorial work, another is advised to do preaching work, and another is advised to carry out Kṛṣṇa consciousness in the cooking department. There are different departments of activity in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and a spiritual master, knowing the particular ability of a particular man, trains him in such a way that by his tendency to act he becomes perfect. 

16  If one is a literary man, he can write articles and poetry for the service of the Lord under the direction of the spiritual master. One has to receive the message of the spiritual master regarding how to act in one’s capacity, for the spiritual master is expert in giving such instructions.

17 Devahuti's Lamentation
CHAPTER 23 Devahuti's Lamentation The super excellent example of the stages in self-realization of a good Grhastha couple in VAD continues with the actual life of enjoyment, austerity, and then renunciation. This is especially demonstrated for women. This chapter is a great gift from the Parampara for women. In sequence we see her service, he acknowledges, then she asks for material enjoyment, he satisfies her, he renounces and she laments and he gives her transcendental gift.

18 It is not titled Their Enjoyment but Renunciation
It is not titled Their Enjoyment but Renunciation. We notice many times that the Chapter Title is what happens at the end of the Chapter. Very useful comparisons of service of wife to husband and disciple (Sannyasa disciple) to Guru. Good point that an ordinary husband cannot expect such a wife as Devahuti and vice-a-versa, but they serve as the perfect example, contrast, to our lives.

19 Prabhupada tried to make all the Temple Presidents follow the example of Kardama and Devahuti, but was too advanced. This Module is super preparation for Kapila’s Instructions. Devahuti will be in a position to appreciate them and so will we.

20 SB  — My lord, surely I have been solidly cheated by the insurmountable illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for in spite of having obtained your association, which gives liberation from material bondage, I did not seek such liberation.

21 The Renunciation of Kardama Muni
CHAPTER 24 The Renunciation of Kardama Muni Summary This Chapter finishes this Module and we see broad general divisions in this canto with these Module groupings. This Third Canto starts with the circumstances of the meeting of Vidura and Sage Maitreya. Then there is description of the creation and structure of the universe. This goes to the specific details of the residence of Svayambhuva Manu and Satarupa and the history of that endeavor. Then there are these chapters which give such deep, deep education in Varna-ashrama-dharma. These need so much more work to be translated into material for educating people about marriage and in this chapter Sannyasa.

22 The Renunciation of Kardama Muni
CHAPTER 24 The Renunciation of Kardama Muni Summary (cont’d) Then with the instructions of Kapila-deva we will see again physical analysis of the cosmos but then in terms of our individual body as a means of Sankhya yoga. The Varna-ashrama-dharma is also cosmology. This chapter specifically can be easily analyzed into sections. What sections do you see? So far we have seen duty of father, wife, husband, and now we will see how to take and execute Sannyasa and details of types of Sannyasa.

23 34-35 – Super contemplation on Sannyase life
34-35 – Super contemplation on Sannyase life. It is for Sannyasis for their practice, for instructing Sannyasa candidates and for Grhasthas to understand how to relate to them. For example a girl may be proud of her chastity, a Vaishya may be proud of having given a good donation for Temple construction. Of what is a Sannyasi proud? What are the two types of Sannyasis? Which type was Kardama Muni? How many days can a Sannyasi stay? Sannyasa is forbidden in Kali-yuga along with horse sacrifices etc. yet who “must take sannyasa? How can a Sannyasi engage in practical meditation in the current age?

24 40 – “She has only three stages…”
40 – “She has only three stages…”. Does this mean that ladies are not Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas or Sudras? Seems so. They are ladies and they have ladies Dharma. They have B, K, V, S tendencies but their natural situation is to help their father, husband… and take shelter of them.

25 Read Chapter 24

26 Thank you all very much

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